Start flossing after not doing it for a while

>start flossing after not doing it for a while
>gums start to get swollen afterwards, pretty normal
>floss again today
>all of the swollen and inflamed gums pop/leak and a whole bunch of blood pops out
>swollen gums are now emptied so they are back to normal and not swollen anymore
>mouth was filled with delicious iron-y blood

such a good feel

also dental hygiene thread

Other urls found in this thread:

There's actually no medical evidence that flossing does anything

At best you're going to give yourself an infection gg

>don't floss
>piece of food inbetween teeth begins to fester with plaque
>800 dollar root canals for your molars

>t. Yellow teeth

Just get a Waterpik.

do those actually work? will my dentist still scold me if I use it?

>t. British

where have i seen this quirky motherfucker before

I have never flossed, go to the dentist twice a year, am 28, and have NEVER had a cavity or anything close to it.

Just brush 5 minutes 2-3 times a day and you are good.

FYI, dental hygiene is actually determined more by the shape of the teeth and the crevices in between teeth than brushing/flossing is. Some people naturally have wider gaps that allow for easier cleaning than others do.


What third world hell hole do you live in? You aren't supposed to floss anymore. You are supposed to use an interdental brush.


>floss and brush autistically
>went to dentist on tuesday
>one regular cavity plus all my wisdom teeth have cavities

If I lose my job before getting my insurance package I'm gonna lose my shit.

Americans and Japs have terrible teeth.

>Ameriteeth still floss

Do you also go for trepanning after you have been shot? But then you hack off the ends of your childrens genitals so you live in the dark ages any way you spin it.

Sorry I don't enjoy putting a vibrator in my mouth two times a day unlike you, yuro

Pretty sure they work but don't do it soft, build up to a high pressure.

>not having so good saliva composition that you have to brush only once a day to have good teeth.

>Brought to you by the dental association of Britain

All of you who don't floss are dumb, my sister is a dentist and she says you definitely should floss or interdental brush every day. Flossing is better for tight teeth.

Just because you read one headline that says flossing isn't useful doesn't mean that they are correct nor does it hold more credibility than the words of a dentist. No dentist will agree that cleaning between teeth is not necessary.

That wasn't even a sentence, savage.

>m-my sister couldn't possibly be wrong


>my sister could possibly be right unlike an uninformed Veeky Forums fag

Learn English cuck

Either way you committed a major appeal to authority fallacy and should end your pathetic life

Learn english? I live in England you cunt

I agree with her more than I agree with you

Lmao I'm Finnish and speak English far better than you

By the way you've just committed a second appeal to authority fallacy.
>I live in England, therefore I am correct on any question of how to speak English

>American Government

You're reaching fag, I didn't make any mistakes in my writing.

>gums grow around teeth tightly and bleed when they're broken
>breaking them creates an open wound that lets bacteria in
>now you have to constantly floss to keep them clean
>hurrdurr i wonder what gums exist for in the first place!!! xD

it's such a scam

Just in case you're actually retarded and not pretending to be, let me point out that you're using "appeal to authority" incorrectly. Citing an expert is a valid basis for an arguement, so long as said expert is an expert in the topic at hand. It would be a fallacy to argue based solely on citing someone of high social status or power. For example, it would be fallacious to argue that you shouldn't floss because God-emperor Trump says it's a jewish plot to weaken the white race.

>Yurogays bring Trump up whenever they can

He's obese as well.

Bringing up Trump is an absolutely objective and valid argument when pointing out how retarded Americans are. It may be the single most damning piece of evidence yet.

if your diet is full of sugar then that explains it

if you really do floss and brush autistically then that is the only possibility, don't even deny it and say you avoid foods with a ton of sugars

protip: fallacies don't always render an argument invalid despite what /pol/ tells you

>There's actually no medical evidence that flossing does anything

t. buys thread in the pharma aisle at walmart marked up 1000% higher than regular thread because muh hygiene product

Excellent goy, excellent.

>using thread to floss because it costs a dollar more to buy actual floss

you'll be a millionaire in no time, cletus!

Oy cunt! Post your sister's feet

brush after every meal with colgate total. floss after last meal of the day. don't eat sugar.

= no dental problems.

>colgate total

Rembrandt is objectively the best toothpaste money can buy.

You tell em', Stephan.

I'm not that guy, but you just wrote a run-on sentence.

>The turdworld Ameriteeth are still defending flossing

Oh lord it's circumcision all over again. You're a decade behind minimum.

You're utterly obsessed with /pol/.

nice attempt @ forcing a meme

And what meme would that be my 90s relic friend?

t. /pol/

the meme where you have a life

No, just someone sick of you shitheads derailing countless threads on three seperate boards by injecting your obsession.

Why don't you fuck off to pol and argue with them there instead of boring the rest of us with your pathetic existence?

/pol/ getting triggered

just don't eat raw sugar, problem solved

Christ, my newfriend, relax a bit. You may not get it yet, but a lot of this shit outside of the /pol/ containment board is done ironically.

Why don't you go back to flossing. You're a window into a savage age.

Come and find me when you finally get chip and pins for your credit and debit cards.

How often you go to a dentist has nothing to do with how well maintained your teeth are, and as such is a pointless statistic. There are people with amazing teeth who never go, and people with shitty teeth that go 10 times a year and don't heed warnings.

>tongue scrape

i love dental hygiene so much.

I brush 3 times a day and try to floss at least once a day. Got in the habit because of Your Moms House.

After being told I had early gingivitis it was back to the flosser routine for me. Difference is now i only bleed from 1 gum than every one now. Really not sure why that single bleeding gum is so persistent after 2 months

There's one thing it does. Unless you floss, over time, food particles you can't remove with a brush will calcify increasing risks of cavities.

>brought to you by butthurt american

>Colgate total
Enjoy that endocrine disrupting triclosan cuck

They don't

They might piss and moan a little about how it's not optimal, but yes, it works.
Mine gave the metaphor that it was like "trying to wash butter off a wall with a garden hose"

this unironically, my brother has a "perfect" smile meaning that all of his teeth perfectly align and fit together meanwhile my teeth have bigger gaps and weird shapes. We both brushed twice a day when we were younger, and yet I always have clean white gums and he had yellow teeth. Brushing isn't necessary unless all of your teeth are closely knit together.

Do you ever get tired of posting the same images and calling people "Cletus"?

You're a fucking loser

Who /flosswands/ here? I have shit manual dexterity so I can't use normal floss but floss wands are p. Comfy

>clean white gums
>clean white gums
>clean white gums

It's probably got more to do with diet than anything.

British food is all bland carbs.

I think he means pale

Your gums aren't suppose to be dark

Yea lets bitch about trump and his golfing while the queens fat inbred ass has a gold plated parade and cult ceremony to basically say "lol parliaments open again, and so are our borders"

Do not blindly trust your dentist.

Always get a second opinion when it concerns cavities or potential dental work.

Also, look up your dentist's medical license history by googling the dental board of your state just to check if your dentist didn't do any funny business in the past.

Sensodyne Pronamel is better.