Post your local McDonalds.
Post your local McDonalds
McDonalds is the place TO ROCK
It doesn't look like this anymore, because of the remodeling they're doing in this image.
wesley willis, i miss that guy. he was so cool. and big and strong. he was the man.
cucks, all of them
Not really of it but closest I had on phone. Don't know why I took this
The mountains say West, the gravel and rocks say Southwest, and the palm trees say Arizona.
Close. Southern Cali
Literally the same. Arizona is just Southern California with worse skin.
And shittier laws and people.
Before I even saw the text I knew this was Asian.
comfy af
You're so clever.
Thank you, user. You're nice.
peoria is such a shit hole.
I agree, but at least it's not BloNo.
Just a standard McDonald's.
I'm not allowed within 1000 feet of my local store...
>post your local mcdonalds
I live in a city
Living in a city means mcdonalds delivers
and no beaches
This is Veeky Forums. It's supposed to be about cooking, or at least FOOD! McDonalds is neither of those. Please stop.
I met him in 2002 and got the famous head butt. Crazy dude but he had a good heart
bretty boring
Are you retarded, mcdonalds is both those things.
What's everyone's go-to order?
>McDouble w/ extra pickles
>6pc McNugget w/ sweetnsour and honey mustard
>Small coke
captcha is literally lessingstr mcdole
anyway been to this shithole several times over the years though i've only lived close to it for 4 months. heard it's a real shithole on a saturday night and a frequent cop spot.
Apparently it was one of the first with that touchscreen ordering thing around here
Step your game up, all of you.
you know it's gonna be a shit mcdonalds when they can only afford the lowest standard sign post height
I think you got them mixed user
You shut the fuck up. California is shit due to the retards that vote the idiots who make the laws.
I can see this McDonald's from my backyard, I've never actually been in there though.
Only the Muslim youth goes there anymore, only at weekend nights.
They've got two drive-thrus, one on each side of the building.
And another nearby one that has two drive-thrus side by side.
Luckily, we don't have a local McDonalds.
fresh reno
So... Nobody is gonna remark on how weird this guy is?
this looks like they remodeled a Church into a McD
How's he weird?
Walking around with mcpics on his phone is normal to you?
I saw that shit
I literally never went there
Where in Aus is this one?
Never been but it looks ok
It's as depressing as it looks. At least they updated it with touchscreen ordering now.
>tfw I'll never live in sunny california
Just end it senpai
I hope you all die from clogged ateries for bringing your money to shitty places like mcdonalds
I was talking a photo of an area I'd worked for years and it was my last shift after a night shift, McDonalds just happened to be in it. Don't know why I posted it though I'm mostly retarded.
Apparentally this is acceptable in Burger King.
At mine, for some reason they don't allow me inside, but I can order at the drive thru. Thankfully there's ample parking and windows by the playplace.
How do you get banned from fucking mcdonalds lmao, you're american right?
how do you get banned from Mc Donalds?
lol wtf, please give us the greentext friend.
I don't have an image but my local is the botany maccas and everyone who knows what I mean should jump in because I know theres at least 3 of you
there is a new one in town, but its inside a mall.
yep.. looks like a burger king.
>Mac junior or grilled onion Swiss burger
>double hamburger
>Put double hamburger patties on tasty burger
If this isn't food, I really don't know what is.
Get some fuckin McGas while you are there
My local McDonalds was a Mcdiner. The first mcdiner built in 2001. Ask me anything.
Almost not recognizable as mcdicks
Every single person who works here is black and as such it is deplorably run, it took them a half hour to get me my fucking Sausage McMuffin last weekend and they're all loud, disgusting animals.
forgot mah pic
russians sure love their benzes
what is a mcdinner
lmao wtf kind of drive thru is that
a cave or some shit
nigga we goin mining for burgers or some shit?
I used to work in the building across the street, and all I very quickly learned there is only so many convenient and low quality burgers you can stuff into your faceholes before just looking at the golden archways makes you want to puke.
I definitely miss the big mac sauce though.
A mcdiner was an experiment by McDonalds to create midwestern style comfort meals (meat loaf, chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes..etc) There was tableside service and phone in the booth to place your order. They lasted from 2001 until around 2004 before being shutdown as the food was atrocious.
McGangbang in Canada. With a MacPoulet. Note prices.
>going to burger king to have a shit
Id rather take a dump out in public than put my skin on that thing
kike fuck
McDonald's - Arvada, CO
Just your basic McDonald's... Nothing special about it.
its a carwash/drive-tru combo
Comfy af
I live in a civilised country. We don't have McDonald's here.
Nearest and also the worst.
That girl is cute, where is this?
This is too weird, I used to live a couple blocks away from there.
Sure, why not.
It's shit, though. Like, worse than any other McDonald's I've ever been to.
The only worse places are Burger King, and the entire food court in the downtown mall.
There's actually a local chain called Deluxe Hamburgers, and they're amazing. Great prices, clean stores, friendly staff, delicious food.
And the best part? All of their restaurants (with their glorious, single golden arch) are always across the street from a McDonald's.
An example of the rivalry.
McDonald's has 5 or so restaurants in town, and Deluxe has 3.
The McDonald's near me is the oldest operating one in downey, ca. It's also the third to ever open.
It's like a drive-thru, but for pedestrians.
Usually in dense cities where driving downtown doesn't make sense.
I meant the oldest operating mcdonald's ever. Not just in downey.