Is this pretty much the worst food ever?

Is this pretty much the worst food ever?

How do you jazz this up so it doesn't taste like extreme poverty?

honey or fresh fruit

>the current year
>eating literal horse feed

Go to bed, Mr. Ed.

You misspelled best.

>doesn't spike your blood sugar
>long slow energy burn throughout the day
>delicious with brown sugar, or maple syrup, or cinnamon and apples, or really any fruit

Milk, cinnamon and a whole egg beaten through the mix.

Roasted sesame seeds, orange and pork bites.

I add cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, ginger, peanut butter and whey protein.

Sometimes fruit and nuts as well.

>Quaker steel cut oats
>1 cup of a 1:1 ratio of milk to water mixture plus a dash of salt
>bring to boil on medium-high heat
>add half a cup of oats
>reduce heat to medium-low
>add 1/2tsp cinnanom
>1/4tsp nutmeg
>cook, stirring, until desired consistency
>serve in bowl
>stir in honey and small amount of half and half

Name a flaw.

Plain quick oats and sliced banana. Nothing else.

eat grits

brown sugar
sliced banana
splash of milk

Done. It's now good.

Milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, ground clove, raisins, brown sugar/syrup & vanilla extract is one way I like it.

Honey and strawberries but when I was a kid I'd put chocolate syrup in it

apple, banana, berries, peanut butter, various milks, cinnamon, brown sugar, granola, etc.

It's the one food you can microwave in confidence without it spoiling

Meat. Ham or bacon will work. Crack an egg into it while it's cooking. Sweet porridges are for plebs.

Lime and coconut.
Peanut butter banana.
Chocolate orange.
Pear and yogurt.
Honey pinch of salt.

>50 minutes of cooking for 2 bites


Magerquark + Oatmeal contain so much proteins, it's not even funny. It also tastes like rancid poverty now. Add milk and bananas for potassium and sweetness.

Mine morning oats are pretty strange - i add pinch of salt and pepper, teaspoon of virgin olive oil and mix it with diced kiwi and banana. You can try it out, but as I said, it's weird, but I like it this way.



2 part oats, 1 part water+1 part milk, pinch of salt, sugar to taste. Perfect.

Was? Nenne mir ein besseres Hebernahrungsmittel. Protipp: Es gibt keins.

Peanut butter and bananas

>>doesn't spike your blood sugar
>>add syrup to it
You dun diddled

>5min cooking for >20 bites

Chopped banana and raspberries at the bottom, with a teaspoon or two of low calorie/low sugar chocolate syrup. Mix sugar free cocoa powder into it as it cooks so the porridge is chocolatey.
You can thank me later.

I add a pat of butter and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Muy bien.

I've been eating oats every morning for years. Best thing I've ever had. Keeps me more satiated than cereal or bread.

First things first it's got to be Jumbo oats and not broken pieces or meal which just turns into wall paper paste. Jumbo when cooked slowly will give an unctuous smooth gell mouth feel as opposed to grainy/stodgy. I make mine with 100% water and by the time it's done it feels almost like I've added milk.

So I warm up 2 cups water in kettle and add it to 3/4 cup oats. I put a banana in there along with a date and some almonds and cook it on low for around 18-20 mins (usually it is barely simmering for most of that time).

That seems like a long time but I do pilates type exercises and come back later, by which time it turns into an unctuous gell. I think the Chinese do something similar with their rice porridge called congee. You know when it's right because you can pat the surface with a wooden spoon and it seems to stick without being dense or liquid like (sort of like when you beat egg whites to soft peaks if that makes sense)

bump for Veeky Forums food

How to make this shit palatable without destroying its healthiness by adding sugar?

Look into overnight oats. Steel cut oats ar great this way (much denser so you need to eat half that of rolled oats). Mix a quarter or half cup steel cut oats with a cup of milk and leave it (covered) in the fridge overnight. Chewy breakfast cereal whenever you want it.

If you wanna mix things up add ins are easy. Put a little cocoa powder in it. Or peanut butter (mind the calories though). Raisins are a favorite of mine. Add fresh fruit right before you eat it. Swirl in a little honey. Do whatever.

3 options:
protein powder. simple, already flavored, easy
peanut butter & fruit. "PBJ" oats
eggs and meat. Breakfast bowl. Instead of toast you have oatz.

Use Stevia instead, or honey.

I always use 4 packets of stevia mixed with 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed/chia seed mix.

I then chop up a banana and add a half pint of blueberries into it. There, now you have fats to absorb the nutrients from the oats/fruits and its tasty as fuck. Usually comes out to around 500 - 600 calories.

>Not wanting to be as strong as a horse.

are you kidding? with butter, brown sugar or maple syrup, and a bit of salt, its wonderful. you are nuts. it tastes like poverty cause you ate it when you were poor, maybe.

usually cinnamon and honey or banana, cheese and pepper if I'm out of grits

I actually don't like oatmeal but I eat it for breakfast all the time. Nothing really keeps you going during the day like it.
>8 eggs in the morning
>starving by 12
>big bowl of oatmeal in the morning
>can work to 2 no problem

The great thing about oatmeal is that it's a base, like bread. It adapts to most additions.

So I started eating oatmeal 'to get healthy' and I fucking hated it until I started using almond milk instead of regular.
Still boring though so I started adding coffee to it and it got a lot better.
Now I also add things as well as the coffee: ginger, cardamom, tumeric.
Some days if I can be bothered I do a savoury version with miso and mushrooms instead.

Savory oatmeal is best oatmeal.

First, lower your liquid amount because yours is viscous as fuck.

Add: olive oil, salt & pepper, parmesan cheese, fried eggs. You can add avocado if you want, because avocado is top tier meme food, but it doesn't really add anything texturally. Green onions for garnish if you're feelin' fancy

filling, delicious, pic related (not my pic but it gets the point across)

What the fuck, how can you dislike oatmeal? Even with just water it's decent and you can add basically anything. It's like saying you hate pasta/rice/flour. Just a fruit of choice and it's great.

Just put my oats in the fridge for tomorrow. 1/2 cup oats 1/2 cup milk, pumpkin pie spice, frozen blueberries. Using frozen fruit is awesome because it thaws out in the fridge and makes a natural fruit syrupy flavor. You can add chia seeds or yogurt but I prefer my progurt separate.

>How do you jazz this up so it doesn't taste like extreme poverty

Throw it out and eat human food instead.

Tip - if a meal doesn't include meat, it's not a meal.

>avocado is top tier meme food, but it doesn't really add anything texturally.

Hold on there now.

Avocado is a meme food because of Californians obsessing over every little slightly "exotic" food they come across. Even though Avocado isn't exactly exotic to California.

From what I remember it was basically left to Mexican food until some sushi restaurants in America realized it was very useful as a low-cost substitute for fatty tuna (toro). That's why the California roll includes it, since the other two standard ingredients provide crunch and firmness. The texture is there, it's just only appreciable in certain food combinations because it's one of those "melts-in-your-mouth" foods. So if it's in something very soft like oatmeal or with cheese and eggs, then of course you wouldn't notice it because there's nothing to contrast it with.

i can eat anything (liquorice, bananas, marmite, olives you name it) but i just cannot eat porridge made with water. making it with milk is cheating because it tastes amazing just oats and milk.

Shredded cheese