Why are these allowed in restaurants?
Why are these allowed in restaurants?
stop going to shitty "restaurants", nigga
I feel for people who are freaked out by the sight of feet, because I wear flops all the time. But I care more about my comfort than yours, so sorry user. My heart pumps purple piss for you.
betting 100$ that ur a virgin
or if ur not, you only fucked uggo chicks whole your life
Dirtier things come in contact with your shoes. Besides, nothing a good mopping can't fix.
Unless you've got some rare bacterial foot funk, is there any real harm in wearing just flip flops or sandals?
what the hell is that
Is that... Is that unicorn frap vomit?
It is some kind of toilet bowl cleaner.
if you want asian food you better get used to it
This was a refreshing insult on a board where the best anyone can come up with is "cuck." I'd buy you a beer, but you better believe I'd be wearing flops.
Fuck off OP. I'm a paying customer like everyone else. People order garbage that I hate, yet I put up with it.
So maybe you should just grow up and deal with a whiff of feet while you eat.
iirc I think that's a bath bomb that was dissolved in a toilet
Why are these allowed period?
Because most restaurant owners are foot fetishists.
I don't like having to see people's ugly feet.
>I just fucked yo bitch in some gucci flip flops
>I just took a piss, I saw codeine coming out
I hope you and every faggot that loves to wear flip flops and expose their disgusting toes gets trenchfoot
Why would you even bother posting such butthurt? It's not as if you're going to actually hurt anyone's feelings.
Because it's a Jersey thing
Looks like a bath bomb.
>it's getting warmer out
>qt girls start exposing their feet
Only reason why I go outside during the summer
>losers on this board doesn't get it
Those are some nice feet.
>armpits galore
Barefoot master race reporting in.
Many restaurants are just happy to get people through the door.
Enjoy your hookworms. They'll certainly be enjoying your lung and intestinal tissues.
>he can't swab his floor down
Manchild, too used to your mommy doing it for you?
You do know that hookworms come from outdoors, right?
You do realize that dirt transfers from outdoors -> indoors, right?
>he seriously thinks he doesn't need to mop his floors
What the fuck is wrong with this board and the """people""" in it.
MacDonald's isn't a restaurant
Why would it matter? Are you eating off the floor? Why do so many people either have a fucking foot fetish or puke at the thought of a foot? What is wrong with you people?