>he isn't drinking 2 liters of water a day
He isn't drinking 2 liters of water a day
>he isn't drinking a gallon of milk a day
>me trying to care
>2 liters
What a scrub. As hard as I work, I have to 4L or more to stay properly hydrated.
too poor for coke?
we don't like your kind around here
Enjoy your kidney stones
Where my 1 gallon of water a day niggas at?
Don't forget the 'beetus!
Me maybe? I don't really keep track, but I know I fill up my half-liter container at least 6-8 times a day
>he doesn't drink AT LEAST one standard United States gallon (128 fluid ounces, 3.78 liters) every day while avoiding ANY and ALL calorie-containing beverages
LMAOing at your LIFE time to STEP UP senpai
I think 1.5
I've got a 1.5 liter bottle that I fill up at the beginning of the day and make sure I drink it all by the end
Are smoothies a beverage?
Are you a Manlet or small woman?
Depends if my room mates are home
>he doesn't drink 1.5 liters of liquor a day
I drank at least a gallon today
Do you autists really measure how much water you drink?
fatty detected
it's important
No because I drink more than 2 litres every day.
I drink from a 1 litre bottle and I know how many times I have refilled it.
I like drinking hot water, I live right next to a water treatment plant and my water heater boils out the swimming pool taste.
Mine does this too, but I am extremely nervous about cold water.
On another note, why does the FDA have laws mandating maximum chlorine and chloramine in treated water, but they don't fucking monitor them? These faggots just dump as much bleach as they want in and no one is doing anything about it.
They don't monitor it? How so?
>tfw you live in Scotland and water out of the tap tastes better than bottled water
one of the few benefits of this shithole
>he doesnt drink water out of his own well
lmao enjoy the xenoestrogens y'all
Is your well clean? A lot of wells are contaminated trough fertilizer.
>only 2 liters
>drinking non-alcoholic beverages
nice try hamish
The FDA themselves doesn't directly monitor it because that would be insane. Municipalities are either run by the city, which depending on the size has its own self-reporting system, or it's contracted out to a company and the prices are negotiated and fixed by the city for the company to sell.
That company then has to regulate and report on the usage of chemicals to the city, who then verifies it
you get them tested, but yes a decent amount are contaminated with nitrates. Would rather have that though then iron contamination or that nasty chlorine taste
Duluth has the best tasting city municipal water though, better than bottled water
>tfw I drink 3 gallons of iced tea a day
I can't stop, help.
Is there an easily obtainable test for chlorine and chloramine? My city violates the fucking shit out of the legal limits and I need a test kit to sue them because I'm extremely allergic to bleach. EBay perhaps?
I'm mainly sick of the shit smelling like bleach, whether I have an asthma attack or a seizure because of it doesn't matter, I just want to be able to use the fucking water and not have it smell like a pool.
This is hard as fuck to do, I carry a 1L bottle with me and I actually have to consciously make myself drink even though I see it sitting there on the table mostly full.
I usually drink 4L of water per day but I often end up only drinking 3L or 2L.
But if we're talking Soda or Juice brother, I will go through more than a gallon of that if its sitting around. It tastes better than water thus its something I Want to drink.
Otherwise, I just dont get thirsty, even if im dehydrated (I will get a headache and fatigue from dehydration, but my mouth is not dry)
Picture related would be ideal for me, id get 1.5 Gallons of liquid per day if I had an endless amount of this available.