What does Veeky Forums think of this pizza?
What does Veeky Forums think of this pizza?
ruined by lack of crust. It's like a woman with a 9/10 face and body but no tits
Just not that good. 4/10
would drunkenly devour/10
Looks delish.
OP here, this is accurate.
I'm still very happy with it because even mediocre pizza is still better than most other things. I almost think it is literally impossible to make a truly bad pizza. Even the worst pizza still tastes good
Hey I'm glad you agree. At first I was gonna give it a 5-6/10 cuz it looked tasty but then I remembered all the good pizza I'd had and realized as far as pizza goes, that's slightly below the curve.
Cheese not browned enough, but I like my pizza browner than most.
I like my pizza like I like my women. Hot, brown, and greasy.
Oh it's plenty tasty. But yes, I've also had some godly pizzas and compared to what I know it could be, 4/10. But I love how the person that made it laid out the pepperoni almost autistically even spaced. It doesn't really add or detract from the flavor and it makes for a strange presentation but I admire the effort.
>pepperoni on the crust
Yeah I mean, I guess..
If you paid 6$ for this 9/10 reminds me of a place that used to sell nice greasy 6$ pizzas to compete with little C's
It was $7.99
Too much cheese/10
Would still eat if my only other options where shitty chains though.
Great deal desu
Kind of a dick move to eat all the anchovies before anyone else got a chance to grab a slice.
looks like college dining hall take out pizza jfc
>Too greasy
>No crust
>The worst meat topping by far
Would still eat the fuck out of though
would fite you for it right now
Looks worse than Little Caesar's desu senpai baka op
Pizza rating
Food rating
>he hasn't grown out of pepperoni yet
Prosciutto, Parmesan, and wild rocket master race.
Come at me right now bro I will 1v1 you irl. I will end ur life.
i'm stuck in japan for the next 6 months and i've been for one already, i would kill for a greasy, cheesy pepperoni pizza with a 1lt diet coke along it
goddamn get me out
I love this
Would be better if you removed the pepperoni and added chicken, pineapple and curry powder
Only children and retards order either cheese pizza or pepperoni.
Would be better if you didn't wake up tomorrow.
Funny memes
The only pizza shop in my town makes pizza like that and have been for decades. Looking back it was pretty disgusting looking but I still remember it being good.
Would eat/10