ITT: Objectively bad foods that have no reason for existence outside of "muh tradition"
ITT: Objectively bad foods that have no reason for existence outside of "muh tradition"
Nah nigga fuck you, meatloaf reminds me of my mama fuck tradition its all about "muh memories of me mum" :;)
>literally a brick of dry meat with some vegetables thrown in
your mother actually forced you to eat that shit?
The lutefisk may be shit, but everything else in the meal is good.
The reigning defending
Animal products
See, i think if your mom i think of thinly sliced beef...
Meatloaf is fucking delicious. If it's dry, it's because you're an idiot and can't cook.
There are much better ways to have meat and vegetables. It has no reason to exist.
No one fucking cares you fucking statist cumstain there are much better non-fascist human beings than you on this planet you absolute fucking gunless zero dont even bother replying you are fucking nothing i literally do not care
There's much better ways to consume biomatter too, why do we have more than one dish for meals you dumb bitch.
Man I love fruit Cake and meat loaf.. How the fuckncan you hate meat loaf? It's fin ground beef and sauce
Is haggis good?
It looks disgusting but sometimes when things look disgusting they taste great.
It's nice but extremely rich, actually a modern recipe which is nice is haggis nachos, I kid you not.
Not if you make it right
A good meatloaf is insanely good
Yes, Virginia, There is a Good Meatloaf is my fave
Why jelly fish ever? Gross
Jellied meat is already nasty; using seafood is just horrid
it probably dies out during our generation
physically less eels = more people after tasty bbq ones
I never had meatloaf as a kid because my parents hated it. Now I cook it all the time. I think it tastes delicious.
Surstroming? Or some thing like that? Finnish nasty thing
Looks amazing though. I! Just know I'd spit it out.
We've been sending one back and forth between my family and my aunt for at least 30 years now.
Fuck you OP, meatloaf is a gift from the heavens.
I've only had meatloaf three times and I thought it was pretty good.
All "fast food".
>Jellied meat is already nasty
lol what a fag
jellied pig legs are fantastic
Is nobody gonna call this out as bait? Who the fuck thinks meatloaf is "objectively bad?" People can fuck it up by cooking it to death, but seriously, no one hates meatloaf.
Shit tier pleb food.
I fucking hate meatloaf and think it is disgusting
Fuck off, meatloaf is great.
You can kiss my ass, OP.
I'm almost 30 years old and I've never once had or seen a fruitcake irl. Are these really that bad? From the pic it looks like a small slice would be nice.
Can anyone describe why these are hailed as awful?
Kinda dry
It's not a pleasant mix of flavors and it's got a horrible texture