Absolute shit. Kroger brand/Private Selection is best store brand
Can i get a rate?
Not so fast.
kroger makes pretty good condiments.
the head of the kroger condiment department is /ourguy/. he cares.
Wouldn't touch that shit with a barge pole.
There's no wal marts near me, only target, so I've never tried great value shit.
Publix brand is the best store brand for just about everything.
I don't know if it's just a relabeled thing or if they actually manufacturer it, but it's better than most other brands I've tried in most categories.
They have stuff that uses partially hydrogenated oils.
Their chocolates are surprisingly good though.
I can't stand the tang that most Kroger products have. PS and turkey farms are good, but Kroger brand had a weird tangy aftertaste, even in their sandwich meats
Texas detected. So lame
Everything tastes like the mental image of a 650 pound woman on a mobility scooter chasing a shirtless toddler down an aisle whilst my middle-aged cashier starts visibly shaking, on the verge of tears, as they try to comprehend why I gave them two 20's and a 1 for a $31 bill.
I love walmart brand bread. It is the best cheap white bread. Everything else kroger brand. Or if you have a small grocer, parade makes the absolute best cheap cheese.
giant value > great value
I miss their red packaging from back in the day.
They're all pretty good.
Those products look like a great value!
Hit and miss for me
Utter crap.