Is it true that if you see a bunch of cops parked in front of and eating at a restaurant that it's the best place to eat? My dad used to always stop at whatever restaurant has a few cop cars in front of it when we were traveling out of town. He says the cops know who has the best food. And the food was always good too.
Is it true that if you see a bunch of cops parked in front of and eating at a restaurant that it's the best place to...
Probably true. Also truck drivers
Why would a police officer have any better idea of what you would or would not like to eat than you or anyone else for that matter? Idiot.
Probably be the safest place to eat
Dad's just say dumbass shit like that because it makes for good dad-memories
Looks like Adbul Fakir fell on hard times and had to join the PD
cops go to wherever they get free shit
Why do American police kill and attack so many innocent, but yet smelly and overweight Americans?
Are they evil? Why do they have so many guns?
Well my guess is that since the cops are local guys and probably eat out all the time you aren't going to find a bunch of them eating at a restaurant known for having shit food or bad service. They go to the good spots.
Why do Muslims behead so many people in European countries?
You'll drive yourself nuts asking these types of questions.
The ones in my town convened at the Tim Horton's by the highway, so this doesn't really apply to me.
Probably because it had a place for them to hitch their horses
I'd wager about 70% of cops are good guys and mean well, 20% are just useless, and 10% are pure scum and on the same level as the criminals. Same as most people, really.
That's VERY generous.
It's honestly probably 20% good, 40% useless, 40% scumbags.
>cops have good taste in anything, let alone food
I'll bite. Your father was a retired marine corps gunney sergeant.
t. antifa self proclaimed anarchist who doesn't want to get a job
troubled childhood detected
Funny you say that, 80% is always the general percentage when it comes to communism. That's the magic number.
Nah man, dad trolling is the best kind. A good father mixes in a healthy dose of white lies for shits and giggles
Because everyone else in the city is from out of town and they have no idea where to eat right? The only people that know about local places are cops? This is dumb
im usually high and have weed on my person or in my car so not the safest for me
>reject applicants with too high IQ
Cops are grunts
hello Dante Shepherd
Kys degenerate. I wouldn't care if you shit your life up but you put others at risk.
yr being unreasonable. He was suggesting that cops may be a good indication of where to eat, not that no one else knew where was good.
Cop presence just means the restaurant is in a high crime neighborhood, and the owner has instructed employees to give out freebies to cops so that they're always around the restaurant.
People will eat pretty much anywhere, Cops probably have a little more experience than the average person and their cars are distinguishable. All OP was suggesting was that you can use them for an indicator if you have no social life or just passively, often see cops eat at a particular restaurant? Maybe it's worth checking out.
i drive around all the time for my shitty job and i discovered all the best places to eat for cheap in toronto so this is good advice, cops are always wandering around in cars
how are you supposed to know if some random guy is from around the area?
Today I saw a cop in my local Taco Bell so no.
You sound like such a faggot.
>t. Smokes cigs while pregnant
I watch cops doing cop things. All the restaurants I've ever seen more than one squad car parked at have certain things in common. They are located at a major crossroads, near an interchange, or right on a main surface street. they have large windows on at least two sides from which the parking lot can be seen, and parking is ample and close. The food at the restaurants is average fare with inexpensive prices.
They're not going to eat at a place that sucks but, if it's an exceptionally good restaurant they're at it's probably coincidental. They're on duty, nerds. Think about it.
Also, cops really do like doughnut shops.
That's some diversity there, how come they keep killing ethnics?
only true on the 3rd shift
Because they became all the came color: blue.
no. cops go to wherever gives them the most free/discounted shit for being there in uniform.
It's a good policy to have though. If coppers favour your outlet, even if shit kicks off and they ain't there i can guarantee the response time will be quicker.
>truck drivers
No. Truck drivers choose places that aren't too difficult to get to from main roads/highways and are restricted to places with parking lots that can fit a tractor trailer.
>oh look at that green toyota corolla parked outside that restaurant. That person must be a local and therefore know that this place serves good food.
How can you idiots be this dense? If you're driving through an area and looking for a quick bite but don't feel like asking around for a good restaurant, cop cars make a quick way to spot a place that is frequented by locals. Cop cars stand out, regulars do not.
Despite the OP pic, it usually means no niggers. So better dining atmosphere is almost always certain.
Most of the cars are going to be locals
>pasty degenerate cuck
I always eat at diners that have cops in them cause that reduces my odds of being shot by some nigger.