foods that only women eat
Foods that only women eat
I ate some triscuits about two weeks ago, and I felt like the girth of my penis shrunk. Same length, just not as big around. Thought it had to do with it adapting to my gf's tight pussy, but damn, I might be getting a feminine penis.
>not liking triscuits with spinach dip
plebs need to fuck off
Do you ever read a comment and just think to yourself, "what the fuck"?
If you don't like triscuits you can get the fuck out of here
Fuck you OP. Triscuits are delicious
nothin wrong with being a woman
Sushi is objectively feminine, it explains everything about Japan.
my raw animal flesh better give mme diseases god damn it, or my ballsack ight shrivel up and fall off from the hydroestrogens found in all seafood (and some storebought crackers)
>foods that only women eat
I must be trans, then, because Rosemary and Olive Oil Triscuits are in-fucking-credible. I never even liked Triscuits before I tried those.
>objectively feminine
Prove it.
How about you prove it isn't, I already made my case. It is Japanese, Japs are the most pathetic males to exist. Their country is in a population crisis because there are too few men with enough balls to even approach a girl. They also produce anime which has increased in femininity at a mind boggling pace in the last two decades.
I will grant them a good work ethic and a good drinking culture but these are outliers in a society of sissy mommas boys.
Nobody's denying that Japs are the biggest cucks in the world, but it's because of all the soy they eat which is full of xenoestrogens. Sushi has nothing to do with it.
Also, you made the claim so you have to prove it.
I did prove it. Japs are feminine thus their national dish is feminine. It is you who have failed to disprove it. I will assume your reluctance to provide a contrary argument is admission of my evidence. Sushi is feminine, case closed.
I will add, I have nothing against the crackers used as an example by OP. They are not feminine in my opinion. Dangerously close, but not quite.
im a literal tranny and i fucking love triscuits so i guess this checks out OP. you heard it here first triscuits are tranny food
go shoot some estrogen, faggot.
which type of tranny?
Because X is path connected, we need be concerned only with the uniqueness of connecting paths. Suppose π1(X) = 0. If f and g are two paths from x0 to x1, then f ≃ f·g·g̃ ≃ g since the loops g̃·g and f·g̃ are each homotopic to constant loops, using the assumption π1(X, x0) = 0 in the latter case. Conversely, if there is only one homotopy class of paths connecting a basepoint x0 to itself, then all loops at x0 are homotopic to the constant loop and π1(X, x0) = 0.
3spd auto
Your 'proof' starts with a supposition faggot, not proofy enough for me. There are only two variables, sushi and femininity and one constant, japs. Since japs = feminine and sushi = japs then sushi = feminine.
Fuck both of you.
the kind with a dick.
Anything with "thin" or "skinny" in the brand/name of the product
craft beer
yes there is, you fucking woman faggot
I've never seen a woman drink a craft beer in my life other than to taste one a guy is drinking.
Chocolate or chocolate-flavored anything.
Ranch dressing.
Diet anything.
All things associated with Vegans.
Sour creme.
Any booze that isn't warm whiskey from a dusty bottle.
Coffee creamer.
Cranberry juice (what are you on your period?)
your pumpkin pie chocolate cake stout from your hipster microbrewery is directly targeted at women, regardless of whether they have a penis or not
Never heard of it. You seem upset.
Fire is manly. Therefore cooking food is manly. Delicate texture and delicate subtle flavors of raw fish are inherently feminine. If women had their way we'd still be subsisting in jungles eating everything raw with puny brains
You missed that part after I said prove it's not. Where I proved it was. Your valuable post really added to the discussion though. Another stunning post from user.
>Any booze that isn't warm whiskey from a dusty bottle.
That is just a pleb try hard opinion, 'any drink but whiskey isn't manly' is just as bad as craft beer faggots.
sour cream? for real?
I use sour cream for a lot of shit. baked potatoes, stroganoff, creme fraiche for eggs. cmon.
These are so fucking good though, I like all the flavors I've tried. So much flavor powder