Would you eat bugs?

Would you eat bugs?

#BugNachos (made from real crickets)

No, I'm a white American, not some spic asian chink that has to stoop that low

Asia was a mistake

Only if I was starving to death.


I've had spicy crickets at a bar in Tijuana. Not bad tbqhimho.


These are the only bugs i'd eat.Fuck that other shit right off.

Sure why not

It's high in protein and I'm not a snob.

If I want bugs I'll just eat the USDA allowable amount in my cereal

I saw your post before I noticed the brand. I thought you were using "prehispanic" instead of "prehistoric" to insinuate that HIspanics are no better than Neanderthals.

Nah, not by themselves.

I would rather they just be put into the food I'm eating instead.

It bothers me that you're eating the stomach contents. Even when you eat shrimp you take out their digestive tract. Other than that I'd be cool with it.

Probably, I eat lobster.

No, fuck you. I would rather go vegan

Um, no.


>Crickets and other bugs are easy and fast to farm
>Supposed to be a "sustainable" food source, where you get your protein from for cheap
>Every seller marks the price so high that it's no longer efficient

lobsters are mammals, dummy.

>Implying lobster, crab and shrimp aren't sea bugs

Yeah? I don't eat those either.

plant protein exist lmao.

This. I don't eat any animal whole.

>what is economies of scale

Honestly I'll eat anything if it's chili lime flavor

Eh, I'd try them if they were prepared in an appealing way, but I bet they taste acidic and all-around unpleasant.

Already have

I'd rather do drugs.

i'm already eating billions of LIVE bugs from probiotic foods and I deliberately let them populate my gut so that they can help me be healthier. desu I think consuming gut bacteria actually sounds a lot more bizarre than munching dead bugs for protein. Yet I cringe at the idea. I might do it if the right meme comes along and persuades me.

This is a sad example of capitalism packaging and marketing what is and should be fee for humanity. Why would I waste money on this snack when I can round up and eat as many grasshoppers as I please in the local park? ]

I get down with some bugs

This, I just don't like the texture of sea bugs.
I wouldn't eat raw bugs but I'd eat them blended, I like crab rangoons.

Seabugs I'll eat all day.

Landbugs I'd prefer to be ground up into some sort of protein flour for baking.

Sure, if they're seasoned well and aren't still squirming around

>implying bugs and bacteria are the same

yeah probably, i'll eat anything i'm a fucking animal

witchetty grubs taste pretty good

Statistically speaking, you already do. Sleeping, walking through clouds of gnats in the summer, there are lots of opportunities for the little guys to end up in your stomach somehow.

How the fuck are lobrsters mammals?

Do you eat rice, flour or other grains? I guarantee you you've eaten them in all stages from egg to larva to adult. Don't believe it? Place some in a sealed jar with a few pin pricks in the lid for air, store it in your cabinet for a few weeks and observe your thriving bug colony.

There's an asian place nearby that serves silkworm pupae fried with lemongrass. They're pretty decent.

The same way that sharks are.


>eating bugs

>Handmade in San Francisco

Why does California have to exist? This is why I never take people seriously when they claim that Cali has the best cuisine.

Is a bird a mammal?

Do it then and stop crying.

Being a white American that eats processed foods, of course I do since the FDA and USDA have standards of acceptable amounts of things such as insects (roaches mostly), maggots, rat/mice hair and feces that is allowed in products such as orange juice, peanut butter, &c. Even more so when I eat out at any restaurant, there are countless amounts of the things I mentioned in my food.

>gets bugs in food at restraunts

Why don't you try eating at a place that doesn't have a dollar menu?

We fried grasshoppers in boy scouts multiple times (survivalist stuff). Didn't full you up, but quite edible.

I'd rather go vegan and then shoot myself for stooping that low.

I would try it, the bigger ones seem like they would not be as appealing.

I'd rather starve to death honestly.

I'd eat cat, dog, and even human before I ate bugs.

why not

Do they taste good? I eat lobster and crayfish so these are not that far beyond that.

I would eat bugs before vegetables

Not in a million years.

Give me a cricket large enough that I can boil it's legs and pull the meat out of them to eat with some garlic butter, and I will happily eat it.

I'm not gonna eat no tiny ass cricket.

Nope. I've tried though, the issue is the texture is like biting into something that dissolves into ash in your mouth. It's like biting the cherry off of a cigarette. Plus it tastes like fucking bugs. Maybe in time it'll be better, but covering it up with different flavors isn't the way to do it.
Plus most edible bug companies boil and preserve in salt so it tastes like dry, ash + salt like you're licking an unwashed armpit and chewing the bits of cloth/string that got caught.
there need to be better methods of cooking. Toasting might be better for the texture but i'm still not convinced.

I eat at Taco Bell pretty much every week, so yeah.

FDA puts insects as experimental food.

There has yet to be a funded study of potential food borne illnesses from consuming insects.

Not enough people willing to foot the bill for such a study.

Personally, not unless it was HIGHLY processed, like something baked with cricket flour. I'm terrified of bugs. But I believe in bugs-as-food as a futurist concept. High in protein, low use of resources, low use of space, infinitely sustainable. We're a few generations away from accepting it in America, but it really is the future of animal protein.

China's growing demand for meat is already putting a death-clock on meat-as-an-affordable-dietary-staple, ending sooner rather than later.

Your Unicorn Frappuccino has bugs in it. Amerifat.

>uses spanish on the bag
sure, go ahead and "preserve" your hipster snacks which aren't going anywhere, but don't worry about preserving a near extinct ancient language

crispy or meaty ones sure, ain't gonna eat "poppers" like though.

>when cooked the skin becomes crisp like roast chicken while the inside becomes light yellow, like a fried egg
sounds good as fuck