You guys are trying to ruse people, aren't you?
Best fast burger.
You guys are trying to ruse people, aren't you?
Best fast burger.
I've never tried Five Guys but I'm going to later this month. Any advice on what I should order Veeky Forums?
Whatever. You'll be disappointed, no matter what. Their food is overpriced and under-seasoned. I guarantee you can make a better burger with what's in your home.
I don't have a home though
>Veeky Forums shits on whataburger, five guys etc for not being perfect
>has threads full of shills claiming there's nothing wrong with processed meat patties and McDonalds is delicious
Really gets the neutrons blasting.
>Veeky Forums is one person
Shake Shack is the best easily. In and Out is also good but not quite as flavorful (although a lot cheaper). Five Guys is greasy and bad.
Five Guys was good until they increased their pricing. I believe it was around $5.80 for their most basic burger with the most basic set of toppings and that was a pretty good deal. It gave me a reason to buy Five Guys over the McDonalds Big Mac. Unfortunately, they increased the price to around $6.80 now and that is too much for me.
So now I don't buy from either of these shit franchises.
P Terrys
In n Out
these are the only acceptable places to buy a burger in 2017
We are legion xD
Overpriced for as little food and quality of food. You are essentially paying for a home cooked burger and fries at a premium
Five Guys burgers are at least $12 each.
1 x Cheesburger
1 x Regular fries
1 x Vanilla Milkshake
Total cost : £16.80 or about $21.59
Little cheese burger with grilled onions, gilled mushrooms, grilled bell peppers, tomatoes, pickles, steak sauce, mayo, and hot sauce + cajun fries + banana shake.
If you're going to 5guys might as well eat until you're sick.
I never really got the '5 guys are expensive' meme. Is it that the one in my town is cheaper or what? Because a cheese burger from my local 5guys is 5.50 and fries is 2.85. I mean it's more expensive than a lot of fast foot places but 9 dollars isn't that much.
Just go to Wendy's desu same quality and you get a whole meal for the price of one burger at 5 gays
Price is relative. You probably live in an area where taxes are low but that also means that there are cheaper alternatives like you said. The argument is that for the price you're not getting something worthwhile.
>all these people being this wrong
5 Guys is the best chain burger restaurant bar none. Anyone who says it's too expensive is broke beyond comprehension. Their fries are award winning and their burgers are flawless consistently.
I can pay a dollar or two more and get a burger 8 times as good at a restaurant
Well, no the fuck you can not, but even if that was true what's your point?
>fast food burger costing just as much as a sit down restaurant
Wew lad. Gimme Culvers or Wendy's any day of the week.
I went and got a bacon cheese burger and regular fry with a drink and it was 12$man what the fuck
Haha, I respect that Wendy's is better than McDonald's and Burger King but it's not even a competition between it and 5Guys.
>the cost argument again
Are you seriously incomprehensibly poor to the point that a 8 dollar burger is going to break the bank?
8$ Is enough for just the burger. You're not getting a drink or fries with it.
You don't have to pretend it's cheap user. We all know it's expensive as fuck.
For 8 bucks you could get like 8 patties at any grocery store any ways so yes it's a bit pricey ya fag
Oh damn bro I didn't mean to upset you or anything. Sorry dude, I've been poor before too I just make $20+ per hr full time now.
Yeah I mean, if you make min wage or you're part time employed then 12 dollars a meal can add up but you're not really supposed to eat burgers and fries that often anyway.
I work there. The food is overpriced but relatively good for fast food. Everything is made right when you order it and it's all fresh. That doesn't mean it's the best though.
I'm a different guy but I get $240 a year in food stamps, so yes, $8 is 13 days worth, and if you think I'm buying a 8 dollar burger, even if I could buy hot food, I'm not.
Always make a snarky comment like "hey there are more/less than five guys working here!" or "A girl working here? I thought this was five GUYS he he"
And they will give you free fries.
Have some pride dude. You pay for quality at 5 guys. Big juicy burgers and the best fries.
I make 20$an hour I just make sacrifices in such things so I can drive a new car and own a home user
they didnt hire me because I wasnt hip enough.
once I learned how to make my own smash burger,I can make mine taste just as good as 5 guys
but its nice if I'm out and there is one close by and I'm hungry
kek. Having worked in retail, I'll bet they hear that kind of shit at least 10 times a day. It'so funny, people think they are being so fucking original with these type comments and you're supposed to smile and play along but it gets to the point where you just want to wearily frown and shake your head.
Dealing with the public continually is the worst fucking hell you'll ever experience.
5 guys is fine but not worth it. Having experimented with replicating fast food at home, 5 guys is by far the easiest to replicate and thus significantly cheaper to just make it at home.
They charge premium for literally run of the mill homemade smash burgers. At least with mcdonalds if that's what you're craving there's only one way to get a mcd burger making it much more worth it then 5 gays
Regular fries are too large, milkshake is overkill given that the other two items equate to almost 2000 calories...get a tap water.
>Milton Keynes
>5 Guys isn't worth
>I prefer McDonald's
For me, it's telling you to kill yourself.
Overall I'd say Burger King but the GOAT fast food burger is the McDonald's Big Tasty With Bacon.
>Burger King
NOBODY likes Burger King ffs
I'm a Brit so it may be different for you wherever you are. But the bacon double cheeseburger (XL of course), chicken and bacon royale and angus burgers are god tier.
>be busser
>have to refill water every few minutes or manager yells at me
>mfw some old boomer always says "stop, youll make me float xD" whenever i pour them water
>mfw ive heard this literally 100 timws but they actually think they are witty or original
I can many places, and the point is that it's massively overpriced for what you get. "Real" fast food is less than 1/3rd of the price and 75% as good, Restaurant food is 120-150% of the price and at least 3x as good. 5 Guys would need to cost half of what it does now to be a good value.
You're stating entirly false statistics you pulled out of your ass to justify having shit taste and being poor as fuck.
8 dollars for the best chain burger. And btw it's not fast food it's quick casual so you look pretty dumb saying it's "not real fast food" that's like saying a fine dining restaurant "isn't really family style"
8$ for just a burger is pricey and getting a full meal for 12-15$ Is pricey as shit for casual dining. See, noodle, chipotle, smash burger, just about anywhere else
I guarantee you that I spend more on food than you, both food that I prepare and food that I order. That has nothing to do with whether Five Guys is worth what you pay for it. Five Guys is fast food, it's just slow and expensive fast food which is why I called it fast derisively since fast food is supposed to be fast and cheap.
"Fast Casual" is a marketing term to trick you into overspending and getting ripped off, so I don't know why you'd be proud of buying into it. Five Guys is a bad chain, only idiots who don't know any better or want to pretend like they're above the people who eat at McDonalds go there.
>A single bacon cheeseburger is $9
>Can get a Big Mac, large fry, and a large coke for less than $8
>stop, youll make me float
That's not even funny.
It's not about money. I could get more food at places that I think taste better than at Five Paychecks. It tastes worse and costs more. Has nothing to do with being poor.
Trips of truth. Five Guys BTFO
Look you can talk in circles, make up facts, and claim you won But at the end if the day, if you don't think 5 Guys isnt the best burger chain than you just have bad taste. Sorry.
You could also buy a sack of flour for 5$ you fucking pleb.
Have fun having a heart attack at 25, poor user.
Look at this fatass losing his shit because people don't agree with him. Look at him and laugh
Get a life dude.
Look at this poor bastard who eats shit because he can't afford . Look at him and laugh
Learn to comprehend you autist, it's more worth it to go to McDs because it's harder to replicate and 5 guys can be made at home for cheap, not that McDs is better.
>worth it to go to McDonald's
Lul, are you trolling me? For 3 dollars more you can get an edible burger.
An edible burger that would cost you only 3 dollars to make at home. You really struggling here eh?
>discussing the best burger chain
>just make one stop home
Well, you would have won this discussion if my house was a burger chain.
Lul, nice one.
Thank you.
>5 guys is fine but not worth it
>charge premium for homestyle smash burgers
>only 1 way to get McDs
Literally illiterate
Why are you so mad dude? I'm serious with you rn my man you need to take it easy brother.
>full retard
Never ever.
I mean, this point has already been debunked about a dozen times in this thread already, but if you wanna keep running with it be my guest. Five Guys fucking sucks
What burger chains do you enjoy? Sike, I know you're just the same troll from earlier saying McDonald's is good.
>65 replies, 32 posts
>shills five guys for 4 hours straight
>calls everyone poor because they don't agree with him
Look man idk why you want an internet fight so bad. You really need to get your shit together.
I thought coasties were supposed to be all super confident and shit? Because from what I can tell, this is one insecure coastie.
I actually kind of like Wendy's better in the burger department. Five Guys burgers are just a huge ball of grease. Their fries are usually pretty great though.
Right, so if I don't take your ad hominem bait and stoop to your level you've got nothing to say? Grow up dude stop acting like a faggot anonymously.
Oh the irony
Look you can just shut the fuck up already. What are you even getting out of this rubbish bin trolling? You're not even discussing burgers anymore
I'm trying to find out why coasties are so insecure about their sub par food.
I like five guys because of the face to face communication. You can tell them exactly what you want and have a nice conversation. The employees seem happy, not like mcslave employees just trying to keep up.
The ingredients are fresh and well proportioned and the fries are the best. But let's not forget DEM PEANUTS!
>I don't like Five guys as much as _______
>YOU LIKE ________ !!!!!XDXDXDXD!!!!
>I don't like of expensive they are compared to their competitors
Thread dead on arrival
Is a coastie someone who lives on any coast? That's the vast majority of the earths population. Do you live in the Midwest or something?
Also, I'm not insecure I just genuinely believe 5 Guys is the best burger chain.
Stop using strawmans and talking in green text loser.
If you wanna talk burgers I will but if you're gonna act like a mad faggot I'll just ignore your dumb ass.
You lost this fight a long ass time ago. Now it's just embarrassing.
Five guys it overpriced. Now I'll type out tour response:
>you are poor
Gee, this is fun. Fucking sage
But there was no argument. Five Guys is boring bland overpriced food.
Over priced compared to what?
Over priced implies that it isn't worth the money, which I disagree with. It's less expensive than a sit down restaurant and or comparable quality. It's more expensive than McDonald's, but far surperior.
...O-ok I guess I win. HaHAA 5Guys truly is the best burger chain.
>It's less expensive than a sit down restaurant
This is where you are wrong
Go ahead and provide examples. A burger from 5 guys is like 6 bucks.
At a sit down restaursnt you'll spend that on drinks and tips.
I say sit down restaurant but 5 Guys is actually a sit down restaurant too just that they keep prices low by not paying someone to bring your food to you. Mine even has a nice view of the beach. Mm.
Truly the best of both worlds.
They're pretty damn good. Don't be a total glutton and you can get out for $5-7 with great toppings. Everytime I've ordered a "small fry", they put in a cup of fries with just as many / more laying in the bag.
Please tell me these prices include fries and a drink
If you go out to eat burgers, you're not going to care about calories. You're going to eat a bloody burger and chips with a milkshake as a treat.
I prefer Burger King over McDonalds but they're so overpriced.
Is this price somehow too much for you? The burgers are massive and you get a plethora of toppings for free.
Yeah dude, if you small talk with the employees you get hella free fries. I guess corporate doesn't ride their ass about fries. Nice.
It's better value than Five Guys.
You're joking, right? i hate that nonsense. I'm not in there for a dining experience, if I'm getting a burger, it's because I'm in a rush or I want something cheap. Don't faff around and pretend to be my friend when we both know you don't want to do that and I just want my food.
Compared to pretty much everything. Even in central London, eight pounds for a burger, before you even add anything else, is a rip off.
Is this a marketing campaign or something you're trying here?
he's right, it is overpriced. you can't argue with that
8 dollars for a burger is too much? That's the same price as a Wendy's Dave's burger and then you get all the toppings you want free. Besides, it's only a couple bucks more than anywhere else. And you're getting your money's worth.
It's almost making me mad to see all these people saying 8 buckaroos is too much. Makes me wanna call you poor.
No, just a guy who knows 5 Guys is the best burger chain. If you wanna complain about fast food viral marketing go to Smug Wendy's girl threads