Tell me why this is not incorporated in your diet yet.
Tell me why this is not incorporated in your diet yet
Other urls found in this thread:
It is in mine. I take that and a b-complex every day as well as a Calcium supplement because I'm lactose intolerant.
Because i don't want cancer.
Good goy, always take your vitamins only 49.99 a bottle from GNC.
Because too many vitamins isn't good for you either. Just stick with a normal healthy diet.
On top of that i've never really felt healthier from taking these pills.
Oh look it's the FDA guy trying to sell Americans his chemical slew again.
I'll consider poisoning myself with something different, FDA, thanks.
Keep up the damage control.
kooks and autists
Multivitamin blends are shit. Buy your own individual vitamins and dose them according to your lifestyle.
Isn't there evidence that multivitamins reduce your life expectancy?
I always thought taking supplements was a bad idea unless you have a measured deficiency.
They're not beneficial to anyone, that's why.
>some vitamins may cause harm
>click link
>404 not found
I fucking told you niggers, the FDA scrubs the internet the second someone mention the harmful side effects.
This shit is in all your wheat, rice and pasta by law and it does nothing but harm.
Why did supplements only come into existence after ww2?
Because that's the point that the government decided that it should start harming it's own citizens. That's when the chemicals were first manufactured and the government made it law that they were to be added to all wheat manufactured in the US.
You can skirt the law by manufacturing under X tons of pasta, bread or rice, or by processing under X amount of wheat.
You'll risk many years in jail for foregoing the FDA laws and going over these numbers without adding the chemicals.
Also the government owns the chemical plant that manufactures these powder chemicals. So they have everything to gain. They use your tax dollars to purchase their waste chemicals, feed you them, and they make money while your liver gets fucked up and they get rid of their toxic waste that otherwise can't be dumped.
Basically your government poisons everything you touch and you pay them to do it.
We're all getting really fucking uneasy about chemtrails, bleach water, poisoned wheat and toxic perfumes. Our bodies are getting raped.
is there anywhere I can read more about this?
It's just common sense not to overindulge in anything. There is such a thing as "too much of a good thing." And vitamins fall into this category. No person living in a developed society acquires scurvy or brittle bones due to malnutrition. Everything you need for a healthy life is already in the foods you eat. Supplementing your diet as a normal ablebodied person is fucking retarded.
Eat a normal, sort-of balanced diet and that alone should provide your basic nutritional needs, if not a surplus. If your urine is yellow, you've a significant surplus of dietary requirements and waste in your diet.
It's kind of fascinating that you can believe this while life expectancy continues to rise in the West.
Get a packet of ramen and google the ingredients.
Actually, do it like this:
Chemical name NFPA 704
This will give you more info about the chemicals. Do not use wikipedia. They simply tell you to eat the shit or you'll die and then list fake malnutrition diseases that never existed.
Also, all starvation deaths on earth that are recorded are put underneath "malnutrition" too, so the FDA can further it's cause with false data. The claim is that people die if they don't eat these chemicals, which billions of people actually believe.
Chemicals that have existed for 70 years of human history are NOT required for human life.
And a major point you should understand, the synthetic versions of these chemicals have side effects, while the naturally occurring versions do not.
Read dude's link above and good luck sorting through bullshit nutritional science. Hopefully you don't get insanely mad the next time you go to the store and can't find food without chemicals that are hazardous to humans hidden inside.
This is a dark fucking road and the FDA has a Veeky Forums employee on every board to spit words like "health" and say things about white bread to subtly force more chemicals down your throat. A quarter of the discussions on this board can be attributed to the FDA, especially bread, cereal, snack cake and rice threads.
>life expectancy
Doesn't mean jack shit when we consider the chronic disease are at an all time high. Sky rocketing, in fact.
You mean those diseases that are more prevalent among older people, and therefore show up more in a population that lives longer? Huh.
>more prevalent among older people
No and that's exactly my point.
You're gonna have to post a source on that, then, because it's bullshit
Access to antiseptics, antibiotics and vaccines are why people live longer. People commomly died from tooth cavities that turned into cerebral abscesses and infections, also angina/other heart relates issues...simply from not brushing or cleaning their teeth daily. A persons access to dietary supplements had absolutely nothing to do with life expectancy in socieities where starvation isn't a realistic threat. In Africa and rural China, yes...those are realistic threats to a persons longevity.
I'm not saying that multivitamins increased life expectancy, I'm saying it's bullshit to claim that the FDA is secretly poisoning America by maliciously adding chemicals to our grain supply.
I thought my urine was yellow because I ate asparagus.
Fascinating. Thank you, I've been trying to eat as little processed foods as possible recently but you're right. It is extremely frustrating trying to find food without added chemicals. Makes sense about "health" shills, I've noticed some suspicious posts recently.
This is the point I make exactly. Now that vaccines can't be shown to be the cause for the rise in autism, I have a hunch that these chemical additives are causing these problems.
It wasn't fluoride and we only just started spraying barium on ourselves, so these chemicals are really the only thing that we've changed in the past 3 or 4 generations.
Anyone else have this hunch? I understand that autism has a broader definition than it used to, but even back in the 90s it wasn't THIS fucking visible, it was one in a thousand kids.
Back in the 90s the people we were diagnosing with autism were the kids who literally couldn't function. We're also overdiagnosing, the same way we did with ADHD. I'd bet rates "fall" in a decade or two as we narrow our focus.
It's not a secret, you're just a fucking moron that can't google what's in your food and dig farther than the wikipedia page to reveal that 5 of the mandatory additives are considered harmful to humans.
I said none of this. I'm not the fucking NFPA. You're just attributing it to me because you're naive. The fact is that they are harmful, side effects are extremely prevalent and the shit is in 75-80% of all your food.
How much is too much?
I came across a study that heavily implied that autism had a link with the state of our gastrointestinal system. The study said that a lot of cases of autism were linked with various gastrointestinal issues and some cases diminished in severity when probiotics were introduced.
So basically i'm not saying that eating shitty food will transform you in an autist, but there's definitively a link between our intestinal flora and our upper stuff.
It must not be a very effective poison since you can't actually show any harms.
We're literally connecting everything neural with gut flora right now, I would take it with a grain of salt until we actually understand the mechanisms in place.
It's not the FDA it's farmers using chemicals approved by the FDA. Pesticides cause cancer. Period. Roundup alone is responsible for an explosive rise in cancers across the western world. There's a gigantic class-action against Monsanto because of this. Very public information.
Asparsgus only alters odor of urine, in some people. I'm not one of those people.
The mercury that preserves vaccines has been proven detrimental to people. Prohibits brain growth profoundly. Mercury is used in multi-dose phials as an anti-bacterial/fungal/viral because dozens of needles are puncturing the membrane of said phial, introducing any number of foreign bodies into the sterile environment inside. Single-dose phials of vaccines aren't treated with these mercury products and pose 0% threat whatsoever. They cost money though and must be administered by your childs private healthcare physician in their office. All 3 of my kids are pumped full of vaccines and nothing is wrong with them, because I give/gave a fuck enough to spend a few thousands dollars to ensure their lifelong health and immunity to nearly extinct illnesses. Anti-vaxxers are full retard.
>We're literally connecting everything neural with gut flora right now
Maybe. But they both play hand in hand. Plus you got nothing to lose by trying to improve your flora.
>Roundup alone is responsible for an explosive rise in cancers across the western world
Even the EU knows you're full of bullshit
True but mental health problems are becoming an everyman's thing, and riboflavin is known to cause agitation, mental disturbances, tachycardia, hypertension and other shit, which in the long term could easily fuck up someone's brain.
I mean long term as in every fucking day we eat 3000% drv.
It's obvious that these chemicals are fucking people up, but in what manner I'm still researching. I'm only 5 years into the nightmare and I don't know 5% of the story because the FDA is so adept at squelching information.
The scariest admission yet was that one of the chemicals is biocumulative and kills at a rate of 100% by eventual liver failure. But they wiped this rodent study off the face of the earth and I haven't found or seen a trace of it in 4 years.
>Plus you got nothing to lose by trying to improve your flora.
Oh, absolutely. I just don't want people to be disappointed if it doesn't suddenly solve their problems.
Funny how people start to believe eating vegetables will fix a life-long depression.
The worst type of corruption known to man. Fuck off shill.
Neither of those affects the European Commission. I'm not a fan of the EPA or FDA, but I'm equally uninterested in lying about the effects of the chemicals we use.
ITT: broscience from people who debate using media OP-eds regurgitating scientific abstracts as a source
I feel sorry for anybody who takes real advice from this board.
>the FDA has a Veeky Forums employee on every board to spit words like "health"
Dude if you don't want to act retarded to fit in I get it but let us have some fun.
>When conducting their assessments, regulatory agencies like ECHA rely on a combination of data from toxicological studies that are either published or not.
>published or not
So, politicians who aren't scientists can add their 2 cents. Neat. What a world to live in.
Europe is consistently very risk averse when it comes to approving chemicals. In fact, the only group I'm seeing who condemned glyphosphate is the WHO. That kicked off the controversy, and since then every major organization has shot it down.
It's quite common knowledge that every branch of government employs Veeky Forums posters for various reasons, but the FDA has the largest shill operation by far for the very reason of what was just discussed.
Keeping people from figuring out how to google the shit that's in their food is priority #1.
Yes, they make some poor guy look at cocks and gay furry porn on /b/ all day.
It shouldn't shock you because disinfo programs have been in place for the entirety of the existence of our government.
I simply find it odd that lobbyists and politicians are afforded the same opinions as scientists with actual evidence/research to back up their claims. Seems priorities are off a bit in Eurostan.
This. Especially during this last election in America. CTR shitposted on every, single, board with anti-Trump memes and rumors/information/disinformation. Sad how influential and powerful basement dwelling autists can be as a collective.
>muh deep state, 1488 it's all a lie believe me look at muh ((interest groups))
I honestly think you people don't even have brains. It must be just a small computer in there, spamming the same generic endlessly refuted arguments over and over again because your controller thinks being the loudest in the room is most equivalent to being right.
There's nothing in their statement to suggest that all studies are inherently weighted equally. I'm not going to try and argue that lobbyists don't have sway, because of course they do, but the EU's record is consistently one of risk avoidance. Neither you nor I is actually debating the studies themselves, just the people analyzing them, and if that's all we're going to do, I think every major scientific body but one outweighs whatever conspiracy health blog you get your opinions from.
>the "Veeky Forums elected Trump" bluepill
Oh my oh me, you nematodes are worthless.
Nah it was THE Russian hacker named Veeky Forums that hacked paper ballots and got him elected.
Did I mention that the FDA shills most commonly post frog pictures with their post?
>green text goes here
Hatred goes here.
This is literally every post they make. I'm not bullshitting, this is our FDA guy right here.
>did i mention that this post here is now exactly what a shill post looks like? 100% perfect fit, according to me, right now.
hm, yes, very trustworthy
Almost all vitamin supplements give me unbearable hives
Been eating multivitamins and extra vitamin D and Bs for years.
Creatine off and on for a decade.
Lots of proton powder.
Lots of nootropics.
Perfect blood work, resting heart rate so low it set the hospital moiniter off, deadlift 435, run races up to 12 miles.
Vitamins are associated with death in that one regression analysis because people who feel sick or tired are more likely to try vitamins. They even discuss this problem.
b/c they are typically not bio available formulations and therefore a waste.
I usually take dehydrated greens supplements instead
Do you even know what Roundup is? As in, what the active components are? Fucking salt is much more lethal than Roundup
Doh ho should see the amount of vitamins and supplements I take every day. Ya'll would freak out.
That said, I take things specific to my needs. When I was younger, I'd just take a good multi and call it done, but as I've gotten older, there's more pressing issues that need to be addressed, like thining hair, brittle nails, keeping my joints well lubricated and functioning, keeping my skin moist and tight, good digestion, and more. I have one pill container for morning, and one for evening. I take the majority of my supplements in the morning, and then some more in the evening.
This is the only thing I need, makes me feel like a superman
Only problem is when it goes outta stock for a while
Vitamins are literally a jewish ploy to destroy the White Race by turning White Men into trannies and nu-males
>Eat a normal, sort-of balanced diet
So you admit that supplements are fine if you aren't eating that kind of diet?
Be careful i turned in a gorilla with this shit. Now i'm stuck in a zoo. They got wi-fi though.
Super Male Vitality changed my fucking life.
I stumbled upon some InfoWars videos during the lowest point in my beta NEET life. I was 22, addicted to vidya, living in my parents' basement with very little ambition. Each day was the same routine: wake up, browse chans, fap, play vidya, fap, browse chans while eating tendies, fap some more, sleep, repeat.
On a lark, I ordered Super Male Vitality to see if, perhaps, my T-levels were lacking. Holy fucking shit, I couldn't have guessed what it would do to me...
Within the first 24 hours, my cock had grown three or four times its normal length and girth. My balls dropped at least two inches, both of them swelling substantially. My previously bare, bird-like chest grew wild ursine hairs. Both my brow ridge and my jaw began to jut out further in those first few days... It was so shocking that I considered going to the emergency room to get checked out.
But the physical changes were nothing compared to the mental and behavioral changes. I was sharper, clearer, more aggressive, more animalistic. I immediately took control of my surroundings. Within a week, I had fought my father for "control" of the house, bested him, and humiliated him in front of my mom and sister.
I also claimed both of the women in the home (my mom and younger sister) for myself... I pounced on each of them, went balls deep, and didn't stop until I'd deposited a virile, piping hot load of MAN CUM into their bellies. They now feed me, pamper me, and do anything I ask them to do. Like natural concubines, they fear me, resent me, respect me, and adore me all at once.
Feels so fucking good. I've gained 70 pounds of lean muscle, created a multi-million-dollar businesses, and claimed hundreds of women as my live-in sex slaves. Hoping to up my progeny count into the thousands by next year.
Try it. You won't be disappointed
They're unnecessary. It's surprisingly easy to get all required nutrients from eating garbage food like canned soup or McChickens, let alone indulging in a wide variety of meal options.
>health blog
I pulled information directly from the agency responsible for controlling toxic substances in the EU. Po-tay-to, Po-ta-to.
Lisa I'd like to buy your rock
You just piss oit majority of ye vitamins, just eat food that has the vitamins you need or want. I know if im low o something my body will crave the foods that contain whatever im missing.
Used to know a guy who was fat af, ate like shit no vegs, and i told him his vitamins were useless and he got triggered af, haha guy was a total fag.
Anyone else feel real weird after a few days taking vitamin?
You'd be surprised at how low people can be in critical vitamins and minerals without knowing it, no matter how healthy or unhealthy their diet is. All it takes is a full blood, urine, and stool workup to find out. Not everyone has those particular problems, but many, many people do, and they are medically advised to take supplements to correct it.