>once brought regular, run-off-the-mill cheese when visiting our american reps
>ever since they have requested us to bring it everytime
holy shit is the situation really this dire in america?
you literally have no real cheese
>once brought regular, run-off-the-mill cheese when visiting our american reps
>ever since they have requested us to bring it everytime
holy shit is the situation really this dire in america?
you literally have no real cheese
>Hourly reminder that gaymerican's literalley do not have real food only fake corn sirop and cemically combined waist byproducts
finished that for you chap
you're keyboard is must be broken im am sorry freind
>you literally have no real cheese
So, I don't know about the rest of the states, but at my local grocery store, cheese is typically sold in two different sections of the store. One for the every day cheeses like cheddar, colby jack, mozzarella, swiss, provolone, and parmesan, and one for "everything else". The everything else section is typically filled with a combination of imported cheeses and local artisan cheeses. I've seen this type of layout with separated cheese sections at Haggens, WinCo, Fred Meyers, and I think Safeway. I presume it is a common practice.
We're not lacking cheese here in the states. There's actually quite a variety here. Although many people might not come into contact with the better cheeses, since they are both kept in a separate section of the store from the common cheeses, and also are more expensive.
"We're not lacking cheese here..."
you namedrop cheddar, colby jack, mozzarella, swiss, probolone, and parmesan cheese as if we're supposed to be awed by what you consider normal cheese.
kys burger
I don't think that was his point at all. I think his point was that those are indeed pleb ass cheeses, and that all the good cheeses are in a different section, so that retard americans don't think to go there and check them out. Instead they just get their plebeian shitcheese.
I'm dying
All cheese produced in the USA is objectively, fucking shit.
Misinterpreting a Post: The post, The Novel, The Play, The Film
sonoma county in california has all kinds of cheese because there's a lot of dairy farms around here
>not dying every second
The Amish make some pretty knackin' cheeses when they actually feel like selling it
American "food" is 50% plastic, of course they want your cheese.
That doesn't help if your normal, regular cheese is considered toxic waste. They aren't allowed to produce proper cheese.
This is true, but the section of upscale supermarkets that carries imported cheeses still doesn't have cheese that's all that great, and the mark up is ridiculous.
This problem in America extends way beyond cheese. The same is true with most of our food. There's been a race to the bottom in terms of standards since the start of industrialized Agriculture. We like food cheap, and in order to get it as cheap as what's in our supermarkets you have to abandon any standard higher than "it's probably not poisonous". This is the stuff just about any price sensitive American eats.
There is top quality cheese (and just any other food product) available, but the average consumer doesn't have access to it. High end purveyors sell it to chefs in upscale restaurants. Rich people buy it at specialty shops and upscale farmers' markets. But Joe Blow from Idaho can't get it, and may even doubts it exists.
You know how it works
>every day cheeses like cheddar, colby jack, mozzarella, swiss, provolone, and parmesan
jesus christ
go back to your inane pedo posting and clueless rambling on /g/
what did he mean by this?
I have a guy come to work with me 3/4 times a year from N. Carolina.
I have a drawer in the bottom of my wardrobe full of his clothes and stuff, he needs the room in his case to "smuggle" proper cheese back home to the States. He says you can buy it but it costs like.... Stupid money and is all domestic.
Everyone please report this garbage
Don't forget that we can't even import the good stuff because of health restrictions.
>tfw you managed to smuggle some cheese and sausage from your trip to France
That's only a few cheeses that are illegal here. The bigger issue with so little of the good stuff being imported is the cost. Good cheese is expensive, and many Americans balk at anything much over $10-$12/lb. We even produce top tier cheese domestically, but you have to live near a producer or really upscale restaurant/shop to get it. And it frequently goes for $20-$25 bucks a pound, because the stuff isn't mass produced. Most Americans simply wouldn't pay that price. The few who will are rich, so they're the ones eating the good stuff, whether it's domestic or imported.
The standards are low for everybody else because when so much cheese is available for $6/lb most people won't spring for cheese that costs three or four times that. Same is true for many of our food products. The cheap shit domonates the market.
>flyovers can't get good imports
The imported food at most US supermarkets is generally the low grade mass produced brands from other countries that just happen to be a level up in quality from domestic low grade brands. The good stuff goes to specialty shops and restaurants.
That boondocks episode where grandad says that no white man can resist a piece of cheese is objectively true.
>flyovers can't get good imports
loooooooool left behind once again
>O B E S E
'Merican Niggers
when does this meme die?
>yurotrash LITERALLY saved this picture for the sole purpose of projecting his insecurities on the internet
oh im laffin
It's so nice of you to give away your family's food supply for the week to your American colleagues, Europoor.
Tried to buy yogurt with fruit in the USA, not ONE variety in the supermarket that didn't come preloaded with corn syrup as well.
Muricun cheese must be pasteurized in order to be sold. It makes a bland product. Most Murikun folk won't eat anything but bland food.
I think because people in America believe expensive cheese spoils more easily.
Is that true
>regular, run-off-the-mill cheese
The fuck is this even supposed to mean? It conjures up the image of some kind of generic "cheese". What kind of cheese is run-off-the-mill cheese, because that's like saying a run-off-the-mill dog, it doesn't actually mean anything.
what the fuck is so hard about buying yogurt and fruit and then mixing them together at home
idk why the fuck everyone is sperging out on this guy over semantics. he's completely right
my fred meyer has a sliced/shredded/American/shit cheese section and then a fancy cheese section
Wisconsin is the cheese capital of the world.
lrn 2 read, faggot
Not the user that posted it, but you know damn well he meant "run of the mill" which means the standard generic shit.
>the year 1800 + 217
>still needing to preserve milk
What Shitty 3rd worlders are you if you don't have refrigeration?
No, even with run of the mill what the fuck is "standard generic" cheese? I tell you I have a standard generic dog, that doesn't tell you fucking anything.
Man, Europeans and Canadians really are obsessed with America. They're so desperate to gloat about anything to try and feel superior while Muslims take over their country, that they choose to gloat about cheese, of all possible topics. Sad.
What? I'm a Burger and the way I see it:
American flap cheese, pre-ground parmesan in a canister, pre-sliced provolone/muenster in blister packs, pre-shredded mozzarella/cheddar/"Mexican Blend"/"Pizza Cheese" in Ziplock bags, American cheese in a whipped cream can, and Ricotta Paste in Plastic Tubs to be normal, cheap everyday cheeses. Those are the things most people I know usually have in their house. On the other hand, any cheese that actually comes in a wedge or ball or has a rind, like gouda, edam, brie, chevre, or carembert are what I would consider to be good cheeses. I never see these for sale anywhere and have only tasted them a small handful of times.
>I never see these for sale anywhere and have only tasted them a small handful of times.
Do you exclusively shop at discount grocery stores? Even saver shit like Winco carries this.
Stop acting like your flyover shithole is representative of how most people live.
Came here to post this.
I think it's likely just Americans trolling Americans. Either way...
>Eu faces when California wine beats their overpriced shit in competitions
>eu faces when Wisconsin cheese beats eu cheese at competitions
>Eu faces when USA wins back to back world wars and either saves or obiterates them respectively
I live in New Jersey. Yes, I usually shop at the cheapest grocery stores. But I have not seen anything like pic related at a Stop & Shop or Wal-Mart.
Yes, because it's stop & shop and wal-mart.
Have some fucking self respect, shop at a decent grocery store.
>Wet cheese
Not even once. I like my cheese hard and shreaded or on a sandwich, keep your vomit enducing rotten milk away from me.
>passionate about cheese
>USA wins back to back world wars and either saves or obiterates them respectively
something isnt quite right here
oh yeah
>winning world wars
Someone, who happens to be retarded, bashing the U.S.? Surprise, surprise
Really, this board needs flags.
Would reduce the shitposting by at least a quarter.
Camembert is illegal in America