Reading Homer

>reading Homer
>find this passage

So /r9k/ basically got featured in the Iliad

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>the hottest girls
Is this Fitzgerald?

Yeah, I think that was an oddity within his trnslation though

It can't be. What chapter?

/r9k/ is much more pathetic. See

Middle of Book II

That's the guy Odysseus beats with a stick for being such a shit

Anyone read Troilus and Cressida? Shakespeare's Thersites is a cool guy.

Which line is this?

Kek. That chad Odysseus even beats him up afterward.

he's even more insane in that version

>Ἀτρεΐδη τέο δ᾽ αὖτ᾽ ἐπιμέμφεαι ἠδὲ χατίζεις;
>πλεῖαί τοι χαλkοῦ kλισίαι, πολλαὶ δὲ γυναῖkες
>εἰσὶν ἐνὶ kλισίῃς ἐξαίρετοι, ἅς τοι Ἀχαιοὶ
>πρωτίστῳ δίδομεν εὖτ᾽ ἂν πτολίεθρον ἕλωμεν.
From my limited Greek, the adjective agreeing with γυναῖkες is πολλαὶ, which, though it could mean "best" or "valuable" might also just mean "many". "Hottest" really is a stretch.

Within the lines 144-202 of Book II

>he's even more insane in that version

>implying he's not the most sane character in the play

Here's the same passage translated by Fagles

I flipped it for you. Please don't do this again.

You forgot to shrink, frame it and convert to png

>literally says "baiting the kings"


Sorry lad. I forgot that pictures get flipped when you upload them directly from your phone.
Here's the second part. I also tried to make this one a bit smaller.

>ἐριζέμεναι βασιλεῦσιν
literally is 'contesting the kings'.
Sorry user.

Clearly Fagles was divinely inspired


correct or not, it reads nicely

I think the irritation is that it sounds too modern which is silly

I find it jarring, throwing in a vulgar term like that.
>but Thersites is a vulgar individual
But Homer doesn't have him speak with a more vulgar vocabulary than anyone else (from what I can tell).
It's irritating.


If it was anyone but Thersites I'd agree, he's special

The point is, though, he's -not- special. His Greek isn't crass, why should his English be?

>implying he's wrong

>it could mean "best" or "valuable" might also just mean "many"
So obviously "bootylicious", which conveys both high worth and large mass.


>sounds too modern

Lockerroom talk is not a modern invention user

You think ol bow legged grunt soldier Thersites was making poetry? He was complaining about giving all the hot bitches worth fucking to king fuckboi.

no it doesn't

>there are people who think the characters in The Iliad were conscious

Please elaborate

They hadn't broke down their bicameral minds.

link btw

I'm reading Jaynes's book now. I'm a few chapters in and he has already convinced me that my conception of consciousness is flawed.

Sounds like Veeky Forums tier plebshit

It's psychology, probably the least "Veeky Forums" science.

what did Homer mean by having Thersites there? was he meant to be pathetic through and through, just an embodiment of negativity, or sympathetic?

>there are """"people"""" who """""think""""" that anyone except me is conscious

He was a metaphor for Jewish people, attempting to rile up the goys with Leftist rhetoric

This is actually the first thing that came to my mind when I first read the Iliad. jesus fucking christ.

Memes aside, it does seem like a prototype for the anti-semtic subversive

The Pope translation on Project Gutenberg had a footnote on that section. Basically, the point of Thersites is that, while Agamemnon was a dick, he's the king and should be treated not only with respect but as the commander-in-chief.

So even though Agamemnon is something of an antagonist at this point in the story, it would be wrong to overall take a stance against a king.

It's an open question.
is only one answer.
IIRC, Thersites' complaints are pretty much the same as Achilles', which sets up a contrast.

He sounds pretty Thersite for pussy

no, it's conveying the ἐξαίρετοι, meaning "chosen" or more likely in this case, "choice". but yeah it's an awful translation

>hottest girls

go find a better translation, user

>finest fuckmeat

Does no one else ever get off to fantasies of Homeric society?

>The hypothesis is generally not accepted by mainstream psychologists.

You don't even have to read past the first paragraph to find that your tv show theory is garbage.

>many of the moistest mademoiselles
>numerous nut-draining nereids
>an abundance of bitches plus buxom Briseis
Fagless, Fitzgoy and Latinewhore can kiss my pasty ass.

Like another poster said, he could be there to show that Agamemnon is overlord and ought to be respected.

My personal view of it is that it shows that the Iliad is driven by might-makes-right (note how Agamemnon knows he is not able to overcome Achilles' impudence by might, and so leaves him fuming in his hut). Odysseus beats Thersites with the speaking stick—the very thing that is supposed to be representative of civil discussion in the agora where the public gives a voice to their views of a debate. If anyone doubts this, look at what Odysseus does after beating Thersites. I'd love to hear other interpretations, or comments on mine if anyone has anything to share.

/pol/bot discusses literature with himself

disturbing indeed

That was me and I'm not the least bit /pol/, its observing the same idea of "Ugh look at this being trying to disturb the social order, look how ugly and pathetic he is, how could one agree with him"

>So /r9k/ basically got featured in the Iliad
is /r9k/ like /leftypol/, that finds selling women as commodities, or wars over commodities objectionable?

I don't actually know Greek, but I know enough about classics to know that "valuable" would be a pretty good way to put it, since she's literally property.

>That was me
This guy is full on retarded.

Most breakthrough theories aren't accepted by the mainstream for some time.

Freud was generally accepted by mainstream psychologists, but isn't any more.

Yeah but Freud was correct and mainstream psychologists are garbage

Thersites represents the same group of people that /r9k/ is a containment board for. His kind have existed since the dawn of man, always green with envy over what everyone else has. Even if Thersites had everything he thought he'd want, he'd complain about how someone else's slave-woman was slightly more lively than his own, or how a comrade's looted diamonds shined a little more than his.

Jealousy is a powerful emotion and the Illiad tries to portray it by limiting it to one soldier. He is the archetypal /r9k/ poster personified.

Going off of what I just posted, the reactions of other characters towards Thersites represents what Homer thought the ideal action against the envious was. He is condemned and beaten by the leaders.