I'm so tired of looking in the mirror and feeling disgusted Veeky Forums. I'm 26 years old and my face and shoulders still look like a fucking pizza. Could food be the culprit?
If anything dairy tends to get the blame so I've cut it all out completely about 2/3 months ago and I'm still not getting any noticeable improvements.
What the fuck is causing my acne? Here's my food staples:
- White bread
- White meat (no red meat or fish)
- White rice
- Pasta/Noodles
- Fried potatoes
- Variety of vegetables (very little fruit)
- No dairy dark chocolate
- Tofu/Soy products (only recently after cutting out dairy)
- Peanut Butter
I don't eat much sugary shit so I'm assuming the culprit is somewhere between fried potatoes and bread? Which one is more likely to be ruining me? I think it would be probably easier (and healthier) to quit fried potatoes. Should I drop potatoes altogether or just stop eating them fried?
And what if it's not something I'm putting in but instead something I'm lacking? Are there any foods or supplements I should be taking?
Ps: I'm not fat and I have a job that requires phisical activity
and yeah I will consider accutane but only when I'm sure there's no other options