Please make your selection, Veeky Forums

Please make your selection, Veeky Forums.

is that a stack of sliced provolone

Yeah but wouldn't you rather have one of those logs?

One round, one square, and one oval, please

wtf, is that ibeing used for serving the public or being used as some sort of ghetto refrigerator "in the back" no...

the tomato/orange please

I prefer kraft single with ROUND bolagna

1lb hot capicola

which one is the capicola?

No scrapple? No thanks

The one next to the gabagool

For me it's the block of salami.

>ayyyy di boopi di boppy!
>two pound a' da gabagoo anna pounda da pink brick
>and agimmie da hot dog what's looks ta been soakin in a tuppahweah
>how's ya motha

... I didn't even notice that until you mentioned it. What IS that thing in the bucket?

A pickled sausage of some kind? I'd never heard of having anything like that on a sandwich, though.

Give me a surprise from the darkened mystery shelf.

>that'll be four hundred dollars please

there's some truly weird-looking shit there

If you moved tons of sandwiches in a given day, how else, exactly, would you store meat hunks that you had to take out and slice up every other minute?


if you know what I mean *wink* *wink*

Wouldn't the stack of cheese slices dry out?

i would ask for some genona salami but id be concerned with why nothing is covered by plastic or wax paper or anything and just sitting on some little fisher price plates...and why there is deli meat in a tub of water.

you should still leave it covered by something when you put it back in the display case. ive worked in a deli, the stuff you are slicing non stop is fine, but as soon as you dont have a line of customers, youd still cover it. Im sure this little deli isnt non stop slicing all of that meat. the cheese is probably fine to leave out for a little while, but not slices like that, it should be in a bag. Is this in some 3rd world country?