What do you think about nutrititional yeast?
Do you eat it on a regular base?
Personally sometimes I binge on it and after a while I cant't stand it anymore till I crave it again. I guess it's because of the B Vitamins it contains.
What do you think about nutrititional yeast?
Do you eat it on a regular base?
Personally sometimes I binge on it and after a while I cant't stand it anymore till I crave it again. I guess it's because of the B Vitamins it contains.
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Veeky Forums doesn't eat nutritional yeast flakes?
It's decent on pizza, and I've used it in a recipe for vegan Alfredo sauce.
probably from over excited neurons. it's good stuff but it can get too much.
it's the least sexiest brain food, probably why it's not as shilled as acai or whatever these days
How is it connected to over excited neurons? Because of the B vitamins? It only ontains B 1,2 and 6 tho.
I've never tried it on pizza. Usually I just use it on bread or put some flakes over my meals. I thought you shouldn't heat them?
>How is it connected
It's the MSG user
Nutritional yeast =/= yeast extract
Does it give you the shits like unfiltered beer?
sure, I like to mooch some nooch. I sprinkle it on my goza.
Sgood on popcorn with cayenne
Extremely underrated food. I wish I had more ideas about how to use it.
snooch to it
Hell yeah.
I'm going to email Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith about sponsoring a Snoochie Noochies brand nutritional yeast.
I feed it to springtails
I'd eat that.
I pour a shit ton of it on rice with butter and soy sauce. Good shit
I adore it. It's great on popcorn or to make a fake alfredo sauce.
One of my favorite things is to roast a bunch of veggies and chickpeas that have tossed in olive oil, nutritional yeast, and whatever spices I'm feeling at the time.
It's also good sprinkled on to kale when making kale chips.
Change the butter with some veggies and I'm in.
>eating nutritional yeast for the vitamins
This is retarded. Nutritional yeast has no vitamins in it naturally, they are supplementally injected into it during processing. You might as well but a vitamin supplement at the drug store you'll get more out of it
It is rich on B1,B2 and B6 without adding anything
before you attempt to shitpost: do your homework user
I add it to my roux when making mushroom gravy
You have some healthy springtails then. Why do you keep them? Reptiles?
I add it to my breakfest. Put it on a buttered bread.
Stir it in your soup. It gives a nice creamy taste and if you add it after the cooking there are also health benefits.
What is he difference between those 2?
>nutrititional yeast
Isn't that when you have sex and you can still smell her on your dick like 8 hours later
Virginboy you shouldn't talk about things you don't understand.
never added it to roux
could be nice
then again, you shuldn't heat it if you eat it for health benefits
You only mentioned vitamin B but it also contains a lot of essential minerals and other nutrients.
Only bioactive terrariums right now.. probably some vivariums and paludariums down the line.
I take in pills. I started it because it was supposed to help with my acne, but I only found it useful to make me have drier and more consistent shits.
all yeast produces glutamic acids you monkey
I feed it to my pigeons for healthier meat development :^)
not that alarming tho wikipedia is a shitty source
>glutamic acids
Nutritional yeast products do not have any added monosodium glutamate; however, all inactive yeast contains a certain amount of free glutamic acid because when the yeast cells are killed, the proteins that compose the cell walls begins to degrade, breaking down into the amino acids that originally formed it. Glutamic acid is a naturally occurring amino acid in all yeast cells, as well as in vegetables, fungi, and animals.
It's great on a nice hot steak or mixed in with some Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, adds depth.
you can also skipp the cheese and use it for vegan mac&cheese tho this isn't a healthy option
Been wanting to try it. Can't find it anywhere nearby.
try a wholefood store
or the internet
I searched amazon and they many different retailers sell it. Buy organic, it's yeast. Otherwise you will get some gmo-crap. Also avoid flakes with additional stuff in them. Pic related is my fav brand.