Whats next for his cooking career?
Whats next for his cooking career?
What a horrible, but probably good tasting combination
>he didn't even make his shit Cincinnati chili a fucking threeway
What a faggot
Looks like someone shat in your zucchinis, Joe.
As if he could be any more of a meme he uses spiralizers.
Why does this word exist?
It has absolutely no meaning, people just call this food or that food healthy or unhealthy at random.
Your HAES is showing. Fattie.
well, the venison looks good, shoulda made a sloppy joe (hehehehehe)
There's confusion about what qualifies as healthy among most people because giant corporations spend billions of dollars on advertising and biased studies to convince people that their products are "healthy". The result is that the average person has no idea what type of food is good for them and what is not.
Make a vegan thread and you'll see dozens of people come running to prove to you how effectively the beef, egg and cheese lobbies have brainwashed them.
A person can't be a meme by definition.
A meme is spread by non genetic means.
You need to do a bit more research if you want to fit in here.
>tl;dr lurk moar, newfag.
>make a vegan thread
No thanks, I'm a man
Posy one of his meals with like 7 eggs on top of it.
No wonder Rogan smokes so much weed, it's the only way his food can be palatable.
He's shilling for sauce companies now? What a cuck
>stir fried it with garlic salt and butter
>that pool of liquid
doesnt look too bad aside from that and the fuckheug pile of meat
How does he manage to make everything he cooks look like dogshit?
I am a skinny and I don't know what this means.
I just want people to stop relying on bunk ass nutritional science that is obviously a government attempt to get you to eat more poisonous b vitamins.
More egg sandwiches
Not gonna lie that looks pretty good. His egg Sammich looks nasty but id demolish that too
>average person
fixed that for you
>average american person
>Cincinnati chili
>energy drinks are bad for you
>eats bread containing the same chemicals
>someone on Veeky Forums notifies them of the similarities
>poster is still wrong
>americans can not read ingredient labels and compare
I live in a pretty fucking dumb country.
u r a tard
That's just sloppy Joe meat mixed into ramen.
Why are his sauces so god damn watery. Fucking disgusting, Joe.
>I live in a pretty fucking dumb country.
You weren't convinced of that until this thread?
everything he makes is served in a puddle
I want someone to die because of this.
Did he really put kombucha in his coffee?
What the fuck?
Yeah, I'm just gonna close this tab.
I have been convinced since the day I achieved sentience. I'm autistic and I strongly believe everyone around me is mentally handicapped. Really makes you screech.
Joe Rogan is just king shit of the retarded people.
you're missing out!
At least he had the sense to let someone else cook him something. It looks disgusting but at least it's not swimming.
That doesn't look like foie gras at all. Am I missing something here?
Someone uses something I don't, they must be the one who is wrong.
totally not a product placement for those bullshit supplements.
>oil puddles
fear factor really messed up his tastes huh?
That's not oil, it's tinted water.
>swimming in oil
>mayo as a side dish
>those eggs
He has to be trolling uploading this foul looking shit.
>He didn't cook the egg inside the avocado in the oven
Truly he is the markiest of marks
Why do all of his dishes have shittons of garlic in them?
Maybe he likes garlic?
Just a thought.
So that when he is taken down for the ground game he stinks so much that his opponent will feel to sick to do anything. It's an ancient Brazilian martial arts trick.
Jesus he really needs to stop this
people think garlic raises test
Now I am become meme, the destroyer of threads.
eating veggies being healthy is "bunk ass nutritional science"?
>hot avocado
Holy fuck, that's Veeky Forums level cooking..
What bread are you buying that has taurine and caffeine in it?
>sloppy Joe meat
All of his stuff looks like that because he drowns it in onnit MCT oil.
Actually doesn't look bad compared to the rest of the shit he has. Could have peeled the onions and cooked them better tho.
It's deep-friend lobes of foie iirc. There's a video about this, maybe Bourdain went there. It's a fucking monstrosity of a sandwich that the owners ironically put on the menu as pricey foodie bait. And now they're famous for it.
why are those eggs so grey looking? Looks foul.
Sloppy rogans are fucking disgusting
we call them sloppy does in my family
He probably made them in a cast iron or carbon steel pan that had a very strong patina.
there is no way this 1 is real