YouTube """"chefs"""

>YouTube """"chefs"""
When will this meme die?

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I kinda hate what hellthy junkfoods become, nothings unique anymore, just big versions of shit that already exists.

When will this meme die?

Wasn't their whole channel devoted to like, making fast food items at home?

Yeah, that was cool. Now it's nothing but giant versions of shit.

I enjoyed the breakdown of popular sauces an shit, but it seems like that era is over.

it's already begun with the adpocalypse fiasco. only corporate channels are financially viable now.

>giant versions of shit

Fucking EMT started this trend

>When will this meme die?
It won't. Every idiot with a trace amount of skill (or no skill, rather) has a cellphone with a cemera function and the Internet. It's the same reason YouTube became popular; losers with nothing to do taking video.


Stop begging, Matt Zion

WTF is he eating? That looks like a clusterfuck.

There is one chef on youtube I'm particularly fond of. His name is Ja/ck/.

is that Casey Anthony?

Who's the qt on the left?

Julia Gulia from KBDProductions TV.

>When will this meme die?
when they have a heart attack

>he manages to undercook something that takes 1 minute to cook



Guaranteed the chink gets cucked by her

I didn't even know you can make an egg into gel

I think they're married by now

Looks like he saw someone had oil in a pan, but didnt notice them putting the oil on top of the egg to cook it.

That's not really true.

You just have to avoid anything the slightest bit controversial in your videos now.

What's really over are all those drama and edgy political channels.

Any channel that doesn't go out of its way to make it clear that they're part of the political left is getting its ads pulled.

>hello, generic baking channel #27. Where do you stand on the current French election?
>oh, well this is a baking channel so I don't think this is the place to discuss polit-

I'm not right-wing by any means, but it's painstakingly clear that YouTube and its sponsors are trying to push an agenda.

The G-rated channels are fine, they just need to upload every day or fall off the suggested videos list.

Everyone else is fucked. As for viability, that totally depends on your overhead and user base. Take for example, Bee & Puppycat, they had a successful kickstarter to fund higher quality episodes but eventually had to put their content behind a paywall because ad rev wasn't covering the costs of each episode and this was BEFORE the ad fiasco.

Youtube ad rev has been in steady decline before this entire clusterfuck it's just the dumb fuck youtubers had their heads in the sand the entire time and had the gaul to be surprised when youtube went full public tv standards on their asses. This was a long time coming when your primary business model revolves around ad revenue.

But it's much worse than just "public TV standards".

I know of several channels which are having problems with ad revenue yet are completely "G rated". There is no violence, no offensive language, no nudity, nothing illegal or questionable yet they were still hit hard.

I think this will change as Youtube improves their ad placement algorithms. Youtube had a panic attack when some major advertisers were complaining so they came down hard to solve the problem. But that's only temporary. Remember that Youtube themselves benefit from serving more ads--it's not just the content providers. This will surely improve as Youtube improves the algorithms that match ads to videos--after all, there is financial incentive for that to happen.

Youtube ad rev is actually the same as it ever was, more people are just using adblock software and it cripples channels to the point where six months ago, you would average ~$1800 per million views on any video after youtube's cut and adblock views were removed from the count and they calculated your ctr and all that shit.

Now? less than $1000. Same viewcount, lots of the same ad providers, just more people using adblock, it shows in your numbers how many people viewed ads, explicitly noting the people with youtube RED (since they're still trying to get people to make youtube red shit) and "other reasons" (out of country with ad rights, adblock, etc).

Cooking channels have started to realize you need a niche. Hellthyjunkfood was growing incredibly slowly, it plateaud at around 350k subs, then they started ripping off old epicmealtime (which, who can blame them, pretty much everyone loved old emt.) and the mac and cheetos shit happened and they blew up. I really can't blame them for continuing to do what gets them views, even if I don't really like the content.
Other channels are just dying out because they've been going too long. cooking with dog, sad as it is that francis died, had way too long of a break between episodes, and now it's just kind of sad when a new one comes out, they barely get views much at all and chef doesn't look happy.

This has nothing to do with adblock.

There was a major stink a few weeks ago when many major advertisers either pulled or threatened to pull their ads from Youtube because someone found a company's ad associated with an "offensive" video.

Getting your ads pulled is not the same thing as declining revenue, which happens for a lot of different reasons.

Name one G-rated channel who got their ads pulled and then didn't get them back immediately after contacting youtube, and I'll tell you why you can't expect a corporation to pay you money to stir up trolls on social media.

I also forgot, spamming videos will fuck your channel now. Two max per day if you want to stay in good graces.

If you're a true crime/serial killer channel you better switch to patreon as your primary source of income because subject topic itself will get your vid flagged as not advertiser friendly.

> "standing up to a fascist dictator buffoon that literally only racists and snowflake /pol/-kiddies support is 'pushing an agenda'"
> "I'm not right-wing tho"
Lmao. Standing up to Donald Trump doesn't make you left-wing, but opposing standing up to him sure as fuck makes you right-wing. Piss off.

>muh ad rev welfare!
>fucking Google

Guess it's time to get a real job

>sucking dicks

When Binging With Babish slays them using the correct utensils and technique.

>fascist dictator

Nice image dude, had a hearty lul

Either bait or tumblr-tier Berntard. Either way, you're retarded.

so easy to bait drumfkins

stay salted losers, enjoy your fascist future


is that a jojo reference?

Uh try again honey, this entire website is /pol/

Gianna Michaels


How does that even look edible to anyone? The absolute madman

>if I spam it often enough, I'm right

stay eternally triggered drumpfkins

>opposing standing up to him sure as fuck makes you right-wing

Most people who still support Trump know so little about politics and real world issues that they don't even know what "right-wing" even means.

There's a reason that the number one divide between who voted for this "president" and who didn't came down to the uneducated vs the educated.
