Herbal tea thread.
What ya drinkin?
What ya wantin?
What ya recommend?
I'm looking for something to replace soft drinks, something in the same ball pack as Dr. Pepper or Dandelion and Burdock but without the sugary shit. Any ideas?
Herbal tea thread.
What ya drinkin?
What ya wantin?
What ya recommend?
I'm looking for something to replace soft drinks, something in the same ball pack as Dr. Pepper or Dandelion and Burdock but without the sugary shit. Any ideas?
Yerba Mate. It also helps to reduce hunger if you are trying to loose some weight.
Ever tried white tea?
licorice root or anis seed for sweetness
rooibos gives a filling feeling
ginger heats you up nice but is slightly diuretic (makes you pee, not the other thing)
go pick and dry some nettles and dandelion and combine them in a tea. Very strong flavor there.
Dry dandelion root for a strong dark mouthfeel
mint and licorice is a goodly combination
Rooibos is A1. Catuaba and muira puama tea gives you a raging boner and a burst of energy.
You probably don't have enough space to grow stuff, but I do and we grow a buttload of chamomille and harvest the flowers for tea. Really works as a sedative.
We also grow ginger, lemongrass, mullberry, jujube, echinacea, turmeric and simmer them all together for a kind of all purpose tonic. When you drink it with honey it's pretty good.
redpill me on yerba mate pls.
Passionflower and lemon balm work pretty good too.
Hmm, I wonder if lemon balm is the same as lemon mint because we throw a handful of that in sometimes too. I don't think our area can grow passionflower, though.
This may be a cooking board but I'm not going to spoonfeed you. try google
passionflower is good if you have anexity
>not wanting to know about easily obtained, cheap health benefits
Remember to not concern yourself with the eats of others or what others think of your eats! Just eat what you like and your life will be great!
don't tell me what to do user
>t. Medfag concerned someone might maintain health on their own and he won't get the projected kickbacks from his pharma butt buddies
Don't worry, you've convinced most people they need you to be their nursemaid.
>payed pharmashill
but how did you faggot know
Helps Weight Loss
>used for centuries as a weight loss tool and appetite suppressan
>study done at The University of Lausanne in Switzerland found that people who use yerba mate burn more body fat as energy, therefore, significantly reducing their total weight
>study at Medical Center of Charlottenlund in Denmark and published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics also showed that weight loss occurred when patients used a herbal formula containing yerba mate, guarana, and damiana.
>proved patients felt fuller faster, ate less food
Kava, double dose, because insomnia and it's 7am.
I'd say the main benefit is that it keeps you up longer than coffee, several hours at the very least
Lemon Verbena
the fragrance is incredible
the taste is not
I'll admit that it smells better than it tastes, but it still tastes very good to me and you don't need to add sugar to make it drinkable.
verbena for the smell, lemon balm for the taste
if you want you can also add a bit mint
pic related is the best mint for tea