Drinking Too Much Soda May Be Linked to Alzheimer’s
Don't post fake news bullshit. Post the study or don't post anything. I don't need some worthless imbecile to try and explain shit to me they don't even understand and repackage it into sensationalist garbage to farm more clicks. Fuck off
Here you go.
>only drink water and eat salad or you will literally die tomorrow
About had it with science and their bullshit
I thought Alzheimer's was genetic
it is. so is wanting to drink soda.
>processed meats will kill you
>cured meats will kill you
>red meats will kill you
>tuna fish will kill you
>soda will kill you
>IPAs give you boobies
>bottled water gives you boobies
>bananas are radioactive
>almonds are full of cyanide
>cinnamon is poisonous
Found the fat soda addicts.
Op thank you for posting this interesting study.
They don't know what alzheimers is so they keep trying to associate it with all the latest boogeyman fad corporate evils when in reality, geriatrics have been losing their minds since homo sapiens first crawled out of the slime of the primordial world.
guess what live is also deadly
>bananas are radioactive
this is new to me
I drink a lot of soda, but hey, at least I don't drink a lot of soda!
How do you remember?
Everyone who gets Alzheimer's disease drink water too. We should do something about that.
Who gives a shit? We're all gonna die one way or another. If you enjoy something, just indulge occasionally if you're that worried about it having adverse effects on your health.
>We're all gonna die one way or another Sodaapologist
I don't even drink soda, or juice for that matter. But that person was listing all sorts of common things that can affect your health negatively. As long as you aren't a complete retard you can still enjoy things without them fucking you up that quickly.
Everyone who drinks water eventually dies. This shit is pretty serious dude
Alzheimers is probably one of the best ways to go. You don't even know what's happening. Sure it sucks for the family, but fuck them if they can't take a joke.
>this is new to me
The bananas are radioactive thing is almost more of a meme really. One of the potassium isotopes found in practically everything that contains potassium gives off a teeny tiny amount of radioactivity. You'd have to eat hundreds of bananas in a single sitting to get the same amount of radioactivity that getting one x-ray gives you.
does coke zero count?
It counts double because of the artificial sweetener which will overexite your braincells, kill them and dumb you down.
What if I only drink pop?
im 24, is it too late for me? been drinking soda my whole life and switched to coke zero within the last two years
you can still type, there is hope
my grandmother has Alzheimer's, its a fucking nightmare. She shits herself all the time and even though she has to wear diapers she won't realize that she's shit herself so she will roam around the house in shit covered clothes. She's a massive burden on our entire family and I wish my parents would put her in a home
>Relative to consuming less than one sugary beverage per day, higher intake of sugary beverages was associated with lower total brain volume (1–2/day, β ± standard error [SE] = −0.55 ± 0.14 mean percent difference, P = .0002; >2/day, β ± SE = −0.68 ± 0.18, P < .0001), and poorer performance on tests of episodic memory (all P < .01)
So drinking more than 1 soda/day correlates with about ½ to 1% smaller brain size, but not a very statistically significantly difference in cognitive test scores.
From OP's article:
>That concern is based on the way diabetes status partially mediated the association between artificially sweetened beverage consumption and dementia. In other words, having diabetes may be more of a risk factor for dementia than consuming artificially sweetened beverages is. The relationships among beverage consumption, diabetes, and dementia remain unclear.
>All this, said Dean M. Hartley, director of Science Initiatives at the Alzheimer’s Association, points to an important reminder: Correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation. Dermody of the American Beverage Association emphasized this point: “The authors of this study acknowledge that their conclusions do not—and cannot—prove cause and effect.”
It may be that habitual sugary drink intake increases the likelihood of having diabeetus, and then the beetus increases risk for getting dementia.
The soda can may also add to the risk since it's made from aluminium which is also associated with altzheimers. Soda poses a bigger risk to corrode it because is acidic.
Hadn't though about that. It's why you can make a red sauce in reactive pans like seasoned cast iron and copper.
>Sales of soft drinks decreased about 1.2 per cent in the United States in 2016, falling for the 12th year in a row, a report by trade publication Beverage Digest showed, as demand was hit by consumer choosing healthier options and a slew of sugar taxes aimed at stemming obesity and diabetes.
>The per capita consumption of soft drinks, including energy drinks, fell to about 642 226g servings last year, the lowest level since 1985, when the Beverage Digest began tracking consumption trends, the publication said on Wednesday.
>Total volume for carbonated soft drinks dipped 0.8% in 2016, a drop that was less severe than 2015's 1.2% tumble and 2014's 0.9% decline, according to a new report from industry tracker Beverage Digest. The steepest volume declines were for Diet Pepsi (down 9.2%) and Diet Coke (falling 4.3%), with both losing market share last year though each still rank among the ten most popular soft drinks sold in the U.S. Diet Mountain Dew's volume dropped a more modest 0.1%.
>Full-calorie soda sales were also weak last year, as demand for Coke, Pepsi-Cola and Mountain Dew softened, Beverage Digest reports. There were some bright spots: volume increased for Sprite and Fanta, both brands that are made by Coca-Cola (KO, -0.32%). Dr Pepper Snapple's (DPS, -0.34%) core Dr Pepper brand also grew and the parent company gained market share last year. Within carbonated beverages, PepsiCo lost share and Coca-Cola's was flat.
Soda is slowly dying.
do you mean copper?
no, why do you think I was talking about chopper? soda cans aren't made from chopper
>Losing your mind, being confused all the time and dying alone surrounded by strangers who are inexplicably very sad is a great way to die.
>Soda is slowly dying.
Sadly there is enough other poison.
Good riddance
just cause it may cause you problems down the line doesn't mean you have to stop if you enjoy it. You just have to accept that you may die earlier or live some portion of your years suffering from some disease. Unless they cure it of course
Drink deep fellas
I don't know if it'll ever die. Americans have a sweet tooth. Plus it's ubiquitous - nearly everywhere you can get food you can get soda.
It's good to see that overall the country has been drinking less. Hopefully that trend will continue.
that just means you gotta live so unhealthy that death comes before the heimers