>tfw over eating again
Tfw over eating again
It's ok senapi. Tomorrow is another day.
How do I stop?! I keep eating way too much every day. And my tummy only gets hungrier! I had 4 of pic related for lunch today and 2 large fries and ice cold coca-cola!!! You don't want to know what I had for dinner.
What did you have for dins?
Same thing as lunch!
>Same thing as lunch!
That's literally 8520 calories a day, if you wanted to know.
user, that's not even accounting for breakfast either. I think I should just end it now.
Remember user:
It's only a setback, not a failure.
A delicious setback.
OP is a bretty cool chick.
Stop eating carbs.
What was breakfast?
I'm a big boy, but I'm cheap as fuck and fastfood and crap is expensive, that's how I manage.
Cocoa pebbles with whole milk, 2 slices of sourdough toast lightly buttered
If your kidneys work properly you guys should try to gobble down gallons of water every day to decrease your cravings for food.
For me, it's mot than a gallon of pure water.
I try this but after the first gallon I'm disgusted by the water, I even need to chew a gum or drink milk to feel a good favlour on my mouth
Just dont bring money with you.
also take whatever you were planning to get and just order half. Thats worked for me. Sure sometimes you go back and get it anyhow but you wont always and ov
Ive been losing weight over the last three years doing this.
I like some rabbit every now and then, but I wouldn't base a diet on it.
>TFW on a 750kcal diet
What the hell, that's not healthy you fatass
tfw only one small meal per day and only drink water and tea
i miss food Veeky Forums
Just water fast. Drink nothing but water for a week and don't eat any food.
Day 2 gets tough and you won't be able to sleep but by day 4 it's easy again. Day 5 and 6 your body starts to eat fat and muscle to sustain. On day 7 you should see a difference and you'll be able to eat again. Your stomach will have shrunk and you won't eat as much
okay first
watch the whole thing fatso
second, you need to watch this
Fuck you OP. I can barely choke down two strips of bacon and a single scrambled egg. I hope you choke
>tfw under eating again
750 is the high end of my diet.
Same. Ive been fueling my ed lately and i can feel myself spiraling down even though my mind is telling me itll be fine
>been eating white bread for two weeks
I don't feel so good lads
How much is a single scrambled egg?
>not spending his last $ on rice and beans
are you actually a retard or just pretending?
>yoyoing 10lbs between 150 and 160, the difference between ripped and pudgy, because I like to eat a 42oz container of instant oatmeal in a night.
excuse me?
maybe you just can't cook.
I can gnosh down on 4 over easy eggs and 2 avocados with 6 strips of bacon and not even feel full.
>he thinks how food tastes determines how full you feel
Holy shit you're a fat fuck
I'm not fat, 170lbs 12% BF
I think it's difficult to eat a big plate of shit food, yes. If you can't cook it stands to reason you don't want to eat very much of it.
I'm at 16% BF, at 134 lbs.
Okay, I lift weights and exercise. Maybe you should start.
Judging by your weight, you should probably eat more.
>Start to overeat
>Housemate has her Australian boyfriend over
>The bantz actually hurt my feelings
>Just stay in my room to avoid him
It's ok, I didn't want to eat anyway...
I do foil fencing, im in decent shape, could be better though.
If you're below 5'2" you're overweight, if you're taller than 5'9 you're underweight.
Your BF% is also pretty high for how little you weigh, start doing some cardio and eat something for the love of god. Start a food diary, count your calories and you'll see how little you actually eat.
5'10" and I know i'm underweight.
>implying I don't put away more calories than you do per day and still manage to be le 17 BMI
dietitian has no fucking idea how I manage it
You're full of shit, buddy.
How many calories do you think you eat per day?
How much exercise do you get?
You are not breaking the laws of thermodynamics.
So keep a food journal
read the sticky
>hurr my platonic dietary laws are ABSOLUTE
i count my calories loser, stay salted about subjective human experience interrupting your fucking Ideas
Dude, yes. The laws of thermodynamics cannot be broken. You are overestimating your calories.
>How many calories do you think you eat per day?
>How much exercise do you get?
what do you eat? what's in your fridge right now?
>drink coffee and water all day
>eat one great meal for dinner
Down 25 pounds in 15 months. It's slow, but it's just how I live now, so it's purely consistent
There is actually more to it than calories in vs calories burned.
Hormonal processes play a huge part in how your body metabolizes food.
There are people who eat far above their BMR requirements and don't gain weight because of the way their body processes different macronutrients.
>There is actually more to it than calories in vs calories burned.
There is not. These processes you're referring to only change the TDEE of the person. Eating above your TDEE will cause you to gain weight, eating below it will cause you to lose weight.
It is that simple.
You're like the fat bitches who claim PCOS makes it impossible to lose weight because it lowered their TDEE.
A whole new day to see how much of the pantry I can fit inside me. What a life!
Fucking this. I keep over eating ever fucking time. I was doing so well with my diet and now I'm fucking everything up.
Help me!
>tfw lost 80 pounds starving myself and then gained it all back.
That faggot is the most obnoxious person I've ever listened to. What the hell
One meal a day is a fucking terrible thing to do. At least have two decent meals ffs.
where did you go skeleton
There are literally no causal studies suggesting that there's a difference. If one meal a day works, then it works.
>tell myself I'll eat less tomorrow
>eat almost nothing for breakfast and lunch
>overeat at night
>repeat endless cycle
I'm a binge eater too. I gained 100 lb in one year after I got out of the military. I'm currently losing it again and meme diet or not, keto obliterates my hunger. I can easily go 12-16 hours without eating and it won't phase me. If I'm eating normally I can effortlessly go to Wendy's or somewhere and order two full value meals for myself and still eat a few hours later. That's why I can't just count calories, I'll be thinking about food all day long. If you binge or overeat and want to stop I recommend keto.
it's easier if you wait until dinner to eat. that way you get to eat as much as you want because you'll be full by the time you put 2500kcal worth of food in you, assuming you're not just drinking melted butter
think about this mentality:
"I just have to wait till 7pm and I can eat as much as I want. Just gotta make it a little longer. I might be starving myself now but I'll soon have the immense satisfaction of packing myself full"
Not him, but this is exactly how I gained weight. It's incredibly easy to go over 2500 cal by binging one meal if you're not eating well, and if you're making food choices based on an empty stomach and not eating all day you're most likely not making the right ones.
Not OP, but I don't even have a choice but to eat. My job is physically intensive and I get exhausted fast if I don't. Shit sucks and I somehow keep gaining weight despite being physically active 5 days of the week for work on top of walking everywhere I go.
take control over your urges.
kick the human instinct in the balls.
you are better, you are stronger.
you can do it!
Too much spicy food can be bad for you senpai
whenever you feel like eating drink some water
I fucked up today too, OP. But don't worry, you can always recover. Believe me, I've fucked up many times over the past year but still managed to lose 80 lbs by getting back on track the next day
Maybe it's because I didn't start as a fatass but I have a hard time eating over my limit (3000kcal) by eating normal things if I'm doing it this way. For example, last night I had a steak, steamed brocolli, and portatoes au gratin, and then maybe 2 hours later I had pasta with chicken thigh, veggies, and a cream sauce. I Also had a few vodka and diet cokes. This all was still a couple hundred calories under my limit and I had no desire to eat any more. Granted, I'm not eating extremely calorie dense things like sleeves of cookies or slabs of cheese, but I certainly don't stay away from things of normal-to-slightly-high calorie density.
Another good trick is to chug two glasses of water before you eat. Also a head of iceberg is like 50kcal and has fiber so is pretty filling, maybe eat a head before moving on to your actual meal
you gotta count calories man, like keep a notepad on you or do it on your phone. It seems like a chore but eventually you'll start remembering how much is in your common foods and you can essentially do it by feeling. Every day you have a limit of how many calories you can consume before it starts getting stored into fat- if you're gaining weight then you're going over your limit. You don't just gain weight for no reason
I know the feel
I probably burn >3000 Calories with the amount of exercise I do but I consume 1700-2200.
The worst bit is that I've convinced myself that my metabolism is too slow to increase my intake since I don't lose a lot of weight anymore. So I am afraid of increasing to a (still under) amount.
Probs really hurting my athletic performance and mental stability.
should i put choco hera protein powder into mudcake?
Sounds like an eating disorder
>tfw don't know what to eat again
why does food have so many fucking calories
why does exercising not burn that many calories
why does alcohol have so many fucking calories
Drink 8oz of water 30min before and after eating
Stop eating fast food, stop drinking soda.
Ive been not eating candy, fastfood or sodas. So when i got pizzahut and 3 donuts. they didnt even taste good!! So starting fastin and drop the unhealthy shit
And the next day you gorge on food and eventually put it all back on. Not a good plan.
The best plan is reduce or cut out (however you are able to do it) sugar in all forms except fruit and natural dairy sugar (don't gorge on fruit but it's safe to eat if you have a craving). Walk. Don't push yourself too hard too fast - just make small, gradual changes as you are able to make them and as it works for you. For example, if you can only walk 5-10 minutes at first, then so be it - walk 5-10 minutes. Work your way up. If you crave a sweet - allow gorging (only initially until the toughest cravings pass) on fruit only. Have it with a little unsweetened cream or full fat yogurt for richness. Eat slower. Savor your food. Snack all day - on veggies (plain or with hummus - no dressing or other dip). Allow yourself certain "perks" that are healthier than your current "perks". Fill up on veggies and eat smaller portions of the things you love most. For example, if you are REALLY craving pizza - fill up on healthy foods like veggies - and then have A SLICE of pizza. Eat it slow and savor it. After the first several bites it's all just shoving food in your face anyway and no longer that first delicious bite or two.
>tfw bout to hit 170 for first time and I'm not a skellottton anymore
feels good :B)
Fasting is the best way to lose fat.
>It's another "eat nothing all day then get drunk and eat an entire pizza and a bunch of chips" episode
I have a problem where I eat a lot of shit at work because I'm the one who throws out the close to expiration food. Whenever it's time for me to collect everything I wind up taking bites out of honey buns and other garbage.
The last two weeks were bad in particular because I have a huge weakness for easter candy and we had bags of cadbury eggs that ripped open.
fuck off ketolard you people are control freaks of the freakiest order and obsessive to boot
>this vidiction
Not OP but I think I'm running out of "tomorrows".
50% physical aspect: you're literally addicted to the sugar and salt in the foods you're eating
50% mental aspect: you're too weak-willed to actually follow though any dieting/exercising and you're making excuses to yourself on why you can't.
both of these things gotta change
No need to lie anymore buddy ur in a safe place
40 keks
Im not promoting some 'fad diet'
but I find eating low carb or very limited carbs to have a greater effect on my cravings. With carbs I find myself wanting more food in a short period of time, where as low carb keeps me satisfied for half a day or more.
If you can't do that, introduce complex carbs instead of simple carbs.
Babysteps OP. We all get there. You weren't fat overnight, that too took a while.
Good luck.
Moving your fatass will take much more calories so have fun
>entering the third month of diet and exercise
>no brakes on this weight loss train
The key is hating yourself OP.
this is my regular diet
but ever since I stopped smoking even this is too much
my only real option left is to start sports but I hate it
i've done it for about 1.5 weeks now and i've lost ~4 kg
im too fat to throw them out
>tfw under eating again
Who knows the feeling ?
Keep in mind that's water weight so don't get discouraged when your progress slows down. You might want to eat more of the right things to not make your life even more akin to hell.
is it like this even if i drink a shitton every day?
This is a healthy breakfast right