What eggs look like inside the chicken.
What eggs look like inside the chicken
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That's why you don't slaughter egg laying hens he just lost 4 eggs.
Yeah, I'd fuck that.
>animal's internals look like internals
Here's the gallery of the whole dissection. Too lazy to post them all.
I knew obviously where eggs came from, but before seeing the pictures I never imagined them growing against the chicken's internal parts. it's just weird that I never really thought about it.
*fuck and THEN eat it
That looks tasty as fuck. I wonder what a whole deep fried chicken with eggs on the inside of it would taste like
I'd eat it twice if you catch my drift.
then when do the shells come into play?
moar pls
That's pretty cool, I thought chickens laid eggs one at a time
user cooked some
> (OP)
> huh...interesting
>Anonymous 04/22/17(Sat)18:18:37 No.8844845▶
> That's why you don't slaughter egg laying hens he just lost 4 eggs.
>Anonymous 04/22/17(Sat)18:19:04 No.8844849▶
> (OP)
> Yeah, I'd fuck that.
Here's the actual link: warosu.org
a few things:
1. yeah, i definitely would
2. can someone identify the various pastes that were added?
3. how many people in that village have access to quality video cameras and internet connectIons?
i'll try anything once.
Honestly, not disgusted. I love chicken and prepare it often. I deboned, spatchcocked, you name it.
looks extremely overcooked
Just about got a boner.
>eggs are soft and squishy because insides are soft and squishy
Virgin detected.
>Vegans literally think the shell just magically forms whole
>Vegans are actually this retarded
I have. And they're good.
Roasting the chicken with them inside also works.
nice try vegan
this will have absolutely no effect on my love for eggs, in fact, it's probably grown
Imagine how delicious that would be cooked in a sauce. Im so fucking hungry
I'd eat the shit out of unlaid eggs. They look like pure delicious yolk.
Not too sure about that video. The stuff he made looks overcooked to shit. If I wanted an overcooked scramble, I could do that with regular eggs.
wtf i hate eggs now
>overcooked to hell and back
>shells everywhere
no thanks
I'm guessing there's some garlic/ginger paste in there but apart from that I just couldn't tell u!
I'd imagine there aren't many people in the village with cameras or a connection but there seem to be a few other south asian village cooking channels on youtube my fav being My Money My Food