Why did shitty milkshakes survive while other soda fountain drinks disappeared?
Milkshakes suck, I want chocolate sodas and egg creams and malts.
Why did shitty milkshakes survive while other soda fountain drinks disappeared?
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How about a nice phosphate
Sasparilla angries up the blood.
2/3 of those are shit is why. (The 1/3 is egg cream).
But really it's probably just because milkshakes are slightly easier (cheaper?) to make than the others.
>chocolate soda
When soda jerks were replaced by modern soda fountains, the simpler drinks probably faded out because it wasn't cost effective to train staff and have ingredients for them. The float replaced the handmade ice cream soda, but milkshakes were popular enough to hang on in their original form.
Fuck you, chocolate soda is great.
It used to be a healthy thing as well as a treat thing, primarily as being more wholesome alternative to having something with booze.
Once we learned more about health and after the shit-show that was alcohol prohibition causing us to resort to infringing on other, more important rights to combat the resultant power the black market gave to organized crime, there was an attitude shift back to apathy in regards to booze and what is healthy for the country. Now soft-drinks are more about how much sugar can you cram into the bottle before it's syrup?
>The float replaced the handmade ice cream soda
A shame, no need to replace soda water with flavored suger water.
I'm surprised there aren't hipster boutique resturants with soda fountains and all the ingrediant.s
You do know that there's syrup in a traditional ice cream soda right? It's not just ice cream and seltzer.
Chocolate soda is fucking delicious. Thanks for reminding me, OP.
Is there anywhere I can purchase chocolate soda? Or is it just too late?
There are, we even have one here.
Try looking around specialty stores, there are a few brands left
A british guy told me they have unsweetened milkshakes over there and I still can't comprehend this idea
>add chocolate syrup to glass and top up with seltzer
Huh, somehow I thought it'd be creamier, like carbonated chocolate milk, which sounds pretty fucking weird now that I type it.
Chocolate milk and seltzer is an egg cream
You really should be asking what happened to the Malted milkshake. That shit disappeared when I entered adolescence and it pisses me off. It had a much more robust flavor than a standard mikshake.
We still have them in Ohio. There's this place called Graeter's that serves them and they really are the best.
I have a place close like that called Grandpa's, it's legendary for it's bad service
pretty sure both the habit burger and johnny rockets near my work has malt milkshakes
You can still get them easily
>Malted milkshake
They still do it here in Brazil, it's quite common.
There's also milkshake with alcohol and plenty other flavors.
Soda jerks died because of Walgreens. Soda jerks survived in the pharmacy where you could sip on soda waiting for your script to be filled. Walgreens and Rite-Aid and the rest killed off the traditional pharmacy, and with it they killed off the traditional soda jerk which was never a viable business by itself.
I still have one or two old school pharmacies in my town with soda jerks, so i consider myself lucky.
There's an old timey diner near me that still serves malts. Shit's cash.
Places like this need to die off already, they have no reason to exist when we have all of our soda pretty bottled, and better tasting than any shit some old asshole behind a counter could make
Fuck off and pls kys you faggot permanerdvirgin oldfag OP
Malts ARE the superior dairy based beverage.
If you've ever had a REAL chocolate banana malt, made with real ingredients and not just flavorings, and malted milk, you would fucking KNOW just how righteous it is.
Literally anywhere that claims to offer milkshakes that isn't a chain has malted milkshakes
In my country, a soda jerk is a coca cola and a handjob
>shitty English both from this post and the other butthurt thread you made
Mexican detected
OP reminded me that malts and malted milk balls were some of my favorite things as a little kid when I still had a sweet tooth, and made realize how long it'd been since I'd tried either of those.
Then I remembered that I try a new craft beer probably 4-5 times a week.
>Literally anywhere that claims to offer milkshakes that isn't a chain has malted milkshakes
you either live in a country loved by god or have lived a charmed milkshake life. I've bought milkshakes from independent restaurants that were not only lacking in malts but are best described as soft serve ice cream + water
wow the simmpsons mem is stil ali\ve on ck hahhhha
I guess I've been misled, I thought a chocolate soda had ice cream scoops, syrup, and seltzer.
That would be an ice cream soda
When Prohibition hit the US many bartenders shifted to the soda fountain. There is a small pharmacy in my area that teamed up with a local cocktail bitters company to make a small menu.
Now some bartenders act as a new school soda jerk. I fucking love making orange creamsicles for people. I have made a cream soda that tastes like key lime pie, but mixing citrus with dairy is super difficult since they seperate so quickly. OJ seems to work nicely.
Carls Jr/Hardees offered them for years but didn't really promote them.
I used to walk-in, get a malted shake, add whiskey from a flask and get hammered on their lawn.
The US?
It was a slight overstatement, I meant any place that actually advertises their milkshakes. They always have it. Even 5 guys has it now
kek, what country?