anytime you buy fast food, you support factory farming.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
eating meat is fine, but at least get stuff that hasn't suffered unimaginable pain from birth to death
anytime you buy fast food, you support factory farming.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
eating meat is fine, but at least get stuff that hasn't suffered unimaginable pain from birth to death
>reminder that everytime you shitpost you bump a good thread off
If you want meat you should have to hunt it on even ground with the animal. No weapons.
>calls me a shitpost
yeah and every time you buy cheap animal products you support shit like this
educate yourself:
are you seriously so poor you can't afford decent ingredients? or are you too fat you can't eat without fast food being the staple of your diet?
but I don't buy fast food, and I never buy CAFO meat
reminder that discussion of the differences between meat is a bannable offense
all food is exactly the same
i'm a leaf and i only eat leaf confirmed beef at fast food joints because i have on good authority that leaf beef is treated pretty well.. even fast food
You're not fooling anybody. Stop shitting up the board.
ffs you dense cunt, i'm not telling you to never eat meat, i'm telling you to stop eating factory farmed meat
fast food is ALL factory farmed animal products... simply don't eat fast food and pay a little more for the cage-free, naturally fed, no hormones/antibiotics alternatives
Yeah you're right. I'll stop buying fast food. I haven't for awhile anyway.
Pissed me off when my whole foods stopped carrying pork belly from the canadian supplier. That shit had a great lean to fat ratio, probably close to 80/20. The local american shit they have now is 50/50. I started going back to the asian markets where it's about 70/30.
>at least get stuff that hasn't suffered unimaginable pain from birth to death
So let me get this straight
>get fed from birth without having to work
>have a bunch of sex
>don't have to worry about prey killing you
>don't have to worry about dying of some disease
>no chance of starvation
whoa, you're right we should go vegan
stop lecturing people on their containmentboard you are annoying
it's not like they don't know
and they wont change because of your nagging
I'm also annoyed and I'm free from guilt regarding your topic.
ffs I'm not saying don't eat meat or animal product, again:
>simply don't eat fast food and pay a little more for the cage-free, naturally fed, no hormones/antibiotics alternatives
are you seriously okay with financing factory farms and consuming estrogen, hormone reddened meat?
TFW one of your fantasies is to hunt bare handed with bear hands so you can kill the animals with your bare bear hands. For real though Andrew Ucles is proof its very doable. If I had a to wrestle a deer to the ground and choke it out I would.
Why should I give a shit? They literally aren't people.
whelp you're trash anyhow, you can stop eating fast food and still be trash so no big deal, can't convert everyone
t. American Meat Industry spokespeople
nobody sane supports factory farming other than fat fucks trying to pack more cheap calories in
Trash that donates time and money to human charities and donates blood to human patients. Stop giving a fuck about cows and worry about your fellow man.
lmao nice roleplay, there's nobody who's going to be a giving individual to mankind but not recognize industrial farming as one of the worst crimes in history... do you want to start talking about the ramifications this practice is bringing to our environment?
>help people who go out and shitpost on Veeky Forums get a blood transfusion when God finally decides to remove their miserable existence from this shittastic earth
>American Meat Industry spokespeople
>nobody sane
I have never been diagnosed with a mental disorder.
>other than fat fucks
The funny thing is that I rarely eat meat. I just don't give a fuck about animals.
>I have never been diagnosed
Yet :^)
Is your name Ted, by any chance?
>lmao nice roleplay
I could show you my donation history, but you'd just say I shooped it.
> do you want to start talking about the ramifications this practice is bringing to our environment?
You say while using a computer to fuck around on Veeky Forums.
>The funny thing is that I rarely eat meat. I just don't give a fuck about animals.
that's fine, you should be able to separate the difference between using animals for consumption and abusing them cheap meat so you can sell more burger
i have no doubt you donated blood, blood donations are fucking easy and you probably did it for moral superiority who the fuck cares
you are now making assumptions about me and my motivations, when i'm just trying to wake up a few people to the horrors of fast food consumption
I'm vegan you retard. Plus I don't eat fast food. I just dont care for your rants here.
Fuck off to reddit if you want to preach.
At first I thought it was trolling. But fuck you won't just shut the hell up.
Shut up you dumb faggot stop bumping your garbage thread.
well then hide the thread bro, why come and give me shit for trying to spread a good message
>gets roasted and can't keep up his argument, backpedals and name calls to ejects from the conversation
lmao, can't make this shit up... typical fastfood eater
>using animals for consumption and abusing them cheap meat so you can sell more burger
There's no moral difference between using animals and using plants.
>blood donations are fucking easy
They are. Do it.
>probably did it for moral superiority who the fuck cares
Only for when talking to people like you.
>you are now making assumptions about me and my motivations, when i'm just trying to wake up a few people to the horrors of fast food consumption
I've talked to your kind enough to know in advance. These conversations are always the same.
because this is already the 2nd 'educational' rant in a few hours
if you can't even shitpost to make your preaching at least a bit entertaining fuck off, this is not a place for you kid
>There's no moral difference between using animals and using plants.
animals are conscious, they are aware they exist, they have emotions and can feel pain... plants cannot
this is the stupidest fucking reasoning i've ever experienced while discussing morality and animal consumption
>all this other shit
just supporting factory farming okay? thanks
>this is not a place for you kid
lol, i'm fucking mopping the floor with you kids in reason and argument, and you're resorting to shitposting to try to eject from the thread with some dignity left... get real dawg
> in reason and argument
see this is the wrong place for this
no one cares for your reasoning here this is a shitpost comfyzone
>animals are conscious, they are aware they exist, they have emotions and can feel pain
Arbitrary and irrelevant. Morality is not based on awareness or the capacity to feel emotion or pain. They have no moral standing.
>just supporting factory farming okay?
Okay, I will.
if just 1 person who planned to get fast food tonight change i wlll
i want to be civil, we could meme the conversation but then you have guys like this:
who type complete nonsense and bank on a typo i make to eject because they're mad at my post, know i'm right, but don't like being told they're wrong so they'll literally do anything they can to have a point
>shitpost comfyzone
what's so hard to understand with that?
>who type complete nonsense and bank on a typo i make to eject because they're mad at my post, know i'm right, but don't like being told they're wrong so they'll literally do anything they can to have a point
Wow you're mad. I also noticed that you have no refutation.
Stop being irrational and start thinking about it, then you'll figure it out.
it can't always be fun and games man
i'm not mad at all, like i said you're a garbage can and you were born with a rat mentality, and you'll die with the rest of your family's bloodline as rats
there's nothing to refute? you have no idea what you're talking about, the effects of industrial farming go far beyond "morality"... you say you love your fellow man, so educate yourself my man
you have to go back
okay make me an account so i can start posting cuz i've never posted on reddit before dawg
>you have no idea what you're talking about
Oh but I do though. A system that grants moral standing to non-people is ultimately inconsistent and falls apart upon scrutiny.
>you say you love your fellow man, so educate yourself my man
I already know all this. Do you think people haven't shoved this stuff in my face before? The only things that matter at all are the health and environmental impacts. Health-wise people have to be allowed to make their own decisions. Environment-wise I'm all for advancement and regulation to make it less harmful. Suggesting that factory farming be ended, however, is absurd.
where did i say we should stop consuming animal products? never, i've made it quite clear that animal consumption is perfectly fine, but don't consume or support factory farming... how can you not separate the two, as the latter is flooded with issues
there's absolutely no benefit to factory farming besides creating a steep profit margin so companies can sell tortured carcasses to a wide range of people
you don't know anything about this issue, because you're harping on two of the most apparent issues and mainstream issues, morality and personal choice-- factory farming SHOULD be ended and replaced with a humane form of harvesting, and regulations should be put in place to stop the pumping of chemicals into livestock,
price for meat and animal products will go up but calorie consompution will go down, aiding in the obesity epidemic... ultimently it's a win-win for everyone
>animal consumption is perfectly fine
even a lot of omnivoires don't think like that
sage and hypocrite
>you don't know anything about this issue#
assuming I don't but you do
>- factory farming SHOULD be ended
it should but it wont end just because you annoy people
>price for meat and animal products will go up
lurk moar and see how many people here already have big issues with money for food
> aiding in the obesity epidemic
it's the chemicals in the food and food depleted of nutrients not only shit trier meat
> ultimently it's a win-win for everyone
go home kid the world is not that easy
But what if I don't give a shit about animals?
>eating meat is fine
it isn't though
Op is a virtue signaling faggot who wants attention. Ignore him and he'll just fuck off.
If you keep giving him valid argument s he'll keep posting the same psudo intelecual drivel and resort to insults and moral high ground shit like he's been doing.
Ignore the faggot op.
>implying there are good threads
most people who complain about food being expensive are fatfucks who overeat anyway, be real... and if they're not, then keep factory farming alive for the poor is probably not the best way to help the situation
that being said, it's a complicated issue, one i don't see being properly explored in a Veeky Forums Veeky Forums thread, that wasn't the point here to explore all the parts of the problem, solution & cause; i just wanted to wake at least 1 person to go to the store and buy quality meat & animal product instead of fastfood
then you need to get your psychology checked, bucko... it's one thing to not care about animals, it's another to be okay with their torture, which is what industrial farming is
If you cared about animals you wouldn't be supporting any farming in general, dumbfuck
maybe one day i would like to see an end to all animal consumption, i haven't exposed my views entirely on this, but that's an radical step when the problem of industrial farming needs to be addressed before even being able to imagine such a world
1 step at a time
The lord gave us dominion over the animals OP, we can do with them as we please
What exactly is hard to comprehend other than why your mother suddenly cut off drinking after the second trimester?
>maybe one day
So you don't even care, gotcha
The fuck are you on about.
yeah what the fuck are you talking about bro, did you get left in a dark room @ 2 and this is why you're so unsocialized?
Was it every trimester then?
is this why you think you're such a fuck up? it's not... you're a fuck up because you're genetic disaster, regardless of the environment you grew up in or how your mother nurtured you in the womb you were destined for the failure you're experiencing today
I think our boy strait up lost it. The niggas tripping cuz. Prolly vitamin B12 deficiency. Ya boy ain't eat no meat.
>unimaginable pain
Who cares? They're all going to die anyway.
sage, fag and a hypocrite
>most people who complain about food being expensive are fatfucks who overeat anyway, be real.
read some fucking threads you idiot also lurk moar
if they're not, then keep factory farming alive for the poor is probably not the best way to help the situation
and you are also lacking empathy for humans
I don't trust you one bit to have empathy for other beeings
this is btw not an argument
> it's a complicated issue
nice try
don't shit arround about it then if it's not a topic to discuss here
>i just wanted to wake at least 1 person to go to the store and buy quality meat & animal product instead of fastfood
why? narcisstic mission?
try to talk to people outside of the internet, it might change a bit
Did she bottle feed you alcohol too?
The dude is a blithering autistic mess who is horrifically samefagging. He's a failed abortion who should follow up on what his mother started
i don't give a fuck. we're the apex predator for a reason
there's better ways to help the poor than keeping them addicted to chemically tainted garbage-can food dude, i want to help people but industrial farming hurts more than it helps, the data is clear in the study i posted... you're not eating better you're eating WORSE if you're poor and reliant on this shit
i will discuss any thing you bring up regarding this issue, but i doubt we're going to reach a high-resolution of the problem with this format... change starts with 1 person is what I believe though, so it's worth it
lmao this kid is fucking furious, get outside nigga get some fresh air
For me, it's a pure glass of water. Keep your fast food.
Lol so you were samefagging you fucking absolute zilch
Please end what your mother clearly tried to start you cumstain of the fucking planet
user, most of the chicken I buy is halal, and you're trying to guilt trip me about factory farming?
why the fuck would i argue with myself, this topic is controversial enough to get others involved
stop projecting your mommy issues onto me man, it ain't cool
ITT: OP slowly degenerates to a near unintelligible level of discourse
So do you have to have bear hands to wrestle a bear or what
Seems like your mother almost succeeded considering how fucking retarded you are
>no you!!!!
Stay utterly btfo you fucking zero
not an argument
That's your opinion
animals dont suffer nor feel emotions the way humans do, I can't care less about them
thats not only false but also psychopathic statist bologna you fucking shithead dont even respond you would never fuck with me in real life i literally do not care
>there's better ways to help the poor than keeping them addicted to chemically tainted garbage-can food
there are
there are lots
but you didn't name a single one
there are also better ways to save the world than post litteral shit on Veeky Forums
> i want to help people
I don't see that at all
you post annoying shit on Veeky Forums
but industrial farming hurts more than it helps
industrial farming is a broad field
>you're not eating better you're eating WORSE if you're poor and reliant on this shit
yes i agree
so go outside and try to change something for the better so that the ppor have better food available
I wish you the best luck, I mean it
>knows how animals feel
>can't form a coharent english sentence
So, the truth has been revealed.
>also psychopathic
so leave him be
or are you now trying to offer therapy to a maniac through a conversation on a anonym forum
if you're buying free-ranged, naturally fed, antibiotic hormone free chicken i have nothing bad to say about you man, the government should give you a tax break
they feel pain, that's all you need to know when discussing morality and factory farming... they pump them with antidepressants to keep them sane and not chewing up off their ears and arms and shit because they're confined to a body-spaced cage in complete darkness
the horrors these animals suffer is beyond comprehension, you don't even know
yo dawg i'm sorry my posts are annoying, it's how i'm going to type to save time given the format of Veeky Forums, but i'm trying to look out for everyone
i do my part outside of the internet as well, but there's only so much 1 man can do, so hopefully more of you will wake up to this and if willing and capable, try to make a change in your community and family as well
change starts with 1
this isn't me, an impostor
Meat tastes good though.
why the fuck would anyone would to impostor your stupid fucking gunless fascist ass faggot do you get handed physical checks or is it deposited into your bank account you fucking dogshit
as long as it's humanly raised and harvested, i wouldn't argue with you friend, enjoy your meat-- just think twice when you're going to exchange you hard-earned money for the garbage the fast/junk food industry is serving you
>as long as you support an inhumane slaughter that pretended to treat something well, you're okay in my book!!
Woah wait a minute is this moron getting paid to be retarded? I thought it was just a hobby for him.
How can I get in on this?
the way i live and the money i get would blow your fucking mind dawg
Paying extra for the same food is out of the question.
Don't care if it's humanely harvested, pulled off their body alive, or flown into space. Ground beef is ground beef.
>change starts with 1
change starts within oneself
and only oneself
lecturing without considering who the anons here are and without considering if they care for your worldview is narcisstic bullshitting, nothing else
yeah dude, you can't push extremes onto others... like i said solve the grand problem and then deal with the other issues
if you say AW SHIT IF YOU EAT MEAT AT ALL YOU'RE A PIECE OF SHIT MURDER you alienate people and hurt the cause, you have to admit this is the smart way to make a change
no, eating hormone riddened beef is not the same as eating clean beef
it's funny, cows are particularly damning to the industrial farming issue... cows are fully conscious. I worked on a dairy farm, and a heffer lost her calf one year to a bad snowstorm. She stood out in that same spot every day after we moved that calf and stopped eating. You could look her in the eyes and see what it felt like. Don't give me that shit. Scientists recently have shown that dogs have the same range of emotions as humans. Funny enough cats have less.
it's pure hypocritic rambling
c'mon, you don't think i've converted a few lurkers here?
i guarantee you a handful of people who viewed this thread will think twice next time they're considering going to their fast-food joint... and sometimes that's all you can do in a day
i'm trying my best to not come off preachy and like a bro, cuz i am your bro... it's a work in progress, but this is my life's work
No thanks. I'll keep eating fast food just like everyone else and there is nothing you or anyone else like you can do about it.
So you're just going to alienate people by being hypocritical and frankly arbitrary? You either front up or dont even bother
at what point have i been a hypocrite, and not clear to you? i have made all my views clear and am willing to accept any challenge to defend them, but this is Veeky Forums Veeky Forums shitpostgeneral and i'm trying to keep up with the nonsense
>Hormone ridden beef
Post statistics that prove one brand of ground beef has more of a hormone and that it has negative effects and I'll consider making a change.
But since I'm positive you can't, I won't hold my breath.
>it's funny, cows are particularly damning to the industrial farming issue... cows are fu... blahblah sobsob
might care
I's not food if they are still alive
I literally just pointed it out. The fact you don't see it just shows how full of shit you actually are.
You live in a cute fantasyworld. People are not that easy. And now fuck off.I won't continue to bump your shitty thread.