It looks like /r/books is ready to become avid readers

It looks like /r/books is ready to become avid readers

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Which one of you meme-loving fucks did this?

>That's amazing advice OP, you're living your best life.
wew lad

This is why people say reddit is dumb.

holy fuck

If you think the 'reddit is filled with plebs' thing is just a meme or elitism you're sorely wrong. That is par for the course.

Wait, I thought this pasta was originally an actual reddit thread.


I have been thinking about it and I think 'there were two enemies if you count god' was actually a good line. The reason it is a good line isn't the cleverness but how it opens a window into what events led up to making this guy hate god. It is a self defeatist, fuck everything, some crazy shit just went down line.

if I picked up a book I knew nothing about and that was the first line I would drop it and probably laugh audibly.
it's awful and it lays out its awfulness pretty neatly for you
>why am I reading a book this edgy
>why am I reading a book about an action-jackson loose-cannon macho protagonist with a kill-list
>why am I reading a book with obvious fundamental misconceptions about God that I now have to learn about
I don't want to read about how "some crazy shit just went down", I'd rather just watch a shitty action flick

Why is this board so goddamn obsessed with what reddit does? Just a few years ago we would have never even acknowledged their existence and just DISCUSSED LITERATURE. Enough is enough. Stop shitting up the board quality with threads like these.

you seem to have misunderstood who's whose property here

>discussed literature

>'there were two enemies if you count god'
What's the source?

ikr i mean how middle class you have to be

Reading 5 pages a day to start out.... you got to be kidding me, if you're attention span is so bad you can only read 5 pages at a time go back to watching reality tv

Thats the funny part, it was designed to be a satire of reddit and ended up popular on reddit

your just jealous someones living their best life

They can't all be patricians like us who read up to 10 whole pages a day

my diary


Honest to (fuck) God

How many layers of irony is this?


I can only imagine how frail and inept stirnerfags are


>even a shitpost on Veeky Forums is among the best content seen on reddit
>they literally love to eat shit




>read various books at the same time

The rest of his points aren't bad, but that particular advice is laughably shit-tier. Dividing your attention and motivation with multiple books will only make you more likely to say fuck it and procrastinate even more.

Reading is supposed to be an enjoyable hobby, among other things, you know

some r*ddit thread which had people posting the first line of their novel in it.

I've been on lit for 4 years and never seen any actual discussion of literature.