ITT childish food preferences and habits
I think bell peppers are gross. I get a lot of shit for it for being a grown-ass adult and thinking that but god I can't stand them
ITT childish food preferences and habits
For me it's mushrooms.
These might be the exception though.
I hate everything that comes from the sea. I wouldnt eat that shit even if they paid me
These I've tried multiple times to change my ways but I just can't I'm glad I'm not the only one
sea food
I know. Fucking shoot me.
Bell peppers give me the shits
Carrots are kinda gross
Prawns/Shrimp creep me out to the point I can't bring myself to eat them.
>mfw I tried to think of one about myself and genuinely couldn't
Black olives and to a lesser extent green olives are the only things I've been unable to like at least in their own right.
milk is gross.
since about the age of 4 i've strongly disliked milk.
about 2 months ago(age 23) i tasted it and it was allright but it still didnt taste "good".
it sort of had this bland flavour with a hint of something and i dont like that apparently.
probably not going to drink milk ever again.
I can't eat any form of fish. No matter how I cook it or what spices or marinades I use it always tastes like a fucking pier.
I don't get it with mollusks or shellfish though. I could eat shrimp every day.
it's hard not to like good quality olives. if you've only had them from jar/can try to find a place that sells them in bulk from those barrels. it's a whole new world
this, exactly this.
mushrooms taste gross
eating eggs as a concept is gross and weird
same with fish
everyone tells me its wierd as fuck
I like mushrooms, but the gelatinous Asian kind like in your picture turn my stomach, even though I like things like century duck eggs or jellied eels. Weird.
i think bell peppers are like cilantro: some genetic untermenschs have this extreme sensitivity to them and only taste bitterness.
i've heard these people can immediately detect even the tiniest sliver of bell pepper. just a speck will ruin their meal.
Bell peppers are the worst. Anytime they are in a dish, it's the only tong I can taste. They have that cloying sweetness that overpowers all other flavors.
They also make my intestines bleed, but that's unrelated as far as taste goes.
did you try drinking something that wasn't nonfat?
>happily eat whole bell peppers raw
>find chunks in a bowl of chili and end the meal with a sloppy pile of every single one tucked away on the side
Also green beans.
I'd rather eat raw brussels sprouts.
Green beans simply repulse me.
Onions, their texture ruins whatever they are put in.
Powdered sugar, I don't know why but it's fucking disgusting for me. If it's used in an icing I don't really notice it but if its on top of pastries and such I have to wipe it off.
>cloying sweetness
Go eat a dessert. Literally any dessert. Get some damn perspective in your life.
>They also make my intestines bleed
Oh, you have a serious medical condition. I'm sorry.
no i think it was medium fat, why?
And tomatoes
Yknow, just really any mushy, flavorless vegetable
The texture of raw tomato slices is just fucking appalling
And there's no flavor payoff, at least not with American tomatoes, which are grown to be big, not flavorful
Onions I can't stand
I understand their value in cooking, but I can't just bite into a piece and be fine
Squash, zuchinni, and cucumbers can fuck off
Specifically because my mom would make beef stew and the stew had all sorts of assorted shit throughout it, most notably little pieces of squash, really mushy and shitty squash
And fuck cauliflowers
>I'd rather eat raw brussels sprouts.
raw brussels sprouts are awesome if they're finely shredded
Literally the only thing I don't like is eggs. They smell and taste like farts. I have to leave the kitchen when someone is cooking eggs because it smells so awful.
But I fucking love everything else people that don't like eggs usually hate. I love mushrooms, bell peppers, seafood, olives, onions, Brussels sprouts, spinach, and spicy mustard. I'm not picky at all, I just can't fucking stand those little yellow farts in white shells.
Mom gave me Country Crock as a kid and I love the taste of it. Now that I'm an adult I can plow through the smallest tub in a few days.
If I buy butter I keep it frozen and only defrost it for baking. I try not to buy margarine at all ever.
For my cast iron I buy the stupid overpriced Lodge seasoning cream in a tube because if I buy Crisco or lard I'll spread THAT on toast. I'm a fucking toast addict and I hate myself for it.
Mushrooms and olives both disgust me. I've tried eating mushrooms so many times, but I always end up feeling sick from them. I can't even get past the smell of olives to try them.
eggs and milk are gross idk
>decided I didn't like butter as a kid
>try it once at ten and get terrible food poisoning
>now I pretend to have an intolerance
If nobody tells me it's butter in the dish I eat it no problem
Onions and cabbages. The flavour of onion doesn't bother me, but the texture of it just really bothers me. I despise the flavour of cabbages though, it tastes like utter shit.
Ironically, I really enjoy kimchi.
Beets taste like dirty feet. I have no earthly idea why people eat them.
I grew up hating everything that wasn't beef, chicken or cheese. I thank God every day that I grew out of that, and now enjoy pretty much everything. Used to think I'd never like seafood, now I crave it. Couldn't bear the thought of mushrooms, now gravies just aren't the same without them.
But turnips? Fuck them. It's like eating an acrid lovechild of a potato and onion that have both gone off and rolled around in some dirt. No matter how I cook it.
FUCK ONIONS. They're only enjoyable in salsa.
I want to lock up all of you in a cell and only give you the food you hate most. After a few days you will eat. And you will *L*O*V*E* it.
Grow your own then, it's not that fucking hard
I can't drink soda or other carbonated drinks, it's physically painful to try and force down due to the carbonation. How do other people drink it?
Fuck lemon pepper. Cant stand the shit. Give me real lemon or real people, but FUCK lemon pepper
Meatloaf is pretty nasty
>Not rossting and skinning your peppers
Why are your friends cooking rotten eggs?
>yes I'd like the chicken tendies please
chunky salsa
Fuck all of this. Onions are by far the worst though, I can stand mushrooms if they're cooked and in some dish, and fish is bearable if fried up and fresh, but I literally cannot eat onions.
Pic unrelated
ITT: flyover
>green olives
>any fish that's not fried or smells
>organ meat
I've been hyper autistic about making sure texture has 0 impact on taste for me. The only 3 things I can't eat are yams, grapefruit, and raw kale
I used to hate
I forced them down my throat over the years and now I love everything on that list. There's not a single thing I can't eat and enjoy now. There's hope, anons.
10/10, user.
I fucking hate olives god damn
I don't like animal fat from meat (tallow, schmaltz, lard). I can handle pork but chicken and beef is just gross to me.
Dairy fats like butter are fine for me but I still prefer plant based fats.
You have a lot of friends/family that don't know how to cook eggs then.
black olives
that's all the foods that exist that I don't enjoy
I'll give you that a lot of my friends are shit cooks, but then why do I have the same reaction to eggs prepared in restaurants? I've smelled rotten eggs, and they do smell far worse than fresh ones, but fresh eggs still taste and smell like sulphuric farts time.
i still can't stand horseradish even though i've forced myself to eat all kinds of horseradish and wasabi several times
it makes me feel like i'm out of breath too
I don't like raw tomatoe slices on sandwiches or burgers
I mean I like salsa but can't eat them
I've always had a hatred for beans for as long as I can remember, beans on toast is literally the most vile meal I've ever seen.
-besides chicken wings i hate meat that is served with its bones still inside
-green peas and their nasty gritty texture and weird taste
-green olives are fucking disgusting
-baked beans and im not sure how an entire fucking country (UK) loves that shit
-skim milk
I don't like my food to touch, with a small handful of exceptions
Bad opinion/10
Whole beans and shelled peas disgust me. Also, unprocessed corn makes me physically ill, even the smell makes me want to puke. I can eat grits, though.
I've actually thought about using those but I hate eating out of anything except bowls so I don't think it'd work very well
Just use multiple small bowls
i only use mugs and cups for beverages that are either hot or dairy based. i just cant drink juice, water, pop, or anything else from them. it just seems wrong.
bowls are meant for soup and ice cream and using them for anything else is just weird.
Whole milk is where its at. I only drink whole milk much better than 2%
>phallic foods such as asparagus, bratwurst, cucumbers and pickles
>carrots used to be a problem too, but I really like them nowadays
>brussels sprouts
>butter, especially when used for frying. I dunno, it just tastes like burnt bad milk
>whipped cream
>cheese beyond a certain ratio/amount
Captcha: Twatt dead
Absolute madman
I eat button mushrooms raw and most that ive tried (including cubenses) taste good raw or dry. But I agree, those might make me puke if I eat them by themselves
because skim milk is trash and I could totally get why someone wouldn't like it
>water chestnuts
This isn't a big deal or anything, but you find them in Asian dishes sometimes.
>mass produced tomato
I never knew how much I didn't like chain restaurant raw tomatoes until I grew some myself. I can never go back.
Can confirm. Garlic marinated italian, premium quality olives are some of the best things i've ever tasted.
most vegetables. I still eat them though. I don't mind chewing on bits of diced raw onion when cooking so I guess my tastebuds are broken.
the one thing i've learned from being a weeaboo and eating jap food, is that adding just a small coating of some kinda sauce to vegetables makes a world of difference.
>raw mushrooms
For me it's beans. They make me gag so hard. Oddly enough, I can eat refried beans without issue, but I don't really like them.
I grew up with a really picky eater for a mother, so there's a lot of the more common "gross" foods that I haven't eaten yet. For all I know, I hate brussels sprouts and stuff like that too.
Bananas are disgusting. I won't eat them and I won't eat things with them in it. Apparently my grandmother was the same way so maybe it's genetic.
Also I grew up hating onions but I've actually grown to like them in certain dishes.
t. amerifats
Beans, mashed potatoes, and a host of white-colored gunky condiments like mayo, sour cream, and ranch dressing. The condiments smell, taste, and look disgusting and I don't see how people eat them so often. I wish I wasn't picky with beans and mashed potatoes though, the texture just makes me automatically grimace.
Other than that, I'm a pretty open minded eater.
>declining to eat something
Think before you post
I can't stand most vegetables. And the worst part is that everyone is so full of themselves for eating salad and shit, and I have to hold myself from telling them to fuck off and stop lecturing me.
Carrots are the only vegetable I eat, and even then I don't really like it, I just find it bearable.
>taste good
They don't.
How are you still alive
I'm 26 and I still regularly eat Lunchables as a snack and feast on animal crackers when I have the munchies. I'm capable of cooking real food but there's a guilty pleasure in eating the comfort foods of childhood.
>Raw onions of any colors
Just makes me gag.
I struggle eating anything with onions, peppers, or green veggies
they just make my stomach turn and I get kinda angry when my food has them in them
Me too, user. Me too.
Brussels sprouts cooked or raw are great, and also fairly expensive so I find the meme of them being gross stupid
The very thought of eating organ meat and cartilage makes me gag. I also dislike eggs unless it's used for baking. and stuff.
Mushrooms. Fucking bane of my existence. I won't even eat anything made with Cream of Mushroom soup.
Any and all seafood. That includes shellfish, oysters, and fish. I won't even eat tuna salad or fish sticks.
Olives. Any kind of olive. Fucking disgusting. I do tolerate olive oil, though.
Asparagus. Gross.
I went through a phase a few years ago where I wouldn't eat eggs because what they are is pretty disgusting when you think about it, but I've gotten over that.
Drinking milk straight. I thought this was a meme until I got to college, and seeing people in the dining hall drinking a huge glass of milk made me vomit in my mouth.
Mayonnaise is pretty disgusting in excess, but I can deal with a very thin layer on a sandwich.
Pretty much all fish. I can only stomach tuna if it's doused in mayo beforehand. I really like shellfish and bivalves though
Also fuck raw tomatoes
I hate those so much. Whenever I smell them frying it straight up smells like semen.
>tfw you understand that taste and food preference is purely subjective based on a combination of upbringing and the culture surrounding you, that people can literally eat food containing traces of mud or dirt and be fine, and thus do not limit your palate which subsequently leads to enjoying all the culinary world has to offer
Olives, vinager and red meat.
>these are the fucking autists that shitpost on Veeky Forums and start the "find a flaw xDD" threads with some shitty garbage-tier fast food
I hate cabbage, and I FUCKING HATE CUCUMBERS. Disgusting. I also still eat spaghetti-o's like once or twice a month.
I still hate olives and I still eat kraft dinner semi-regularly
Why are you on the food board if you hate food
Having a limited palate means you limit what you're willing to learn
Learn as much as you can, about everything, all the time
I don't like any condiments. I'm a grown ass adult and I just can't stomach them.
I agree. Its just so weird to hate a whole subsection of food used in so many meals. The only edible form of beans is black eyed peas with a shit ton of onions and ham, or a small amount of refried beans in a burrito.