wtf he's dead?

holy shit that drawing is bad

Because he saw the gas bill.

Either as a career move to make him seem more like a Kurt Cobain figure or because he saw his predictions coming true.

neurotic depression, he already tried to kill himself before dropping out of Harvard

To get to the other side

Chronic lack of talent


Sempai Pynchon didn't notice him.

Another one for the collection.

thanks i drew it

His depression was so bad he couldn't even think. Would you keep living if you were in that situation?

He was taking pills to remove that disability. I think the right question OP was trying to ask is why did he decide to stop with the pills.

I heard somewhere that he felt like he couldn't finish his last book with his medication

more like why didn't he kill himself sooner



perfect end to the novel infinite jest. With him dying the jest truly becomes infinite

>"He was taking pills to remove that disability."
>depression is a dis-"""ability"""
>dubiously experimental narcotics can rectify that dis-ability
gee I really do wonder why did he Jews to stop with the pills

Sorry, English is not a native language for me and I didn't want to spend too much time looking for a different word.
Anyway, have a (You) here.

>depression isn't disabling

define "disabling" my Zion friend

>(of a disease, injury, or accident) limit (someone) in their movements, senses, or activities.

He couldn't discern any reason to live.

He didn't kill himself, he was downright murdered by society

Your micro-penis for instance.

top kek good work user

oh, OK.
I resign then, that there are things of non-gross-physical corporal nature such as: being depressed, having immense amounts of wealth, being of royal blood, etc., which could be dubbed as being a disability (i.e. being disabling).

Would you like pills for that seven-figure inheritance, my friend? crap, I shouldn't get emotionally attached to my patients. I only mean you well.

You're (((projecting))). Would you like pills for that, my friend? crap, I shouldn't get emotionally attached to my patients. I only mean you well.

The fuck is wrong with your brain.

There are some disabling factors at play.

I went to the brain and nerves doctor (i.e. psychiatrist) and xe said I'm depressed and I need pills because I'm not thinking straight due to my disability. So now I'm taking pills but because of them as a side effect I'm not thinking straight.

Huh, I guess xe was right.