ITT: things you ate every day as a kid
ITT: things you ate every day as a kid
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That's a penis
Didn't even bother heating them up. It freaked out my babysitter.
Dude, he said things you ate as a KID, don't be gross
Not every day, but way too many days.
Frozen pizzas.
OP here, that's what I meant.
Ate 6 lil smokies sausages on a King's Hawaiian roll every morning for breakfast.
School lunch I got mini corn-dogs and chocolate milk every single day.
And I ate the fuck out of some pizza rolls.
This + 1 tbsp of smooth peanut butter
I swear I'm not Canadian
>when you poked too hard and it went through the other side
This though sometimes I'd switch it up and just slice up a Granny Smith and add a little salt
Wew lad that was a tour de force of a label.
This or I had to go hungry
Teeth bled every couple of hours from scurvy for years
That's a penis
I ate penis as a kid.
>tfw it got discontinued in germany
Feels bad man
Happy Hippos got discontinued? Woah, that fucking sucks man, those things were really good
my nigger. I used to have peanut butter on celery, apples, bananas, chocolate, crackers, all kinds of shit.
Also, I used to love cucumber cut into slices in a bowl of vinegar and some salt. I dont know why I liked that so much as a kid, its odd now that I think about it.
The original got replaced with shitty cocoa. Who on earth thought that this was a good idea?
i had bags of milk in middle school in georgia. I know that feel. It made me feel a little depressed every time.
Pumpernickel bread with cream cheese. ....i got made fun of alot at school. No one knew what pumpernickel bread was.
How fat are you now, user?
haven't had one in years unfortunately
Must have been a good school since you don't know "a lot" is two words.
Mustard sandwiches.
Bologna sandwiches. I'd also go through 2 bags of pizza rolls a weekend while I played Diablo 2 on my slow as fuck dial up Internet.
My friend still owes me an Arreats
What the fuck fucking country do you live in.
What sort beans and rice would I need to make something like this?
I only know of baked beans and basmati rice. Not sure if those would work or not.
Plain noodles with grape jelly
Cubanfag here, my dad makes red beans and rice on a weekly basis, you can use any white rice you want but I'm pretty sure we use Basmati, my pops leaves the beans in water overnight to activate them and then the next day puts it in a big pot and boils it all day on low heat with chunks of pork, green peppers, spices, the whole shebang, and it's fucking delicious
Jewish American
I was a fat ass in school.
I didn't like my after school program, so sometimes I would walk to Burger King. I'd always get a double stacker with fries, a coke, and a chocolate pie.
The food didn't make the loneliness go away.
Thanks bro.
I had to search to find out what 'red beans' were, but I think I've found out that I would call them kidney beans.
What kind of spices? This sounds nice. I'd like to try and make but I'm not a very good chef yet :/
Pic related and
I liked these when I was a kid. Now a days, I can't believe I ate it straight from the can. it's disgusting
Awh fuck. I would eat so many of them covered in hot sauce. What we did was douse them in it and after finishing the can then down the oily hot sauce like a shot. My mom had said it was a really common thing to eat in the the hood and I can see why.
Oh shit me too! What middle school did you go to??
The double stacker is one of my most missed discontinued foods ever
Can not comprehend the type of person who doesn't order n singles.
You're paying more for less if you don't.
Everyday after pre school and id watch maggie and the ferocious beast
No tapir scratching its own back with its penis
These things. Every day after school, obviously in the oven
Fluffernutter sandwich
Still eat a bag every week
I drank.... the water....
Salisbury steak, turkey, or chipped beef.
You could cut a slit in the bag and nuke for 3 minutes, then dump the meaty lava on toast.
Aw shit, I used to microwave the fuck out of these things and just eat them with a little mustard on the side. I was a disturbed kid.
Still eat these.
the beans in that original rice and beans image were pinto beans btw, you can just buy them canned and heat em up Goya is the GOAT brand
My middle school had bagged water.
Milk and plain greek yogurt.
>tfw 6'4'' with bipolar disorder now
calcium was a mistake
We always had this. Sliced turkey mixed with gravy and poured over some bread with rice on the side is max comfy. Chipped beef over toast for breakfast is also 10/10
Parents weren't big on the whole nutrition thing
6'4'' is the ideal male height and bipolar disorder is probably not caused by calcium
Still love them.
>tfw we ate little debbies as snack every morning in a daycare I went to over the summer
We even ate this shit when we went on field trips to the bowling alley; they would bring them over. But instead of the usual kool aid or tang they would serve with it, we got sprite
>ideal male height
Until you try to get on a plane.
>pinto beans
Cheers mate. I live in the UK, and we don't really have a great selection of these in most places. I don't think I've ever seen them in cans, only dried in bags.
yeah, its called target marketing. Since only fags ate it. jeez kid do your homweork.
I was just thinking the same thing.
Three singles is a far better value than a triple. More balanced ratios, better taste too.
These were literally mini pre-made whoopie pies with the Oreo brand, but holy fuck were they addicting. Kinda pissed they're no longer being sold. Only other place that still sells them is Japan, under the name "Oreo Soft Cookies".
That kinda reminds me...we had something here in the US that was called "YoGo's", although it was much different than what you guys have. They were little fruit snack balls that had some kind of yogurty coating on them. They were probably around for only 3 or 4 years though.