Hey Britbongs, I heard turkey twizzlers were the nadir of your civilization. Is that true?
Hey Britbongs, I heard turkey twizzlers were the nadir of your civilization. Is that true?
>the decrepit shantytown that is the united states
That doesn't look like a shantie town
Why did you post a picture of a protest instead of an actual shantie in Detroit?
Are you autistic?
Lets take a deeper look at what's going on here. The faggot that posted that pic is indirectly claiming to be,,, not from the US. If he is from Europe, he is a leftist. He therefore (we know this because there is no original thought in Europe) is a leftist. Leftists believe that all conservatives (the right) are religious and uneducated. They really believe that conservatism is concerned with nothing but hating gays and foreigners. So, when they see a guy holding a sign like that they just laugh and say "but they are the intolerant ones" with no amount of self reflection. The user in question believes that the image is a joke in itself. The user in question honestly believes the the left is about tolerance and love, and the right is about hate.
They are a very simple minded people.
>, he is a leftist. He therefore (we know this because there is no original thought in Europe) is a leftist.
Sorry for that redundancy
nice redundant post faggot
just say he's a cuck
I honestly dont think they understand the implication of the term. They here you say "cuck" and they just decide that you are and insecure white male and discredit you. Like I said, they are very simple minded.
Fuck, sorry again for all the typos. I need coffee.
>they just decide that you are and insecure white male
>apologizes after every post for typos and redundancies
Yeah, where would they get that idea.
They were bad for us so thankfully Big Oliver banned the proles from having them.
Twizzlers are slavery
Olive oil is strength
>being this beta
u are a gay yurop le leftist cuck, haha! /POL/ said and now I say it to because u cuck :D
Always with the /pol/ obsession injected into every thread.
I always had the turkey twizzlers when it was an option at school lunch , they were tasty and covered in orange stuff which tasted nice
Impeccable reading comprehension, mouthbreather.
Are you just pretending to be retarded?
>Haven't had Turkey Twizzlers in 14 Years
There was nothing comprehensible in the visual diarrhea you spewed onto ky screen.
Looks tasty with some ketchup