Really makes you think...
Really makes you think...
They're all food to me
Just left of that Kung Pow chicken meat on the far left.
I draw the line at herbivores. They taste better. I make an exception for pigs. Pigs are omnivorous, yet delicious. Praise Jesus.
"The weak are meat the strong do eat."
Vegan B8 again.
Sod off and go and chew some celery
Is that chart saying that golden retriever is closer to food than a bulldog? And that giant cats are the most pet-like pets of them all?
I'd eat every dog on there but the basset hound out of spite
I really want to eat some rabbit
do you eat tuna?
yea, it's an animal rights organization that could only think of dogs and cats when it came to pet animal category. And cats are a traditional Christmas dish in Switzerland so by posting this you are waging war on Christmas you piece of garbage!!
no line for me
Switzerland sux fat dicks fyi
Contrary to everything I was ever told or had read, dog is absolutely delicious. So no lines for me!
I like these images because they show normies that their moronic emotional thinking is wrong.
>eating a dog is sick and wrong because I like dogs and it hurts my feefees when someone eats them
>fuck cows though
too bad they're mostly about veganism and not issues taht actually matter
It's the most christmasy place on earth you mongrel! Stop trying to destroy Jesus birthday, you vegan!!
>All animals want to live.
Is it human?
Is it a primate?
Does it post a health risk?
If the answers to these are no then yeah I'd go for it. The primate part is only a thing because of uncanny valley.
Heck I'd eat dolphin despite how intelligent they are because they're a bunch of sociopathic rapists.
>sociopathic rapists.
But user, you are what you eat? Do you really want to risk it?
>where do you draw the line?
between the horse and the chicken obviously
You sure? There's a rabbit to the left of the horse.
>eating rat
hell nah nigga, I know where to put my lines
Right here.
Swap the horse and the rabbit
I draw the line after the hose.
Rabbit, Chicken, Cow, Pig, Furry Thing, Duck are food.
why would you not want to eat horse? it's basically just a slightly different cow
why would I eat horse when there's plenty of cow bred and ready to eat by the truckload?
>not eating cats and dogs
They don't taste even remotely the same.
>all animals want to live
>how dare you eat meat and take a life for your convenience and comfort
>abortion is my sacred right
>fuck that innocent baby that would be inconvenient and uncomfortable for me to raise
>wah wah liberals love diversity and all peoples and ideas
>except Christians and republicans
Where do YOU draw the line OP? I, for one, pick humans over animals.
I eat all of them
t. Somali refugee
How dare you assume xe's species
Someone should switch the cat and the rabbi on the picture for extra bait points
What rabbi?
Evolve to consume plant matter since it's plentyful
Someone else evolved to eat you since you are plentyful
Such is lofe
I draw the line on the usefulness of the animal in question, including ornamental use. Classifying pets on the basis of species is dumb, any animal could in theory be a pet.
However, classifying animals as food is another different story, obviously eating carnivores wouldnt be economical.
Rabbit and horse are both fucking delicious. Cats and dogs are/were born widely eaten. If I was hungry enough, human would be on the fucking menu, so dog is hardly taboo.
surely there has to be more people that consider rabbits as food, than those who consider horses as food?
I'm sorry but when I see that picture I just laugh at how stupid leftish shit is cause I cna just imagine them making a similar line up with white people -> asians -> spics -> black people; racism, where do you draw the line.
I think the line goes around here
Frenchy here, can confirm.
Add ducks, snail, frog, and small birds to the right. Endangered species are the tastiest.
I checked OP's picture for jews.
Simple, between the rabbit and the dog.it's all cultural though so i probably would eat dogs if i grew up in the right region
That's it. Horse/camel meat tastes pretty good.
I would totally try cats and dogs.
it only depends on how easily i can recognize the animal, if it's chopped into small pieces, cooked and served with some delicious food then it is fine by me.
It's not very nice, cat is particularly bad.
Makes sense really
I wouldn't turn down eating dog or cat if someone offered me some, I feel like it would be hypocritical as fuck and I'm actually curious how it would taste.
Right after the golden retriever.
But the "baby" wasn't ever alive and even considered human if it was early enough for abortion. It's not murder in any way
Between dog and rabbit. Rabbit is food. Dog is pet. Pretty easy IMHO.
Really? If it's not alive why do you need to do a procedure to kill it?
and it's not human? It has its own DNA. What is it if it's not human?
Why is duck the farthest to the right?
Yes, i want to live too, and i do it at the expense of other living beings, even if i didnt eat meat. What's wrong with it?
>exists wide variety of pets
>only show different breeds of dogs and cats
vegans not getting enough nutrients to the their brains is too real.
You forgot an important line
>is it my property?
>eating predators that evolved to be a work animal and a companion
I'm not one for history. How did the chinese get to the point that dog meat is normal?
Where do vegetarians stand on prokaryotic life forms?
I would have no problems with eating horses or even dogs.
I think it's a sliding scale, some will eat clams and shit because they don't feel pain, others won't even eat honey because BEES ARE PEOPLE TOO
But none of them care for life forms you can't see.
Delicious vanilla answer.
>tfw freshly cooked duck meat pizza
>tfw eating it in front of vegan friend
I have eaten everything on that picture expcept for cat because the meat is not really nice to eat. Dog isn't that good either. horse, rabbit and duck are delicious though.
rabbit is fucking delicious
frequent famine. shit teir asians don't understand farming so they eat their friends.
Horse is disgusting
What's mass starvation from le ebil Gomies?