lovely vegetable, I use it in curries all the time.
cooked zucchini smells like hamster shit
Just looks like a shitty cucumber.
Not worth it.
reminder that these one-word vegetable name threads are part of an ongoing market research project by monsanto
that is spooky
tasty, versatile, stores well. top shelf boy
Do you know why you can't leave your car unlocked in the city?
>people will steal your shit
Do you know why you can't leave your car unlocked in the country?
>people will put a paper bag full of zucchini (and maybe some kale) on the passenger seat with a note that says "enjoy! :)"
That's a courgette you mongoloid.
Filled with rice, cheese, nuts, onion, garlic, hint of oil, bit of honey, mint, cardamom
it's a zucchetti
Only good when fried in shitloads of olive oil
I eat that shit raw, it's so good. If I didn't like onions so much it would be my favorite veg.
500g 7 times a week. im on a diet.
It's a dildo, retard.
what veggie is this boys?
They're too spongy for me, so I only really like them diced small into a pasta sauce.
recipe for that pasta sauce?
If I ask my wife to root around in my ass with one of these while jerking me off will she lose respect for me?
gonna grow 2-3 plants this summer.
the q-tip rape is always fun.
How the hell would you know what hamster shit smells a like
I mean do you chop it up and do lines
but a jar of Dolmio
fine dice a courgette from Lidls
Combine in microwavable bowl
Warm through in the microwave on medium high for a couple of mins to soften your courgette
serve with courgettini for a cheeky twist on your midweek spag bol.
spotted the tinfoil