What's that weird food thing you do that you're 95% sure no one else on Veeky Forums does?
I put peanut butter in my apple jacks. Makes them 10x better.
What's that weird food thing you do that you're 95% sure no one else on Veeky Forums does?
I put peanut butter in my apple jacks. Makes them 10x better.
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When I was younger I used to pull off the skin of McDonald's chicken nuggets and eat that before eating the bare chicken.
I don't eat nuggies anymore, but I doubt I would still do that if I did.
i did that
and i would eat raw white mushrooms in this order
>white part
I did that too :3
How is the peanut butter portioned throughout your bites? Or do you just get a gob of it in every few bites
When preparing the bowl I pour in the cereal then get a big heaping spoonful of peanut butter and stick it to the inside rim of the bowl and then put in milk. Then while eating I'll scoop a little bit of the peanut butter into the spoon then eat the cereal like normal.
My cousin showed me when I was really young and I've done it ever since, it's a a really good flavor combo.
sandwich w/ cheese and strawberry jam, this shit is lit af
Very common in my country
I've done this and still do.
It started from how I knew it tasted goof from breakfast sandwiches. Tried it at home like I was making pb&j and was like hmm tasty.
I don't eat fast food
Also I don't try to emulate a nigger like
I mix my sweet potato/yam with my macaroni and cheese.
pretty sure just about every kid did this
what the fuck
i put cereal in a blender before putting milk in it
that way the (usually shitty) texture gets bldnded out, and i can fit more cereal in my mug (because you eat cereal in a mug, not bowl, fuck you cunts who say otherwise)
just to clarify
i blend it to a powder
then i put it in a mug
then i put milk in it
I don't believe you, this is too autistic
Also did this. You are not alone.
welcome to Veeky Forums friendo
I love throwing chocolates in my breakfast, whole to melt if hot, crumbled up if cold. Totally not fat
cook a batch of sausages then instead of eating them, they go straight into the fridge, then i eat the sausages one by one out of the fridge after they're cold.
I eat until I'm full and then I stop eating, even if theres food left on the plate.
You eat until you're full? Then you're overweight and unhealthy.
You should intake what's is required to meet your caloric/nutritional needs and nothing else. You should leave each meal/snack hungry.
There's a thing of herbs called pizza topper herbs they sell at woolies.
I like it on my eggs with salt and pepper, it's essentially italian herbs but different.
Is it called Herbes de Provence or something like that? Shits so cash for everything that needs that mediterranean taste.
nah man, it's legit just masterfoods brand pizza topper herbs
You shouldn't be hungry if your caloric needs are met.
Unless your just eating cheetos and chocolate fatty boom boom
My favorite snack is salty, buttered popcorn with whole milk. I'll cram as much popcorn as I can into my mouth, then take a big swig of milk. The popcorn will melt down into a crunchy, mushy mess in my mouth and UNHHHH, it's so good! I absolutely abhor the thought of pouring the milk over the popcorn and eating it like that, though.
actually eating until your full requires slight stretching of the stomach lining. Eventually what would make you full before, doesnt anymore.
Pesto in ramen
I add cottage cheese to cereal.
I have hot beans with cheese and butter on my baked potatoes.
Every other person I've met says they only do cold beans. THEY'RE the freaks.
I eat cereal without milk. But sometimes I cheat with a glass of milk on the side.
I have intercourse in the missionary position solely for the purpose of procreation.
I shoot frankfurters out my anus and gracefully swallow the projectile whole. I love how the foot long ones slam into my lower stomach at speed.
I go to buffets eat and vomit afterwards and eat some more.
Shit ton of sriracha + milk (half and half is goat tho)
Put it in mugs and drink it like tea. If I over do it and drink too many cups of it in one days I get bright red diarrhea for a few days
I put PB in cereal all the time
Which ones?
i still do this
Melted cheese?
when i was a kid i would get the apples and caramel sauce with my mcnuggets and dip the mcnuggets in the caramel sauce
Butter and Jelly sandwiches. Pb+j tastes really bad to me.
I really enjoy eating foozen burritos with mustard i found out it taste good by eating a corn dog and a borritos on the same plate as a kid
I like mixing freshly grated Parmesan with various watery hot sauces until they creates a slightly runny paste which I apply to a great number of meals and snacks. I believe it stems from my picky eating habits from childhood, which have long since been overcome thankfully.
Doritos using cream cheese as a dip is so fucking good. I don't know anyone else that does it.
Sometimes I make my own twist of Tzatziki and eat it as a meal. It's generally thought of as a sauce, but fuck that--I make it a whole meal. Like I said...for me--one avocado, sautéed spinach, cucumber, garlic, lemon pepper, salt, and a whole bunch of plain greek yogurt. Made, then chilled for about two hours...Aaahhh....Vitamins, nutrients, protein, and easy on the digestive system... then I flip the script and eat raw ginger slices afterwards...can't beat the cool heat combo...
Regular white sandwich bread slices, buttered until soggy, then a dash of garlic salt
I figure people besides me actually remember to buy garlic bread or know how to make garlic bread as if they weren't making a poor savory imitation of fairy bread.
i eat my boogers
Did this yesterday
Ive come to find all meals taste better as cold leftovers
I have a few
Bread and butter with sugar, all cold
Peanut butter with rice
Ketchup on my pizza from little caesars only
Ketchup on my lays potato chips, every flavor
Milk before my cereal
Also condiment sandwiches made out of ketchup, mustard, pickles, mayo and white bread and nothing else
thats cuccumber salad, fuckhead. not tzatziki.
I binge eat ice cream with a fork for around an hour at a time straight out of quarts of ice cream. I scrape small portions of the ice cream with the fork and bite my portion 2 or 3 times before I move on to the next scoop. Sometimes I'll do this while watching YouTube or even an online college lecture if I'm depressed enough. The most I've had in one sitting was a little over half the quart of ice cream. By the way, Dreyers slow churned is the ice cream I live and die by.
I keep at least 3-4 different flavors in the freezer at all times. Gotta have variety. Will include pics if you guys don't believe me, there are even fork marks indented in the ice cream.
Not even weird but my friends all think im some kind of monster because I like to salt my watermelon
also not super uncommon but people think im weird for enjoying a goober burger now and again
sometimes as a late night snack I'll get a plate put one huge dallop each of peanut butter and mayo and go to town on a stack of saltines
How is yogurt, with an avocado, and some spinach-cucumber a salad?
Knee grow please
This. I hate milk in cereal but I'll chug a cold glass of milk and then eat a bowl cereal. I do like yogurt on top of some cereals though.
that's okay user, we believe you.
Sometimes when I eat fruit loops I put some takis in it, such a weird combo but tastes great
My nigger, i love me some strawberry jam and cheese sandwiches.
I do it
I'll put french fries or mashed or baked potatoes in a blender with an appropriate amount of ketchup and make it a light red paste and eat it out of a cup with a spoon.
When I eat a hotpocket I first peel off and eat the crispy bread exterior. Next, I squeeze out the filling from the limp remains onto a plate and eat with a spoon. Finally, I split the 2 soggy bread halves and roll them up then eat those.
Salt on watermelon is pretty tits.
If we're discussing things people think we're weird for putting salt on, I love taking the lemons from restaurant waters, covering them in salt and eating all of the flesh in one bite.
Sometimes I'll order a small bowl of lemons to satiate my desires
Oh man, I used to do that as a kid. I even [spoiler]put a philadelphia container inside a doritos bag when I went with my grandma to a monastery and would eat it out in the grounds while the other kids who came along on the same excursion used to laugh at me and call me "cheese dipper" because they'd seen what I was doing[/spoiler]
It's not a salad, but it's definitely not tzatziki.
t. greek
When I was a kid I would just eat white bread with ketchup spread on it.
I mix hummus into my canned tuna instead of mayo. Not for calorie reasons, juse cause I like it.
>I really love to do something truly filthy and disgusting
>But don't worry, I abhor the thought of doing something else filthy and disgusting
I called it sugar butter bread. It was my go-to snack growing up. Just delicious, oily, crunchy sugar crystals
As a kid I used to eat hotdogs with bbq sauce. I would microwave them and peel the skin off and scoop up the sauce with the skin chunks.
Well...that's why I said "my own twist"...never claimed it was Tzatziki, whose main base ingredients are...yogurt, cucumber and seasonings. Just mixing it up, my man...
Gonna try that actually
the only utensils i use are knifes and forks. Spoons are made by the devil.
I put baloney on my pb&j
It's actually really good
I use fish sticks as chopsticks when eating ramen. Such a fucking delicious combination
I order McChickens with Big Mac sauce instead of lettuce
You're not alone
I do it to all cereals op. Got my 7yo daughter hooked on it too
I like grated/dry parmesan mixedbwith BBQ sauces and such too. On random things. Usually pasta.
Likewise, bread crumbs + buffalo sauce tastes like mushy wings breading, like when the wings sit in the sauce a little too long. Good stuff.
two more for your collection
I really liked this image.
But then I found the words "kool-aid" and it lost all credibility. Shame.
And who in the flying fuck gets a copyright on a burger?
I think it's a joke. Beer battered ketchup? Hickory smoked tomato?
That only happens if you eat junk food. Eat some vegetables and grains with your meat and don't drown your food in fat and you'll do fine.
i put tapitio hotsauce on my popcorn but im pretty sure alot of mexican fucks do that
I guess I didn't really read it that well, thanks.
Granny smith apples with slices of cheddar cheese.
A sandwich that's just whole grain bread and mustard.
I used to dip peanut butter sandwiches in milk before eating them when I was a kid. People thought it was gross, but it's not like the flavor combination is bad.
>apples were introduced in 2011
Underage b&
when I was younger I'd love putting Ruffles Potato Chips on Aunt Celeste Pizza
At the theater I'll get some of the jalepenos used for the hot dogs and put them on my popcorn with salt over the combination. It's fucking amazing.
My chili recipe has peanut butter, curry powder, and pepper extract in it
I'd just eat the jalapeños straight if I didn't have money for food
Goober burger?
I put grapes, cubed sharp cheddar cheese pieces, and croutons in separate bowls and eat them while I sit at my desk. I do this instead of eating a proper meal. That shit is so cash. I always end up eating a shit load of each thing though which is unfortunate as the aged cheddar and grapes are rather expensive to be finishing entire packages of within 1 or 2 days
>pic related