What's the most numale food?
What's the most numale food?
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Caesar salad with grilled chicken on top.
I eat potato's and corn occasionally broccoli. Orange juice in the morning.
Other than that it's meat and bread.
Did you know in some parts of Europe meat is in such short supply parents feed their kids vegetables instead of meat at meals?
Microbrewed beer
Gluten free anything
Fag go away
Fuck you
>trying so hard to appear manly via food choices that you die of colon cancer at age 40
Good plan.
All of these posts are extremely low quality. Especially that last one. Yikes.
OP, quinoa is the perfect numale food
What the fuck does this even mean? I'm pretty sure it's just /pol/speak for hipster.
the mc chicken because you get man tits if you eat to much of it
>implying I wanna live past 60 and see my body deteriorated to nothing while mooching off the government
I'll eat real food that tastes good instead of your rabbit food and enjoy my life.
Difference is. I eat food. You eat what food eats.
Numale is hipster + beta. They usually align themselves with leftist identity politics and feminism so they can attempt to get laid. Get with the times, gramps.
You might want to sit down for this one because I'm about to blow your mind. You ready?
You can eat "real food that tastes good" and fruits and vegetables...at the same time! Holy shit!!! You're not a carnivore, dumbass.
What are you, 15 years old? Every edgy child comes out with this shit about how they don't want to live past X age so they don't care if they ruin their body now. The funny thing is, once you hit that age, you won't be suddenly struck with a burning urge to die.
Wow sit down cuz now it's my turn to blow your mind.
Eat what you want I'll eat what I want and you can shut the fuck up and stop telling people how to live you triggered rabbit food eating fuck boi nu male faggot. I don't tell you to stop eating dick return the courtesy.
>curved Legos
Fuck is this shit
When you're burned your left with nothing. No cash, no credit, no job history...
>Eat what you want I'll eat what I want and you can shut the fuck up and stop telling people how to live
Calm down kid, I'm not the one who showed up in the thread to tell everyone what a big man I am for refusing to eat fruits and vegetables. By all means, please keep eating hamburgers for 3 meals a day but make sure nobody tries to sneak vegetables onto them as a topping. Might turn you gay if you eat some lettuce by accident.
Keep up the good work. Die early and make the world a better place. You're a Real Man now.
>no men support women's rights out of altruism and try to steer the movement toward acknowledging men's pov
>being a triggered bitch
You don't know when to sit down and talk your L do you little man?
Only proving my point about nu males eating veggies. But it takes a special kind to get so butt frustrated that real men still exist.
Fuck you. I wish I could watch that stupid series for the first time all over again
That guy's got it all backwards. The manliest thing you can do is take your girl's strapon up your ass for that sweet, sweet prostate stimulation and then switch out and cum in her ass.
I don't think you realize how hilarious it is that you actually believe the shit you keep writing. I've honestly never encountered anyone who thought that eating vegetables makes you somehow less of a man.
Is this a flyover thing? Do you just not know how to cook? Did mommy never feed you anything but unseasoned steamed vegetables and you swore to never eat them again? Please explain.
Numale: the post
Shut up faggot youre making me cringe. Stop embarrassing yourself with your dumb ass arguments and logical fallacies.
You try to take the high road but you actually just sound like a mad bitch.
Anyone who posts in this thread is a numale.
Oh no!
dogg any road is the high road compared to where you are
I love that you're trying so hard to defend being a picky child.
bernie shouldve won!!
>if I get the last post I win
If you argue with stupid people, theyll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Unfortunately for you, you lost as soon as you started spergging out about my eating habits. Pathetic. Get a life for real.
I voted for him and there's nothing you can do about it. Socialism is the way to go in the 22st century.
Did you just assume their gender?
Nah, kale has been a meme since like '85.
I personally love it.
>if I get the last post I win
>while still trying to get the last post
Nigga just stop, you can't beat me. Eating nothing but steak and potatoes because "that's what real men do" is not a eating habit unless you're 8 years old and your parents don't care about you.
Your position is indefensible and I will keep feeding you as long as you keep trying to defend it.
You weren't supposed to eat that crap out of the bottom if the pizza hut salad bar. It was decoration then
>you can't beat me
You're so cringe dude holy shit do you have actual autism? Literally just get off the computer and go outside I'm not even playing with you anymore because all your posts just make me fucking embarrassed for you.
I know you will keep yapping, cos you are a classic numale.
The fact that you actually have a folder full of reaction images just makes it better. Please don't stop.
You stupid nigger stop taking his bait.
idk vegan gluten-free something, especially if they have no diagnosed reason to do so.
Cha brah, I know my reaction images have been on point. Don't be mad cuz I'm styling on your bitch ass.
I'll post a couple more but you can't have my rare pepes!
>numale foods
This retarded meme has gone too far. A food is "numale" if a numale eats it.
I'm a centre-right construction worker. If I eat a salmon fillet with avocado mango salsa, a kale salad, quinoa and craft beer, thats my business.
Stop trying to cram your retarded /pol/ shit where it doesn't belong.
The one you eat as you care about what people think on the shitty slow board of the irrelevant nigerian congo dancing consortium
Disagree. Thjere's no single dish that represents half-assing it because you just don't know any better than the chicken Caesar salad. It's close to vegan they way remembering to call that trans friend of a friend they is being unprejudiced. It goes well with the beard and the fact that you once flirted with a chick from a different race.
What's this "center right" bullshit. Christ, you nu-male take a stand. Either go alt-right or fucking far left. Stop the namby pamby tiptoeing through the tulips.
Kale inhibits estrogen growth, its good for ya brah
>you won't be suddenly struck with a burning urge to die.
Not that other user but I want to die already. I'm only 29.
>inb4 kill yourself faggit
I prefer natural things.
>what's this centre right bullshit
A well established political position?
I have moderate political beliefs because I'm a well adjusted adult living in the real world. Radical politics are for children and people with mental illness.
You're wrong. Literally the only salad they sell at the Costco food court.
>Claiming to be well adjusted
>complaining about a discussion of nu-male food because somehow this term offends your sensabilities
Triggered fuckboys, when will they learn?
Oh you mad huh? Fuck with me then.
>I'm styling on your bitch ass.
Actually, balance is more dignified because it takes more effort to be neutral about your opinions instead of being carried away.
*nods sagely in agreement*
Splitting (also called black-and-white thinking or all-or-nothing thinking) is the failure in a person's thinking to bring together the dichotomy of both positive and negative qualities of the self and others into a cohesive, realistic whole. It is a common defense mechanism used by many people.[1] The individual tends to think in extremes (i.e., an individual's actions and motivations are all good or all bad with no middle ground).
Feminism hasn't been about equality for 20 years.
Anything vegan
Anything glutten free if you dont have allergy to Glutten
Fake Meat
Craft beer, the fuel of numales
Anything with soy in it like tofu.
that's not really a strange thing around these parts, you gay reddit cuck
Stop shoving your retarded /pol/ obsession where it doesn't belong.
What's your cup size?
Steak. Nu-males loves arguing about stuff, like in this thread, and steak is the #1 arguing food.
it's pronounced 'fhuh' isn't that crazy, you guys?
>I really hate beer that tastes good, that's for beta libtards
Its pee-hole
Numale, beta faggot detected.
Its a cake. Its not real legos. Its cake. :)
Oh shit a candied roasted onion would probs be super good
Fuck you I like quinoa. It's superior to rice
look at this skelington
This. It sounds like a term coined by mouthbreathing permavirgin losers to form some kind of 'in group' to identify with that gives their otherwise meaningless lives some sort of validity and presence. On the Internet. Funny that last part.
t. numale
t. nu-male
>implying a handful of obscure images constitutes as having an entire folder
>memeing this hard
>this entire post
>t. numale sjw beta cuckold
We hive mind now
>mouthbreathing permavirgin
always easy to spot the buttflustered redditor
something like pic related. someone please post more
And yet, like moths to the flame, you all respond. Funny that.
>the mc chicken because you get man tits if you eat to much of it
so much this
I'm convinced that garlic clove is fake. Looks genuinely like plastic.
I just keep having more questions the longer I look at this pic. Why are they using a shovel as a plate? Why do they have a whole wooden plate for bread and dip but not the main dish? Why is there a cutting board to the side, and why didn't they use that as a plate? What the fuck is in that tube left of the beer mug?
To answer OP's question, the answer will always be whats trendy, so as of now it would be some locally sourced, vegan, GMO-free, gluten free superfood smoothie or some other froo-froo pseudo-science laden bullshit that they can take pics of and post on twitter/Facebook.
>more dignified
And this is a valid way of measuring beliefs because?
I found a picture equivalent of your centre right construction worker pretty pretty beliefs.
Much dognified, way valid, such amaze woah!
for real though, this thing
even the commercials looks like something out of college final projects
there's more
i can almost hear the chef with square glasses and multicolored beard yells WA-LA
Fucking mericans. Kale is a meme here since 1580.
either third-wave coffee or craft beer
very close
broccoli is a veg my man
it's also one of the most beta vegetables you can eat
>t. numale
>start by talking a stroll down to the local farmers market
Done. Post your times.