rate my dinner?
Rate my dinner?
Gin Gibsons used to be my go-to drink.
Hopefully you actually got to have some booze with your cocktail onions.
obviously im drunk, but this is all i got left for food
i am having vodka and smoked almonds for dinner my man id actually trade with you if i could because i had vodka and smoked almonds for breakfast too
I wish you were here and we could hang out, im so sad
Get rid of the onions and you have yourself the meal of your life.
what the hell are cocktail onions?
you put them in a martini and they are good
You can also cook them in stews.
Brit out of ten
I like that brand when it comes to martini olives
bone apple teeth/10
Trump detected.
Ken Onion / Onion, would use Onion to onion
I love these goddamn things. Have them in my fridge. Got the taste from my grandma, who came over after the war.
looks good user
you fucking goblins
I have a number of questions...
No offense or anything but this is the first time something on Veeky Forums my stomach turn.
you will probably have terrible shits the next day. I once ate a whole jar while drinking. I did tip out all the liquid and replace it with white vinegar though
End this faggotry