Discontinued snacks thread
Discontinued snacks thread
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the goat
Fuuuuuuuck I miss those
Perfect balance of salt, heat, crunch and batter.
all of these late night flavors were so fucking good
Miss these so fucking much.
>10% free
Shit like this actually makes me wish for death. It really does.
Complaining won't bring them back. My favorite.
I know it was gum but I still ate these like damn candy
Why were these discontinued? Everyone I've ever met fucking liked these.
No one remembers these but they were amazing
Miss those!
Japan still sells them.
Holy fuck I forgot these existed.
Kinda want to order some.
The classic
NO WAY I remember that! God dammit I wish I could have one now.
Shit, this brings me back.
Oh holy shit my nigga, so did I. Idk why these were discontinued, they were so juicy and tasty
I dont remember em either but they sound right up my alley
Unf, miss both of these hard
i know these arent discontinued but theyre fuckken hard to find the chocolate kind
I wonder why, they're really good.
they're the best flavor
Mankind doesn't deserve such decadence.
I used to always get one of these whenever I went to the grocery store.
I would kill to get these back
I used to see these but never tried them. What do they taste like exactly?
probably like a yoohoo
Like chocolate milk, but lighter.
is kinda right, since it's the closest thing that tastes/feels like it.
I fucking miss those. I probably wouldn't like them nowadays as I like my pretzels minimally salted, but I remember loving the shit out of these as a kid. The only way to get them now is in the form of a Mister Salty Handi-Snack pack, which seems odd to me since they will sell them packed with cheese dip but not on their own.
my african american
time to commit nostalgia suicide
I am really dying to taste the rain snapple elements again. It was so good and so nostalgic for me. I remember the yellow one and dragon fruit being good too. I didnt care for the earth flavor as a kid as i recall.
damn i remember these! Can't remember seeing them in these threads before though. good call these were great
Damn user are you like 50
fuck man, fire was so good. it made me fall in love with dragonfruit.
nowadays, i can't find any dragonfruit flavored drinks, and growing it/importing it to make my own isnt really possible
I used to love these, got one everytime I went to the shops.
Is a drink a snack?
they brought at least the regular one back, saw it in a royal farms the other day
i couldnt stand the cheeseburger ones but the jalapeno poppers were goat
dragon fruit is pretty tasteless in real life. You can buy them at asian markets and they cost about $8 a fruit. Its got the texture of a kiwi and is kind of sour and vaguely sweet with almost no flavor. Dragon fruit flavored drinks have kind of a berryish flavor imo. Order one online or buy one at an asian market and try it. Its fun to try once but youll never buy one again.
Thanks! I really hope they bring them back. I think i saw people asking snapple on twitter and snapple basically said that the elements line isnt coming back. Too bad. Maybe there will be another online petition like for clearly canadian or pepsi clear.
Also I think vitamin water makes a dragon fruit drink.
Just had them, tasted pretty meh
I still have these in my store
Why the fuck did they ditch the apple strudel flavor? That was the best one
pillsbury threatened to sue
Sue over what, having a flavor of something? Surprised coke doesn't sue pepsi considering they're basically the same fucking thing. Now the only flavors they have are the shitty ones
I heard Jeb! had these discontinued.
These were the top-tier elementary school snacks.
please bring them back
It didn't have any peas so it made him mad.
That commercial though
That commercial got people into vore
>Gene Wilder died
>find myself near the actual candy shop in town
>decide I want a Wonka bar for old times sake
what the fuck man
cant find these bastards for the life of me.
literally my favourite candy bar.
The original were just LALA grape, they were the purest purple and sweet, then they changed it to Aqua Fruit and greatly watered down the flavor, now it's just Aqua Frut and none of the original flavor remains and it's a sad dark red color and so bitter.
holy fuck those were delicious
I remember years ago when they still made these, my job had a giant box of them in the back. Apparently they were either near expiration or past it and couldn't be sold. I opened one on a whim one day just to check and they looked and tasted fine - after that, couldn't keep my ass from inhaling 3 or 4 in a shift. No one ever noticed.
Hey, I had these before! They were pretty good.
>that comic
I wish I had the courage to make those eyes at my friend.
This was the absolute best thing.
I used to split these with my brother.
They were selling Wonder Ball's at my local Walmart last week. I saw it when I was checking out and had to grab one for nostalgias sake. The theme was just generic dinosaurs, and they have it randomized what flavor candy you get inside now, but that combination of cheap chocolate and poor-man's sweet-tarts was still heavenly.
I wonder if they'll be able to actually make a comeback?
Stand aside, plebians.
I member those
Weren't they just like bugles with Doritos dust?
What killed these? Nanny State choking hazard?
One day me and my best friend walked 2 miles to the corner market and bought these among other snacks.
Mom was pissed
Do they still sell these in the states?
They basically just tasted like the white necco wafers.
I'm pretty sure they don't and if you bought some overseas and managed to sneak them thru customs to give your nephew as a humorous joke, you'd be accused of being worse than Hitler and dragged into the street, stripped and lashed with a bullwhip.
america is so weirdly overprotective of kids. this is as bad as banning kinder surprise
I remember these in the USA, and if you blew out on them a puff of "smoke" from the powder sugar would go.
Yes we have them once again in West Virginia.
Some other states still outlaw them. There must be a demand or they wouldn't be manufacturing them.
The police give not one fuck that all the kids smoke here. I don't either. Like my mom told me there's jack shit she could do to stop me because the things are laying everywhere.
>any one that was covered in mold on the inside
>so disgusted I could never touch them again
Oh my god
I remember these fuckers.
don't speak for us, they still sell these at our local candy store in CA. you just have to look for them.
When they discontinued these, I knew that childhood was over...
bring it back you motherfuckers
how dare you take this sweet sweet ambrosia away from me
I remember just buying a shitload of 12 packs and keeping them in my room. I also remember being fat, wonder why.
And I don't miss them, they are fucking awful.
The flavor lasted for like 30 seconds.