
What is this shit even good for?

Giving a black licorice taste to your white fish and noodles that you toss together thinking you're making something amazing and it turns out tasting like crap because you don't have the first clue what you are doing or what sort of herb you are dealing with.

Tarragonmustard and to flavour water.

I have no idea, I don't grow or buy useless plants. Sorry man, try google, I'm not even familiar with what this backwater shit plant is, it's about as important as ramps in my book.

pretty much Veeky Forums in a nutshell, throwing together random unnamed "spices" and "herbs" due to abject ignorance and extreme overconfidence

scrambled eggs
compound butter
fines herb in french cooking.

tarragon sauce for salmon

>useless plants
It's tarragon - it's an herb. It's not a "backwater shit plant". Just an herb that many people cook with.

And calling everything autism immediately after doing it, projecting their insecurity of the knowledge that we can cook and they can not.

It looks like a ditch weed. Because it probably is one.

I guess that's indeed why I'm here.

Whatever it looks like doesn't change what it is... And it isn't probably a ditch weed, it is an herb. An herb that tastes like black licorice imo.

So basically a ditch weed?
Not trying to stir the shit here, but that flavor does not belong on any food my tiny brain can think of.

Cream sauces, mustard and vinegar, seafood.. idk it's fairly popular in French stuff.

Absolutely nothing

Well, OK. Whether or not it's a GOOD herb to use is a different debate. I honestly can't think of anywhere it would be good to use either where the flavor would be pronounced.

But don't take my word for it, I've only used it once. One mistake was enough and I've yet to figure out where I could use a black licorice flavored herb in cooking either (and I like black licorice). At least, as of 10+ years ago my best recollection of it is black licorice/anise flavor.

Nothing else.

Pack it up, everyone. This one faggot on Veeky Forums can't conceive of a use for an herb that's been used for centuries. Tell the nurseries to stop producing

i've never cooked real food or worked in a restaurant that wasn't waffle house in my life: the thread

Nurseries exist solely to produce rare or useless plants that would otherwise go extinct because they have no practical applications, are ugly, inedible, edible and disgusting or have to be imported. They are flower shops and purveyors of plants that hardly anyone wants.

The fact that it has to be produced at nurseries because no one wants to grow it shows it's usefulness.

Bearnaise, idiot.


That's not good on tendies, idiot.

>not liking the creamiest of herbs
tarragon is one of a kind, you cant beat it.

Crab cakes

Improves any omelette 10 fold. Roasted with beets is also top tier. Used as a primary pickling herb for vegetables in place of dill. Infusing plain vinegar.

I've been thinking of using it in place of dill when I cure a slab of salmon this year.

I grow mine from seeds at home (pic related).

I grow mine as weeds from home. (pic related)

Why do people eat weeds?

>russian tarragon
Absolutely disgusting. Go french or go home.

For bearnaise, you retard.

Stop eating poor people / kid's food then, burgertard.

I'll take portugal and greece, please and thank you

Croatia has nice hips

i use tarragon vinegar in some of my dressings i make.

I think it goes really well in chicken salad

The seed packet said "french." Did I get jewed?

sorry, but yes. You can't grow french tarragon from seed.

>can't grow le french tarragon from seed

Then how does it grow, spores? Last time I checked it was not a fucking fungus.

God's will you fucking atheist.

I grew russian tarragon from seed once. I tasted some leaves and they had no flavor whatsoever, total waste of time. I have no idea what french tarragon tastes like.

Look at who they chose to represent America...

Why not?

You plant cuttings or transplant rhizomes. Many plants propagate this way; like hops used in beer. Mexican/russian tarragon will produce fertile seeds; French will not.

It says in your pic that it "seldom" seeds, not "never." Then it goes on to say some plants produce sterile seeds and some produce viable seeds. Viable seeds will produce tarragon. Plant viable seeds not sterile ones, ya goof.

Then try it, ya goof. Have fun with your flavorless Russian/Mexican tarragon (never French).

I said Russian/mexican will produce viable seeds.

Good on grilled sausages, it complements greasy fried meat dishes imo

Tarragon chicken
Tarragon vinegar

You're not going to convince anybody to stop liking it, shit for brains

fines herbes
roast chicken
pretty much any seafood, especially shellfish

lobster rolls and baked salmon

Only thing I like it in is an Eastern European pork soup that I make. Otherwise the licorice flavor is pretty awful.

I can't stand anything that tastes even the tiniest bit like fennel
fUcking disgusting

>chicken salad
ctrl-f chicken salad

So where did the first French Tarragon plant come from?

It stems from activated almonds, activated by the smoke from Gandalf's pipe on the eve of a full moon in a leap year.

It was sent down from heaven as an acompaniment for the Manna.

It has a lot of health benefits.

Scientific studies suggest that poly-phenolic compounds in this herb help lower blood-sugar levels.

Fresh tarragon herb is one of the highest antioxidant value food sources among the common herbs.

Laboratory studies on tarragon extract shows certain compounds in them inhibit platelet activation, preventing platelet aggregation and adhesion to the blood vessel wall. It, thus, helps prevent clot formation inside tiny blood vessels of heart and brain protecting from heart attack, and stroke.

The herb is very rich source of vitamins such as vitamin-C, vitamin-A as well as B-complex group of vitamins such as folates, pyridoxine, niacin, riboflavin, etc., that function as antioxidant as well as co-factors for enzymes in the metabolism.

Tarragon is a notably excellent source of minerals like calcium, manganese, iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, and zinc. Manganese is utilized by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Iron is essential for cellular respiration (co-factors for cytochrome-oxidase enzyme) and blood cell production.

>pan sear chicken breasts or thighs
>remove from pan and set aside
>add peach preserves and balsamic vinegar to pan, deglaze
>add fresh tarragon chiffonade to pan
>put chicken back in pan and baste with sauce
>simmer until sauce becomes sticky and coats chicken, be careful not toburn it
wa-la, serve with asparagus

Pulled out of a bubbling cauldron?

Do you have a recipe for tarragon chiffonade?

sous vide chicken breast with fresh tarragon, lemon wedge, butter and s+p

the best chicken you will ever taste

cut it lengthwise
long, thin strips
that's a chiffonade


bone out a saddle of rabbit, braise the legs and make a forcemeat out of them with mushrooms and liver, add tarragon and demi and stuff the saddle, poach off, slice and fry, serve with hot girolles, persillade with sorrel and soft bread for a GOAT light supper

>compound butter
What did she mean by this?

add it to a salad

This guy knows what the fuck is up.

Wait. Are you the same guy from a few days ago, who argued, that Schnitzel is an obscure, unheard of dish, that noone who matters has ever heard of and has no part in food culture?

>schnitzel is obscure
Lol, doesn't surprise me. Remember kids, Hermes is an obscure underground brand for only the most up-to-date fashion experts

Never crawl out from under that rock, Veeky Forums

B e a r n a i s e kurwa
Tarragon × white wine vinegar
Marinades and shi
Stalks add great depth to stocks

Tarragon lemon dip is so good. What's wrong with you OP?

Nigga what? Tarragon is awesome.
Great with chicken either chicken chasseur or just stuff it in roasted chicken and baste with tarragon butter(goes also well with lemon or mustard).
Great with eggs, essential in a Bearnaise sauce. Great with rabbit too as that other user said. Good with asparagus, white beans, salads, fish...

>helps prevent clot formation inside tiny blood vessels of heart and brain protecting from heart attack, and stroke.

the supersized ones here should spice up their diet with a lot of it

How an you not love tarragon?