What would you do for a Klondike Bar™?

What would you do for a Klondike Barâ„¢?

would ya kill a man?

I would stalk you op.

funny thing i actually killed a man once and got a klondike bar in return

Pay upwards of $1 but no more than $2

Funny thing. I was that man.

I have a 6 pack of these in the freezer right now. It will usually last a couple weeks. They're tasty, but I remember them being tastier when I was a kid.

kill 6 million jews

Nothing, you would have to pay me. They're pretty shitty, not thick enough chocolate coating, the ratio to ice cream is fucked. Also the ice cream isn't good.

Not a fan. They're quite overrated imo


this. it's-it are better.


pay 85 cents. but only if i wanted ice cream and it was the only ice cream available.

>want ice cream sandwich
>don't want to go to store
>decide to make one
>no ice cream in house
>no cream to make ice cream
>decide to blend a frozen avocado with fruit and vanilla
>no biscuits so use rye bread as biscuits
Tasted nice

Suck cock.
Then again, I'd suck cock for free.

We should hang out.


Let's see it

Haven't read this in a while


I don't like klondikes. So nothing really.


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