How do you make coffee taste good while using as little sugar as possible?
How do you make coffee taste good while using as little sugar as possible?
Drink it black and stop buying shitty coffee.
If you just drank sugar you wouldn't need the caffeine
Vanilla cream stevia drops with milk or nut milk.
Put some nice quality milk in it m8
You drink the coffee you fucking zilch
>buy decent coffee
>add milk to bad coffee
>stop burning your coffee
>somehow change your 12 year old taste
or just give up and go for sugarless energy drinks
pic related. a latte/cortado/flat white should not have ANY sugar in it. properly steamed milk is naturally sweet
>Putting sugar in your coffee AT ALL
Are you a child?
If black coffee is too bitter for you, just have coffee with milk. Milk has enough natural sugars to give it a subtle-sweet taste and cut down the bitterness.
I recommend a classic cappuccino. Very easy to make, and tastes great without sugar.
put some chili powder in it. or anything that dissolves in water. you could do cinnamon too but put it in the filter with you coffee before you brew it bc it doesn't dissolve
Ever try cold brew coffee? I make it in the summer because it gets so fucking hot where I live. Very refreshing.
any coffee worth drinking won't need sugar
By the way, OP. If you'd like to make a nice latte/cappuccino at home without insanely-priced espresso machines, a moka pot is your best bet.
Then there are dozens of ways to froth milk, many of which don't require you to buy anything that you don't already have in a typical kitchen.
If you're unsure as to what type of coffee preparation you like, your best bet is to go to a coffee shop and order a few of the drinks they have without sugar. Once you find one you like, try to imitate it at home.
Buy decent quality coffee that's been sealed and wasn't left to rot in a warehouse for months after roasting.
Don't take this as an invitation to try "microroaster" hipster 3rd wave coffee roasteries, most are shit and it's very hit or miss. Avoid happymug, it's literal shit.
Call me crazy but I've been dissolving instant coffee in hot milk and adding a lil bit of vanilla extract. Downright decadent and EZ too
I love me some cold brew. OP you should really try this. Course grind the beans and let sit in water (I do 1.5c beans to 6c water) for 24 hours. Strain and you're done.
It makes a concentrate and doesn't pull out like any acidity from the beans. When you drink it dilute it much further, I like 1 part coffee to 4 parts water.
Lately I've attempted infusing flavors into the coffee as well. My last batch I added 2 cinnamon sticks, 5 whole cloves, and about 1/2 tsp allspice. Came out delicious. Also tried vanilla extract, which left too much of the bourbon aftertaste--will try vanilla bean when I get my hands on some.
There you go, OP, you can pre-make a week's worth at a time and store in quart containers in the fridge. Perfect for summer.
milk cinnamon vanilla
>Literally drinking cold coffee
Is this something you do to make yourselves feel somehow on a par with tea drinkers?
Pinch of salt and pinch of Cayanne pepper in the pot before brewing, drink black with no sugar.
Snort cocaine.
I never put sugar in coffee. Doesn't need it. I drink it black, and enjoy the occasional latte, where the only ingredients should be espresso and milk. Sometimes I'll have an Americano. But sugar belongs in none of the above.
Actually, just add a tiny bit of salt. Salt overrides bitter.
Like this
If you want something that tastes good dont drink coffee. There are some energy drinks that taste pretty good some are even coffee flavored but they excluded the shit taste that goes with coffee
>Downright decadent
if you actually mean what this word literally means, then I agree with you.
OP, buy better coffee and drink it black. Good coffee made well is FANTASTIC black.
If you don't have access to decent beans, well, try throwing a pinch of ground cardamom in the grinds before you brew it.
Use good coffee.
That's it really.