is there anything more elite?
Is there anything more elite?
I can think of around 300 different American made craft beers.
I highly doubt you can name that many unless you work in a craft beer bar in Austin or something
Garbage is never elite. Sugar water is sugar water is sugar water. Though I do enjoy peeling that foil top off :3
Shit has as many calories as a can of coke.
If I am going to drink soda, I will drink the most patrician drink on the planet.
>judging a drink by it's calories.
if you really care about your health then you'd judge soft drinks by their sugar contents.
It's the common man's drink even people in Filipino slums enjoy the brown stuff, not that there's anything wrong with that but Coke is hardly "elite" or "patrician" in any regard.
You can't think of 60 different breweries and then think of an average of at least 5 beers you've tried from each?
At 11 this morning a beer rep randomly stopped into the restaurant I work at and a few of us sampled 8 of their beers.
i have tried the orange ad lemon ones. theywrrre very good. Don't know if I can get the other ones though. What flavor are the rest?
>sugar content
literally the same thing for soft drinks
all (non-diet) soda has basically the same amount of sugar anyway
>patrician drink
Here's an actual patrician drink
>wah I need muh sugar to enjoy sparkling water
Wow so elite.
Anyway everyone knows indiebrew kombucha is the most patrician
There is, but I don't think they sell it to burgerclaps, sorry.
dandelion & burdock tastes like shit
Fentiman's is patrician.
I like their Victorian lemonade, ginger beer, and the dandelion burdock.
When you grow kombucha you add sugar or fruit juice to feed the culture, though...
i will never comprehend why people farce on an anonymous board. you have no reputation
>non-american detected
And if Austin is your point of reference for some place with a little culture, you aren't a real American, Jeff.
>duuuuuuude, you can't like, think of over 300 individual beers?
get a load of this commie
Pretty sure having that many amazing options available to you, all successful small business, is the opposite of communism.
those cost like 50 cent at my local lidl. Try Thomas Henry poorfag.
*real world, historical communism
They cost $2 to $3 in the US per can.
They sell that at a hipster market near my uni.
so are paying top dollar for cheaply made sugar water that has its price driven up by transport and marketing kek.
Wegmans sells it.
yeah but the sugar is consumed by the bacteria and not by you.
Americans, what can I say?
Muh marketing. Muh packaging. Muh diabetes.
we only have the lemon and clementine would like to try the other flavours though.
For me, it's a pure glass of water.
I bet you came to Austin from California and you brag to all of your friends back home about how "open and chill Austin is duuuuuuude"
go back you fucking poser
That's not La Croix
>moving to fucking texas, or anywhere in the south
You're delusional.
You would be surprised how many californians have moved to austin. Bringing their shitty fake lifestyles and post-hipsters
Don't go to Texas, people piss on everything and it fucking reeks. Mexicans also strategically place their hundred foot wide community shit pits directly on the border.
0/10 Worst state in america.
>not preferring pic related
Coconut is the best flavor and most aesthetic looking can.
>btw I have a boyfriend
I heard you the first time
It's sold in every chippy in the UK
go on then you cunt, 300 (THREE HUNDRED) beers
im waiting
I fucking hate dandelion and burdock
I live in Houston, it's fucking hell. It's Midgar with Muslims. We vacation to Austin at every opportunity
Also In-N-Out is better than Whataburger
>so many varieties of citrus
Good with rum.
Coconut is a close second, I love mixing it with spiced rum and lime :9
you're like a little baby. watch this:
homemade oranżada on a water kefir base.
They do a fantastic cola, its called 'Curiosity Cola'
Its very similar to coke but it has the sweet, Herb-like aftertaste of the cola cube confectionery
Never had lime yet nor mixed with alcohol. I think with summer coming, these sparkling waters are super refreshing. I'll give a go, next time I drink.
It's not common, but a few markets sell that around here.
Dandelion & Burdock a shit, btw.
Based LC
That looks tasty
Except it's made from fruit juice so no sugar
chinotto>grapefruit>lemon>blood orange>orange>orange and pomegranate
haven't tried the others, but I'd guess bitter orange fits between grapefruit and orange, and lemon and mint is at the very bottom
>he doesn't know what fructose is
Just different types of citrus, the red one is blood orange. Pretty good. There's a grapefruit one I really like
Agreed, those citrus soda are so high in sugar. I would much rather have also croix
Grapefruit la croix is great mixed with bourbon, bitters, and the sweetener/ artificial sweeteners of your choice
I don't. What is it?
Too fucking expensive although I drink this stuff pretty frequent now. Anyone know where I can find a source for 50 cents a pop? Currently getting it for around 80 cents a pop from walmart.
Pepsi is trash.
>infused with luck
Patricians do not need such gimmicks.
read it as madfuccy at first glance
>based italian sandwich shop that imports random snacks (amaretti cookies fuck my ass) and has all the flavors
I can't think of anything better when I want something quick
Posting god-tier soda