What did Whole Foods mean by this?
omg its le pepe!
i know that meme from 9gag
epic win
pepe invented frogs
What did Whole Foods mean by this?
Please tell me this is a fucking joke
Frog Cookies
Only $8.99 ea!
'Ello ladies.
hah, joke's on them, I'll just look down and mumble like I always do
I can't get over how liberals appropriate Southern black slang when they talk like this. Fucking infuriating, not even memeing
>Thanks brother
Why is Whole Foods targeting Hulk Hogan
Yeah not happening.
I love being called sir fuck this
It's fake. It's from a single Australian store called "Wholefoods"."Whole Foods USA has told mutiple people on several social media that it is in fact fake.
Snopes.com even confirmed it
I guess in the end it was a good thing I never got hired at Whole Foods.
I guess porky pig appropriated black culture when he said "That's all folks". Hmm?
Nope, redditor. Different usage and context. "folks" is also an old-school showbiz term. Saying "x folk" is the liberal's attempt at jive or slang and not only is it fucking cringe, but it is borderline racist.
I'se secon' dat. Dem folk, dey jus' took all us'n culcher.
Nobody who isn't a recent graduate of a particularly shitty, stuck-in-a-bubble liberal arts college (not the kind that seriously teach literature, art history, and philosophy, but the kind that specialize in wymynz ztudiez, queer theory, or make-your-own degree programs) or an aging radical feminist uses "gender neutral" language. English is (actually very slightly) gendered, and no one I know in the LGBT (fuck you, I'm not adding any more letters) community uses gender-neutral language. There's nothing neutral about it, as that language is only used to identify members of this particular club. I don't know any trans people who don't use "he" or "she," and as soon as the term "xe" or whatever comes out you know EXACTLY which moron everyone is referring to. There's nothing neutral about it. It hasn't arisen naturally out of any English-speaking community and it will never be imposed on the language because we're not French or Korean, and no one gets to arbitrarily change the language for political reasons.
As a straight guy with long hair and a feminine face, I wish more places had this kind of policy. My facial hair is shit, and I wish I didn't have to grow it, but if I don't, I'll get a "hello ladies" or "how can I help you, ma'am" every time I go out. They realize their mistake when I reply, and they always look embarrassed, which I find funny, but it's still annoying.
>Folk wasn't a word in English until black slavery in America happened
Oh I'm laffin!
I would feel a bit offended if someone greeted me with "hello person".
to me, it just sounds like they just dont give a shit and wont make me feel welcomed at all.
Any male clerk that's older than me always addresses me as "buddy" and I'm starting to get the idea that people think I'm retarded.
Muh nigga
Lady, I think you took a wrong turn, this isn't Tumblr
Post face and boypucci
Because the Hulkanator can take it, brother.
In this rumble arena of life you have to go with the punches, brother.
Fuck off, faggot.
Get a hair cut, ya dirty hippie!
Eat my shorts, man.
It's a green slime going :3 with cat ears
Not a legitimate source for several years now. Sorry bud
Why you little-!
Pretty much this. The LGBT people I know would probably look at me like a dribbling moron if I called them "xir", etc.
Also English has far less "gendered" words than most other languages. These people would piss themselves if they had to learn French or Spanish.
Grocery wageslave here. Saw a bald tattoed white person that I guessed was a woman from the tits but I changed my mind when they opened their mouth. I'm still not sure though.
Then there was the chubby 18yo who still hadn't had his balls drop. Man that was confusing.
>Not a source because it disproves my Pizzagate views
Great post my man