Why are words so intoxicating, Veeky Forums? I genuinely feel moved by their sound and shape on paper. Am I autistic?

Why are words so intoxicating, Veeky Forums? I genuinely feel moved by their sound and shape on paper. Am I autistic?

Thanks for the laugh user


>Am I autistic?

no ur cool

wtf I'm autistic too

if you're not sincere you're a narcissistic faggot which is way worse
if you are, no, it's normal, why would one read otherwise?

>Why are words so intoxicating, Veeky Forums?

That's entirely normal. Why else would any of us read? I feel bad for the people who can't get into written word and are doomed to a lifetime of endless terrible television shows and movies always knowing someone else's imagination and never their own.

I would understand what they're saying if they were talking about mill, but how is kant trying to control people?

this really

bcuz ur a nerd

Why are memes so intoxicating, Veeky Forums? I genuinely feel moved by their sound and shape on the internet. Am I autistic?

Read up on Kant's ethics and the categorical imperative.

A being operating under Kantian ethics is essentially helpless against the depredations of beings that do not.

Under Kantian ethics if an axe-wielding maniac asks you where your family is, the categorical imperative dictates that it would be immoral to lie to him.

This is "reductio ad absurdum" but I have not at all distorted the premise.

But it doesn't even work like that, Kant was only saying there are some actions that are not universalizable.

Yeah, and he says only the actions that are universalizable are moral.

But Nietszche himself was completely caught under Kant's spell and could not, nor would not, extricate himself. You have to understand this to understand Nietszche. It's the same when you are in conversation with an enchanting speake, which is exactly how Nietszche characterizes reading philosophy: as carrying on a dialogue. But it is one in which one of the participants must adhere, even if oppositionally, to the form and function of the other's mode of thought. It is much like an apprenticeship in arcana.

Kantian ethics works if everyone follows the categorical imperative.

yes, you're autistic you edge lord fuck

>Under Kantian ethics if an axe-wielding maniac asks you where your family is, the categorical imperative dictates that it would be immoral to lie to him.

You're obligated not to lie, but that does not entail that you are obligated not to interfere with the murderer's plans.

>he says only the actions that are universalizable are moral.

That is incorrect. Only those actions which are motivated by a 'good will' are moral. These actions will be adhere to the
categorical imperative, but their universality does not determine their moral content.

A day of dappled seaborne clouds.

The phrase and the day and the scene harmonised in a chord. Words. Was it their colours? He allowed them to glow and fade, hue after hue: sunrise gold, the russet and green of apple orchards, azure of waves, the grey-fringed fleece of clouds. No, it was not their colours: it was the poise and balance of the period itself. Did he then love the rhythmic rise and fall of words better than their associations of legend and colour? Or was it that, being as weak of sight as he was shy of mind, he drew less pleasure from the reflection of the glowing sensible world through the prism of a language many-coloured and richly storied than from the contemplation of an inner world of individual emotions mirrored perfectly in a lucid supple periodic prose?

Over-wrought in the extreme.

By posting on Veeky Forums, you are autistic by default user. Stop trying to act special.