Will we eventually lose our humanity?

Will we eventually lose our humanity?

Or have we already?

Don't worry. It will all be over soon.

What does humanity mean?

Will we - as a global culture - change with time? Yes.
Specify what aspect of the human condition you are referring to, and how you are perceiving society to move away from it

Today I overheard a conversation between three old men in a bus stop.

One of them spoke with conviction about the Syrians. The resolution, obviously to him, was to nuke the whole thing.

That would technically resolve the conflict. You could also just steamroll it in the old-fashioned way and set up a colony, which would probably kill less people

nah, we'll just change its definition

depends on how much you valorize primitivism

We're still featherless bipeds with broad, flat nails. I doubt that will change for a couple thousand years.

i want wings fucklord

we could go either way at this point. We could transcend the limitations of humanity and move into a realm of pure ever deepening creativity, a cybernetic dreamtime, a return to the mythical, magical, integrated world of our ancestors. Or, we could sink further and further into commodification until it sucks away all of our humanity. A war without hate, war as pure technicality, is the most inhuman and terrifying thing one can possibly imagine.

losing our humanity would mean death. if we are alive that is a human possible form.

i think there are some very disturbing psychopaths in silicone valley we should be concerned about.

You will die befour that happens

Humanity is a human construct, we are all biochemical computers programmed to rape the universe into submission.

Depends what you understand by ,,humanity".

We've already lost it. You need level 5000 autism to succeed at anything these days.

I have been meaning to make a meme picture with multiple identical copies of someone sitting vacantly at a laptop. Each one would have a caption under it saying what they're doing, as a way to show that your life is at the computer whether you're wildly successful or not. Possible captions are below.

>Escaping in to a virtual world
>Wasting his life on YouTube
>Reconnecting with his old friends
>Doing cutting edge science
>Watching horrific child porn
>Building the next billion dollar company

every day of my life i focus on being less of a human being and becoming some sort of emotionless insentient being, because there are some aspects of my life that i fucked up (and also, there are some fucked up things that just happened and isn't my fault) so hard the only possible way to move forward is ignoring all my feelings, they were dragging me down

the distractions of the screens and their movie-content projections are distracting us from developing stronger, more connected relationships with our families, so kinda?

I don't think it matters. I just want virtual reality so I can dive into it and never come back out. It would be the most comfy way to commit suicide.

i'm too depressed already. i don't need to see this

If you're on Veeky Forums chances are you already have.

We didn't even find it yet, user.

The transistor was a mistake.

we never had it to begin with
we're no better than animals, your sole purpose on this earth is to reproduce as much as possible
why do you think women have periods every month?

To give them a break from my dick.

>we are all biochemical computers programmed to rape the universe into submission.
how this it does not a construct?


Probably ideal in a utilitarian sense, in the long run anyway.

If you mean humanity as the collection of higher values, it never existed in the first place. If you mean humanity as the essence of what we are now, there is nothing worth crying over once its gone.

We are better off without "humanity".

HAHAHA classy... very, very classy :)

Honestly we could stand to lose some of our "humanity"-- the cheap. sentimentalist kind, the kind that leads to Boy Scouts and pretending to like Wagner, or 'going down to with the ship' (what a freakish, sparky idea in the era of Mutually Assured Destruction).

It's all empty prevarication.

>he hasn't grown fur and joined a herd of animals yet

Lmaoing at your life, kid.

Benatar, he was right all along, but no one would listen...

I give this post three red badges


Now that is a spook


fuck your -isms


Nuclear armageddon or asteroid cataclysm or sunflare magnetic pulse could definitely bring that about. What, are 7 billion people just going to carry on carrying on? Crowds of humans are a heartbeat away from lynchmob gore, which is observable in certain conditions.

you are a poo-poo head

Its funny how meaningless all those terms are.

Everyone on this board is cucked by the tyrant of language.


Haha I remember that night, good times