Why does McDonald's Coke taste different?
Why does McDonald's Coke taste different?
Xenoestrogens in the soda water.
The straw
They buy packets of syrup and put it in their own carbonated water so the ratio is different then the bottled stuff
the depressed look of wageslaves feet away makes it extra sweet
this is correct
Nice made up word, amerifat
well restaurants do that
Coke goes great with all that semen disgruntled wage slaves and horny teen workers shoot into the special sauce and on your burgers
don't believe me? Suck a cock and then drink a coke
>Suck a cock and then drink a coke
Do Americans really do this?
apparently, they deliver the coke to mcdonadls in titanium or something like that containers contraty to what use for the rest which makes it taste better
yep, mickey ds got a deal with coke way back and the two enjoy a symbiotic relationship
The water's filtrated, if I remember. But the fact it's a syrup might have an effect too
It comes in plastic bags
Coke employee here, they have special filters for the water, and the syrup mix is a tiny bit different compared to other outlets.
more syrup in the mixture, wider straws
It isn't
You eat the salty dry McDonalds food and the coca cola complements it really well
I don't know, I don't hang out with my dealer at all
Because they filter their tap water whereas everywhere else just runs it straight into the machines.
ive even seen some autists fucking dip their BURGERS in the coke for fucks sake
They are anal about their water and it shows
Soda might taste different at different places. All depends on how their machine operates. McDonald's probably has it perfected and it wouldn't surprise me if they used their own water and some special co2. I like Gatorade from the bottle but the one from our fountain at work tastes like shit.
$20,000 water purification systems onsite. That is the main difference.