Coffee Coffee Coffee
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Coffee Talk Thread
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Coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee
was that dark roast Robusta or decaf, user ?
c - coffee
o - oh its coffee
f - french roast
f - fan (of coffee)
e - every kind of coffee
e - excellent coffee
Honestly, I love the smell of coffee, but it all tastes like dirty water to me.
>but it all tastes like dirty water to me.
coffee river
I bought a 3lb bag of medium roast whole bean, my regular coffee jar only holds 1lb, and I finished the first lb in 22 servings, so I can estimate that 3lbs of coffee is enough to make 66 servings of 16 fl. oz each, or 8.25 gallons of coffee!
How does Veeky Forums take theirs?
do people really drink a tiny shot glass worth of coffee like a ristretto, espresso or doppio?
That's like 1 oz of coffee.
so what's your point
did you made or did you lose money with this bag
p.s. Are you opening coffee shop
op said to talk about coffee, i'm talking about coffee
stop being such a nerd
can't tell the difference, tastes so good that the 3K espresso machine is not a match to a $5/jar instant 100% Arabica coffee.
>go figure
That shit's only slightly less gross than regular instant coffee.
I only use it for cooking coffee flavored cakes and glazes.
>obviously lucking basic skills how to properly brew quality instant coffee
>what a shame this user is a failure
Choose one and only one
I wanna make coffee jello!
Having a coffee grinder at home is the best!
Whatever kind of device you use to make a cup of coffee is it really worth all the effort involved, including cleaning up to make just a single cup of coffee for yourself?
I love coffee btw, just asking for opinions or maybe some people have found short cuts or easier ways to do things.
>all the effort involved,
no effort at all and great cup of coffee
How does a moccamaster compare/differ in taste to an aeropress?
I want to be able to get a few cups of coffee going with minimal attention, and get more cups done when I have friends visiting.
Yeh I do that too sometimes
>Yeh I do that too sometimes
brewing instant coffee?
It's not so much brewing, you just dissolve a teaspoon of powder in a mug with boiling water.
It's ok for a caffine fix but tastes not as good as real coffee.
>you will never be a japanese schoolgirl
why live
>why live
to brew coffee
I just brewed delicious cup of 100% Arabica instant coffee
So I bought an Aeropress and I'm still trying to understand what's the hype compared to my 9 dollar coffee machine.
I don't exactly understand the instructions. How many tablespoon scoops of coffee should I generally use per level? What are some good instructions or tips?
So far I've used 1 scoop per 2 levels thus, using 2 scoops total.
Should I instead use 2 scoops for 2 levels and then put hot water making it an Americano?
4 months ago I bought Aeropress after reading bunch of reviews and watching some youtube videos.
I don't regret the purchase. Aeropress works on a very similar principle as french press.
Aeropress is very simple to clean, after I pour coffee into the mug and coffee is cooling down to be ready to drink I run the unit under cold water for 5 seconds (just to make it not so hot)
and remove the plunger to clean it.
I just rinse it with warm water, don't use any soaps, let the coffee oil to stay there.
I store the unit disassembled with the plunger upside down (the robber part up) for the water to dry out from it.
I use metal filter (not the paper filters), because I like to get the coffee oils in my coffee.
I believe that the coffee oils are tasty and more important they are very beneficial to consume them.
As to the amounts of coffee grinds to use there is no set rule really, play with it and make it as strong as you like judging by the amount of water you pouring
and amount of coffee ground you used in your previous brewing device.
One thing I was experimenting is to let the water stay for up to 5-7 minutes (not the recommended 30-45-60 seconds), I was experimenting using the french press soaking time 5-7 minutes
and after that I was pushing the plunger of Aeropress down.
Coffee got bit stronger and richer in taste.
Yes with metal filter you get few coffee grounds on the bottom of you cup but that is no big deal for me, (I grind coffee for my Aeropress the same size as for my moka pot maker)
no problems with too many coffee grinds coming through the metal filter for me.
>So I bought an Aeropress and I'm still trying to understand what's the hype compared to my 9 dollar coffee machine.
Well as you noticed you can make smaller amounts of coffee with Aeropress, very portable to take it with you, very easy to clean.
Get a scale, and the timing depends on the coffee and the grind. Some coffees seem to excel at 1:30, others as long as 4:00
It usually takes me 5 or 6 cups on a new bag before I've got it dialed in
>Get a scale,
I prefer counting the coffee grinds that way I'm always very precise, scales can be off by few micrograms and that will screw your perfect cup of coffee.
>It usually takes me 5 or 6 cups on a new bag before I've got it dialed in
5 or 6 cups?
you must be very sloppy or have very shitty coffee making junk
I get perfect cup of coffee every time.
>what's wrong with you, 5 or 6 cups of wasted brew
>I get perfect cup of coffee every time.
t.low standards, likely Happy Mug customer
If you do youre Italian/Middle Eastern and you drink sparkling water with it
lots of sugar lots of milk
No, I'm just not some delusional moron who uses $200 scale to measure amount of coffee with laboratory precision and makes it stupid science project of pouring boiling water over coffee grounds,
and thinks that you got it right.
If you wan't to be so stupid anal about it go ahead, but you are delusional thinking that you are drinking superior cup of coffee.
Good quality instant coffee could be as good as your silly complicated brewing methods coffee you just believe in your stupid lies, that's all
it's an $11 scale, and your standards are low. it's fine. don't be so upset, not everyone cares about coffee.
>it's an $11 scale
>ha ha $11 scale = high standards. kek
>drinking literal dirtwater
>responding to instant-coffee autist
Welcome to the coffee threads.
>waah waaah his scale is too expensive
>oops! I sure look stupid I mean waah waah it's too cheap!
nice damage control
>>drinking literal dirtwater
but the dirt was measured very precisely using $11 weight scale and it took 5 or 6 cups to dialed in perfect cup of dirtwater
>there is very precise science to it, you know. KEK
>being so mad you actually used sage
when you're this butthurt it's time to take a break
If it's not Turkish then it's not coffee
>I prefer counting the coffee grinds that way
I don't know about counting coffee grinds, unless you have some special device that can do that fast, but I don't trust weighing my coffee beans, I prefer counting them before grinding.
Weight of coffee beans can be affected by moisture content and so on, that's why counting them is much more reliable in my opinion.
Also weight scales should be calibrated very often (especially the $11 junk made in China)
Being a Turkish fanatic these days, I have to admit that espresso also brings out flavor notes that otherwise only Turkish would.
The real point to be made is that if your method doesn't use a fine grind, you aren't tasting all of your coffee.
Weighing is the correct way, because each bean has a different weight. Weighing to 18g or however much you want to use is the exact same mass of coffee every time.
>>being so mad you actually used sage
WTF you are talking about, what sage?
Coffee is for psudo intelecual losers.
Tea/Energy drinks do coffee job 10x over.
The kind the guy used when he posted his assblasted reply, how fucked is this board that it needs to be explained what sage does?
You can tell when someone sages when the thread stays in position even though a new post was added
So far I've found 3 different coffee brands/roasts/flavors/whatever that don't taste like old cigarette butts.. but they're not cheap ($9-12 a lb)
I'm also getting tired of having to go through so much bullshit(prep/cleanup) to make my fancy-ass non-pleb cup of coffee.
I wish I could find a decent cheap coffee and buy a cheap drip machine and fucking relax like the lazy slob I am.
>Weighing to 18g or however much you want to use is the exact same mass of coffee every time.
Mr.Village Idiot I have challenge for you.
Take 200 coffee beans, now from the 200 take 100 coffee beans and soak them in water over night.
Next day weigh the dry 100 coffee beans, and weigh the wet 100 coffee beans and see if there is a difference in weight between the two piles.
>you are the idiot amongst us user
>how fucked is this board that it needs to be explained what sage does?
I know what sage is in relation to threads, but I never did it.
Besides you can not tell who is doing sagging just by reading their posts.
So I don'y understand why you accused me of sagging this thread?
>take 2 things that weigh the same
>add stuff to one
>they don't weight the same??!??!
dude, are you like that black astrologer from the internet? because this shit is trippy af
cigarette butts taste usually means it's underextracted
Java amore.
Dark roast.
Sugar, no cream.
OK you are the Village Idiot. That's OK you are not the first and not the last.
Read this post >but I don't trust weighing my coffee beans, I prefer counting them before grinding.
>Weight of coffee beans can be affected by moisture content and so on, that's why counting them is much more reliable in my opinion.
>Weighing to 18g or however much you want to use is the exact same mass of coffee every time.
18g of dry coffee beans will have much more coffee beans than 18g of wet (moist) coffee beans you idiot.
And coffee beans don't have to be soaking wet to be considered (moist), they will look dry on the outside but they will have moisture trapped in them if stored in moist environment.
Here is your attention
If I keep buying single origin coffee does that make me a hipster
when I go to the coffee shop that is what they sell...
can I use Aero press to brew instant coffee?
I work at Starbucks and I can say that I really appreciate coffee after drinking that shit every fucking day for the last year. Some of the beans are decent but the majority (Pike and Espresso roasts) are overly acidic and taste burnt.
Moving from Australia (European-style coffee snob culture) to the instant-drip in America was a shock to the tastebuds.
Best way to get ugly looking yellow teeth is to drink coffee.
Success guaranteed.
Coffee stains your teeth very efficiently and you will look ugly.
This is Veeky Forums not Veeky Forums
Been drinking coffee every day for 15 years, still MyShinyTeethAndMe.mp3
Have better oral hygiene
Surely there must be a version of this image that's actually legible?
I wish I had searched for the image before I posted that first post because then I wouldn't have had to make this second post just to post the image.
this guy is right. a properly brewed instant coffee can taste good
your wrong the same instant coffee can have different tastes depends how its made.
>depends how its made.
elaborate please
Aeropress doesn't need much effort and gives you really nice coffee cups
Can you brew instant coffee using Aeropress
why would moisture be a problem in first place? Aren't you keeping your coffee bags propperly in a dry and dark enviroment? or are you one of those retards that keep the coffee on the fridge?
>not randomly soaking half your coffee beans to make a point on the internet
it's like you enjoy losing nonsensical internet arguments
I guess, but why would you want that?
to have reason to keep using my Aeropress.
Since I quit grinding coffee and brewing coffee the complicated way using french presses or drip coffee makers and other methods because I switched to instant coffee now.
I still would like to use my Aeropress so I don't feel that it was waste of money buying it.
And maybe pressure created by Aeropress would add even more flavor to the instant coffee powder.
Just sell it to someone who enjoys coffee more than you
Hey guys, been working at a coffee machine repair place for the last month. Most staff, and the entire customer base, is italian. It's quite fun, never cared about coffee much before.
Anyway, got myself a little moka pot and a hand grinder, having fun testing different blends/beans/pre ground shit.
I'm thinking of using my newfound knowledge to make a youtube channel about repairing coffee machines, but thought I'd make a "tutorial" where I put freeze dried in my moka pot and then heavily wash it out with detergent, leaving obvious smears in the base lol.
...Fuck that made a mess
Anyway, wanna know what happens to your $3k superautomatic when you send it in for repair, just ask.
Lungo. Nothing else is coffee.
Never seen an italian drink coffee, have you?
This. I get all the "Bad roasts" from work. Enough to open a caffee.
You put enough coffee in so it coffee's properly.
>Take old coffee grounds
>Use them to grow more coffee
Get a decent superauto then you lazy fuck
Typical comfy morning consists of me popping one of these on the stove, either filled with Cafe Bustelo or Lavazza.
Then I foam the milk and make a cappuccino.
Used to do it by shaking the milk in any random airtight container I could find, but now I use a frother.
Comfy core.
>dont talk to me until i have my coffee xD
I need to stop buying coffee from coffee places. What's a good way to start brewing coffee that doesn't cost a ton of money?
Get a bag of ground coffee, and a french press/cafetiere
Badda bing badda boom
science time - will report in when done
French press and a small coffee grinder. I would also suggest one of those 6 dolar thermometers for liquids, but that's up to you.
Operation C.O.F.F.E.E.
Hi guys
I'm wanting to learn how to make pour-overs, and i've got equipment coming to do so (Decen gooseneck kettle, Hario carafe, and Kalita 102 filter).
Any recommended sites I can order some decent coffee beans? I'd like some really good stuff, bc all I can really get in my area of KY is whole beans from Starbucks or Kroger.
Espressino/Breve for me. I want to be able to just drink normal espresso or lungo, but I'm a wuss. How can I man up?
Not much idea about the beans, you may want to visit some coffee shops and ask about their roasters to keep them as fresh as possible.
I may also suggest you get a way to measure the amount of water you use, like a kitchen scale, in order to make consistent cups.
After watching enough technique videos in anticipation of my equipment, i'd have to agree on the scale. I was initially trying to cut some costs (hence why I went with a Decen kettle instead of a nicer Hario kettle) but I have seen that the scale is almost mandatory, along with a timer.
There's a really nice coffee shop in my town, so i'll ask them. They sell their beans, but I was hoping for more variety. Ah well. Thanks for responding.
>who enjoys coffee more than you
user are you insulting me or trying to troll me.
I enjoy coffee immensely and it hurts me to read your undeserved attack on me.
Because I chose alternative way of brewing coffee (instant coffee) that gives you no right to insult me with your hurtful sarcastic comment.
And to rub salt into my wound you attached this disturbing cartoon.
>How sad
I'm so stressed out because of this comment
that I'm using double portions of cream and sugar in my cup of instant coffee
yeah but why isnt talking about pic related
C - Cocks
O - Oh
F - Flaming
F - Fuck
E - Excellent
E - Extremities
Tea for me.
Augustus, my boy! You mustn't do that! My coffee river has never been touched by human lips!