This stuff only tastes good in a glass with ice. It needs the ice. The ice melts a bit and waters it down. It needs to be watered down a bit to taste good.
This stuff only tastes good in a glass with ice. It needs the ice. The ice melts a bit and waters it down...
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Soda pop is not worth drinking. It's just crap. If you're going to drink it, find some Mexican soda pop made with sugar and not HFCS.
Do you
Ever wonder why
This soda gets you high
It takes you on a ride
Body starts to rock
This taste you can't stop
The sodas all you got
Why do people like you exist
>sugar and not HFCS
HFCS *IS* sugar
Uh how
"Hey man I see your drinking diet soda. You know that stuff causes cancer?"
I agree 100%. My wife drinks it out of the can. It strikes me as just inhaling calories because it's more convenient. It was meant to be iced down and it tastes 3x better and goes down smoother.
As long as you're not gargling sugary shit all day long, whether you eat HFCS or pure sugar doesn't matter. At allllll. You have to basically be shoveling shit-food in your mouth at every meal to for it to even begin to matter. Sugar vs. HFCS is a meme started by pretentious hippies. With a diet of less than 4,000 calories a day, there is no difference in the affect it has on your body.
>A sirup mixture of fructose and glucose is the same as sucrose
There is a difference, namely that the sugar contains more fructose. Which isn't necessarily a bad sugar, but your body doesnt use it well, and large amounts of fructose in a diet cause higher levels of vldl cholesterol, also causes more triglycerides.
Sucrose is a better sugar that causes less problems, but is more expensive to use and isn't as sweet.
No one's talking about health effects, people like real sugar more because it tastes better
It's all marketing it doesn't taste any different except in the mind of gullible hipsters
The only pop that's actually worth drinking, right next to Mexican pop. Tastes best chilled in glass bottles.
*citation needed*
That reminds me, I'm gonna head out to the store and pick up a 2L bottle of Diet Coke a little later. Mind if I get ya some too?
then why doesn't it taste like sugar?
sucrose, fructose, lactose, dextrose, glucose, and maltose are all fucking sugar you tard. Obviously it's not identical to the sugar you buy at the store but it's still sugar.
Humans are all the same species but that doesn't mean nigger meat would taste the same as gook meat.
Different things are different, even if they fit into the same category.
>Why do people like you exist
To offset the tidal wave of fucking morons in the world.
No, HFCS is *not* sugar, it's not even a food product. Avoid it like the fucking plague.
Do you have psychich abilities? I feel like this thread was specially crafted just to trigger me. I do not like ice in my soda. I literally order soda without ice whenever I go to a restaurant.
It can be regarded as a form of sugar, and while the health effects are debatable (regular sugar isn't exactly great for you either), it simply just doesn't taste as good as cane or beet sugar.
Wrong, the flavor is appreciably different, not everyone is a tastelet like you.
The only thing I'll be avoiding tonight is your mom on the rag
Shut yo ass up retard, it all digests the same, Mexican soda tastes awful most of the time. If you actually gave a shit about your health you'd just go vegan
>soda can't be chilled without adding ice
You have a fridge, don't you?
Is this what autistic """supertasters""" tell themselves about their """"""""superpower""""""" nowadays?
lol enjoy being a manlet who can't handle cilantro for the rest of your life
>If you actually gave a shit about your health you'd just go vegan
>f-fuck you, I LIKE having dilapidated tastebuds :,(
Enjoy your cornwater.
>being retarded about food on Veeky Forums
Enjoy lifelong cilantro avoidance
Being able to eat cilantro without tasting soap >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tasting the difference between sugars
I don't have a problem with cilantro, but good try.
Yeah, getting 90% of my protein from soy and having mantits even when thin as a stick sounds ravishing, let me stop eating meat right now.
I'm an omnivore, you're an omnivore, you're disadvantaging yourself by cutting meat out of your diet.
>inb4 muh avocado
Hasn't soda been around for decades now? Even used to have cocaine in it as I recall, I would think if there were any particularly nasty side effects it should have been noticeably widespread. All I ever hear about these kinds of things is, oh it might increase your chances of getting so and so by 0.5%.
>Even used to have cocaine in it as I recall
That's a myth.
Coca-Cola would make wine with coca leafs in it (in like the 1800's), but that was LONG before they made soft drinks, there was never cocaine in Coca Cola (or any other soda made by anyone else either),
Fun I suppose, but mostly unrelated anyways I guess. Question still stands, soda has been around for decades now, I would have thought any weird effects would have been very evident by now. I mean what is it supposed to be doing, altering our genetic material for our great great grandchildren to become mutants or what?
Your ignorance is showing. You're far more likely to get mantits from eating chicken (chicken contains more Phthalates than any other food) or dairy products than you would from eating even 12+ servings of soy, not only that but the phytoestrogens in soy are very impotent and there's not one case of it having any effect on a human, just rats and other animals.
As for protein, you're just pretending to be damn moron. I can easily get 200g's of protein a day on a vegan diet if I wanted to.
Meat on the other hand causes cancer and heart disease and there's an immense amount of research supporting this. Not to mention the vast amount of enviromental pollutants in your meat and dairy also have feminizing effects in men.
Cooked meat carcinogens:
Cows milk and estrogen:
Lowered testosterone caused by meat:
Meat consumption causes heart disease:
Egg consumption lead to heart disease:
Soy has no estrogenic effects in men:
Cholesterol in meat leads to cancer:
I have some more if you want.
It increases your blood sugar greatly after consumption, but if you have a glass of soda WITH a high fiber meal the effects are negated.
>It needs to be watered down a bit to taste good.
I disagree to the highest degree, I specifically order coke and pepsi WITHOUT ice when I go out to eat because the watered down taste is garbage.
I agree, if you drink it cold it already tastes less sugary, it doesn't need to be watered down
>phytoestrogen & phthalates woo
>abstracts from Google Scholar pointing out PAHs exist mean I'm right
pseud, science isn't a game to prove yourself right on Veeky Forums
What's your point? you just seem mad that vegans have higher testosterone than you.
I actually don't care one way or the other, I just like shittalking vegans tbhfam
I'm not vegan I'm just a guy concerned with the truth.
Breh just go eat a sausage.
>not drinking mexican made coke in a frosted glass with SHREDDED ice
found the autistic faggot
Man I could go for a Coke Zero in shredded ice
I lived in Mexico for 6 years and I can tell you if you drink Mexican coke regularly you might as well cut your left foot off now. One personal bottle you get on the street is like 78% of your daily carb intake
It's crushed. You can't shred ice
Why couldn't they go half and half on the corn syrup and the cane/beet sugar? You'd still save money while getting a better taste.
Almost got me you troll
>paying for 4 oz of actual drink and 16 oz of ice
I'm Sorry.
I don't drink Diarrhea.
idk man, but mexicans really really love their coke. The coke company probably has huge deals with sugar companies so it would be cheaper for them.
Dont forget the government corn subsidies for corn in mexico are like non existent in comparison to the corn subsidies in the states.
So making HFCS is extremely cheap in america vs other places.
Also this could be all wrong since I havent a damn clue about the decisions a mexican soda company does
I only drink mex coke once in a blue moon when I make tacos.
So there's the glass bottle coke in super markets it'll be english except for "hecho en mexico" but I've gone into local spanish markets and seen glass bottles with entirely mexican typing and you can taste a different composition for sure.
gotta hunt for the good stuff.