For the life of me cooking healthy food seems confusing as fuck. Whats an easy way to start out?
For the life of me cooking healthy food seems confusing as fuck. Whats an easy way to start out?
Hot pan
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Oil, eggs, meat and dairy are not healthy at all.
Eating "lots of fats" is not healthy. Fat should be limited and come from whole plant foods.
I also find it hilarious that a processed, refined, non-nutritious food like oil, the most concentrated source of empty calories on the planet, is listed as healthy, when these same people piss their fucking pants over a few grams of sugar somewhere.
>For the life of me cooking healthy food seems confusing as fuck. Whats an easy way to start out?
You cook up some source of carbohydrates, i.e. beans, lentils, tubers, grains and pseudograins. You combine it with a large portion of vegetables, raw and cooked. You add some nuts and seeds
Try to cook as much as possible for yourself from basic quality ingredients and don't add thnigs like msg.
>confusing as fuck
Avoid trans fats
Avoid sugar
have a healthy balance of saturated to unsaturated fats (like 20% saturated I think is the recommendation)
get a lot of omega 3 (from seafood & animals, not just plants)
eat a lot of fish, nuts and liver for them fat-soluble vitamins etc.
eat a lot of veggies and berries for them water soluble vitamins, fiber etc.
eat fruit, but not so much that you'll get crazy amounts of sugar
get solid amounts of protein (like 1g per kg of weight a day for normies)
drink water
don't eat so much that you'll go fat; water and low calorie foods like veggies n berries help with this
>Oil, eggs, meat and dairy are not healthy at all
Enjoy your no gains you fat piece of shit.
>eat fruit, but not so much that you'll get crazy amounts of sugar
Fat brainwashed clowns shouldn't give nutrition advice
>Veeky Forums recommends tilapila
I'm not a fit fag or anything but this image is pretty much my diet.
I'm slightly overweight but I drink a shit load of beer.
Can a keto diet give me more energy and fix my fucked up brain?
It blows my mind people still regurgitate the 1g protein per lb of bodyweight meme.
"normal" yogurt? wtf is normal yogurt
>implying full fat is bad
for some reason whole milk is ok but not full fat yogurt
>"Pasta, Pita, Wraps, Tortilla, Rye"
Rye is a type of grain you fucking mongolid. Why is it grouped with finished products?
misspelled teriyaki, basmati
couscous and quinoa are not a kind of rice you fucking IDIOT couscous belongs under pasta except you can't distinguish pasta from fucking RYE kill yourself
why "only white/red/sweet" potatoes? what the fuck does that even mean?
"natural" honey? as opposed to unnnatural?
it's not 1 g of protein per lb bodyweight, it's a LEAN MASS formula shit for brains and your numbers are WRONG just like everything else in this STUPID FUCKING IMAGE
What's wrong with the statement.
Hmm maybe you should start by looking at the pic you just posted and then eating those things YOU LITERAL FUCKING MORON JUST KILL YOURSELF YOU RETARDED PIECE OF SHIT.
Make sure your plate is 50% veg, and the rest 25% of whatever else you're eating.
Non-sweetened greek yogurt
non-sweetened greek yogurt is "normal yogurt"? but only low fat non-sweetened greek yogurt? I think your definition of "normal" is fucked in the head. if anything bulgarian style full-fat yogurt is "normal"
also unsweetened is the default, there is no need to specify. would you say "unsweetened milk" too?
You asked, nigga.
pan on
Drink pure water instead of soft drinks.
it's not hard. go to the store and buy real food. don't buy kraft mad and cheese, don't buy frozen beef patties, buy fresh meats and produce. then cook and eat them
Nah. Basically you just limit your ingredients. Buy everything fresh or frozen, nothing premade.
Veggies -Because you need to eat fiber and other carbs. Again, buy fresh or frozen.
Eggs -Dat fat and protein, cheap, versatile
Natural Protein -As fresh or unprocessed as you can. Minced beef is as far as you would go with this
Natural fat -Same as above. Olive oil, butter, coconut oil are the best options
Cheese -Fats are not really that bad for you, especially as this kind of diet limits the amount of carbs you tend to eat (Rice, pasta, bread, processed shit)
Regards, 87kg, 178cm, 140 bench, 210 kg squat, 240kg deadliftm swims, runs and goes climbing regularly.
Also, you learn to broaden your cooking skills a shitload when every meal is not just
>Pick your carb and sauce
is that supposed to be an impressive physique, or are you just delusional?
Is that supposed to be bait, or are you just bitter and alone?
hey Veeky Forums really knows what theyre talking about you know
Just eat some fucking vegetables, christ.
I hope you recognize the irony of posting a shirtless selfie on a food board while calling someone else "bitter and alone"
Veeky Forums is just /lgbt/ for guys who are still in the closet, there is very little actual fitness knowledge being posted on that board, the only interesting threads are the DNP threads and the steroid threads because of the cheap thrill of wondering if someone who is posting is about to keel over and die
I was going to say at least you haven't fucked up your body with body "art" but now that's over. Fuck off manlet.
Certain oils contain fats that are very good for you. Eggs are fine. Meat is fine in small doses. Dairy is fine as well.
Eat lots of vegetables, some fruit. If you're going to eat meat stick to poultry.
Mate, I'm sitting naked on my couch drinking beer and waiting for my food to cook. You should still lose weight.
My weight is fine, and next you're going to ask me to post a naked picture of myself. Not going to work, sorry. Go find yourself a "buddy" on craigslist, this isn't the place.
It's ok, I'm not a chubby chaser anyways mate.
None of my business, but you might want to work on accepting rejection more gracefully
>professional businesswoman
>current year
>still assuming genderfied careers
Your S.O must be really into moles
What are your goals? General weight loss or muscle building?
Either way I'd just eat a ton of colorful veggies and lean protein.
I want to know more about the type of spook that posts something like this. You clearly have no background in nutrition, yet you give this poor guy instructions on how to become human livestock, eating meals that would come out to mostly carbs and some fats.