Where does one find long bread?
Long Bread
Other urls found in this thread:
The long bakery
You know this is progun because he burnt his food
>this is progun
You're right.
That's not bread, that's a dry sliced up sponge.
pls post the jelly roll
>dry sliced up sponge
Lad, I hate to break it to you... But you've been making sandwiches the wrong way.
Having googled this exact image it's literally just "ask the baker to slice it"
It there a long toaster to turn long bread into long toast?
It's called an oven.
OP, I remember when you first got this loaf of bread and kept spamming it on Veeky Forums and /k/, why do you keep talking about it? The jokes over buddy.
toaster oven.
>one thread on /k/ from progun where he didn't respond to anyone asking about the bread
>one thread on Veeky Forums like two weeks ago
It's hardly spam...
Extra-wide toaster ovens, or pass-through conveyor style toasters
Like at submarine sandwich joints
pullman loaf
>resting the gun on the trigger
While this annoys me; anyone with any sense would empty the cylinder first. And the trigger pull should be pretty heavy. Still, scratching up the gun and dulling the knife for a fucking photo with budweiser and bicardi...
>Long Bread
Is this a new Veeky Forums meme?
>glass of water
>bread cut longways
One of these things is not like the other.
Just fucking cut it longways
Yeah, irritating. It's almost as if he thinks it's an episode from Gunsmoke.
Pretty common way to display a firearm. Nearly every gun store I've been to has the handguns like this in the glass case.
It's not an issue if you clear it first, and that's the point of "treat every firearm like it's loaded". It doesn't mean "DON'T LOOK DOWN THE BARREL EVER," it means "make sure it's clear before you try to clean it"
Do none of you idiots leave your house? Am I going to have to go to the store and get long bread just to make fun of people who can't obtain it?
It seems like sandwiches would be TOO long....where the hell dose one buy this crazy blasphemy of a loaf?
>When your cosplay is so bad people have to use google image to see what character you're playing.
>when you can't read filenames
>and also a potato girl glares at you
Long bread is long.
>served with hazelnut spread
Citygross and Willys, freezer section
I get mine from Polish shops, although in UK. Fucking brilliant bread though.
You forgot the classic
"For me it's-"
>Am I going to have to go to the store and get long bread just to make fun of people who can't obtain it?
I'm still waiting...
he had 3-5 threads on Veeky Forums concerning this bread
*citation needed*
Pls mister I don't want long bread.
go to the archive. he had the initial thread, then made another thread at the same time to show his sandwich (first thread was still getting regularly bumped), then a couple days later he made a thread showing his pb&j roll he made. There was another spin-off thread asking where to get it- though that was probably just progun wanting more attention. Now there's this thread, still probably by progun. You're pathetic dude, get other sources of validation.
Wow, a conclusion made based on 4 consecutive assumptions.
>There was another spin-off thread asking where to get it
This was me, and I didn't get an answer so I tried again like 2 weeks later.
I asked my baker to do this and he had to cut the bread in half first. Its just not the same but its still decent
fuck long bread
I would assume he's smart enough to unload it first but if its anything like my Ruger .357 which has about a 2.5lb trigger pull an accidental discharge very unlikely.
Why have I never heard of this, I need this in my life.
>I need this in my life.
I agree.
ah yes the "i have lost control of my life" value meal.
Just slice your bread the other way.
Eurofag here, it's italian no-crust bread called either "tramezzini" or "spuntinelle" over here.
This thread was featured on normie instagram. NORMIES FUCK OFF REEEE
Is it an ethnic staple, or just a quirky product?
I'm asking if I could find it in little Italy, or if it's just the italian version of uncrustables.
No idea, I've only ever seen it as a product we(large-scale grocery store for businesses) import it from Italy(Am from Belgium myself).
it's literally American soft chewy white bread without crusts, in a longer form.
Is pic related (with 4lb sack of sugar for size reference*) not a thing where you live?
I and most of the people I know have this sort of toaster v the more common, short type.
* I'd have posted a loaf of bread for reference, but as I bake my own, that wouldn't give you a sense of scale at all. I think the sugar is adequate.
If you're unsure of the size of the sugar, I'd guess it's about 35cm/14in long, though I could be overshooting the mark a tad
And, of course, the pic failed to attach for some reason.
"""American bread""" is normal bread with the wheat germ removed and a 70 year long claim that "we have to replace the nutrients we removed" resulting in a "bread" that is over 10% raw powdered chemicals, sold by the government owned company Cameochemicals.
Really makes you think.
Literally have never owned a meme toaster in my life. Only ever had toaster ovens.
fucking lel
This would be some excellent bread for Long Pig pulled pork. Just sayin.
is this a joke?
>go to the store
>get a loaf of bread
>slide it horizontally instead of vertically
>buys long bread
>cuts it to regular bread before serving
Typical gun owner.
Seriously, you have all requisite equipment: kill yourself.
>pre-lock Smith & Wesson revolver
It's still a different dimension than a standard loaf even when cut in half.
It's a pretty typical way to display a handgun, some companies will even ship gunstores a branded peg for that exact purpose, like pic related. Some gun stores have their own systems, like rods made out of glass or transparent plastic. You can rest a pistol or revolver like this without the trigger pulling, reliably.
I wouldn't use a knife like that though, especially not on a pretty pre-lock Smith & Wesson revolver like that.
just eat a baguette, holy shit.
Pmuch this. Most of the force is lateral to the trigger. And physics say that unless you've got an absurd trigger weight or a gun made of gold, nothing will happen.
Also when you play with guns you make sure they aren't loaded before you start. that's (essentially) rule 1.
A shitty forced meme, sure.
But the mods don't give a shit about anything anymore, so it'll become a meme and people will start ironically longbreadposting, and then people thinking they're shitposting in good company will start unironically longbreadposting.
I like the long breads
That's in indianapolis close to where I use to live. They were legit.
Confirmed noguns
this cannot die
i need the longbread
A long bread requires a long gun.
>a long gun
>he chooses a carbine
thats just bread cut in the wrong direction
Long gun is in general a catch-all term for rifles, carbines, subguns and shotguns, it's just to quick differentiate between that and a handgun.
A 10/22, MP5, M1 Carbine, M16A1, K98k, Mossberg 500 and FAL can all be generally referred to as "long guns" if specifics aren't necessary, or the weapon hasn't really been identified. Mostly I guess this would be a term for police radio and police reports.
I prefer rifled muskets.
>I prefer rifled muskets.
I too prefer rifles.
But you know what I like a lot more than materialistic things? Bread.
In fact, I'm a lot more proud of are these seven new breadboxes I had to get installed to hold seven new loaves of bread cut longways that I bought.
Veeky Forums - A Magical Place
Stay with me here... Diagonally cut bread.
What do you mean? Are the sponges supposed to go on the outside?
Today's rifles are carbines.