I moved into a house with four roommates recently. We each take one day of the work week and cook for the house. Problem is, of these four people, one is a vegetarian, one can't eat cheese, and another doesn't eat fruit or vegetables of any kind. Is there anything I can cook that can satisfy everyone? I've made some rice, pasta, and potato shit that everyone liked, but I'm running out of options.
I moved into a house with four roommates recently. We each take one day of the work week and cook for the house...
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You need to introduce legumes: Lentils, dry peas, beans, chickpeas.
You can also introduce other grainy starches: Buckwheat, millet, quinoa, sweet potato, polenta, spelt, etc.
And different kinds of nuts and seeds: Sesame, poppy, etc.
Tell the fruit and vegetable person to move out. At least the vegetarian one has a cheap excuse.
>no meat, cheese, eggs, fruits, or vegetables
Kill all your roommates and eat their corpses. Would be a better dining experience.
Why would these people even establish a "cook one night" plan if they all are going to make it fucking impossible for eachother?
>fruit or vegetables
how do you even accomplish such a thing?
nothing but pasta, meat, diary and bread?
I'd back out and just cook for yourself desu
Fuggin' checked.
>and another doesn't eat fruit or vegetables of any kind.
What the fuck.
Here, mi amigo.
Serve this with arroz y frijoles.
"...and another doesn't eat fruit or vegetables of any kind."
"...and potato shit that everyone liked"
Theres no doubt in my mind that OP and their roomates are women
This is like the setup for a bad sitcom.
maybe like potato gnocchi with some kind of mushroom filling or something? i dont know man, youre kinda fucked
if they cant handle fruits or vegetables, how are they going to stomach fungus
have u tried mkchickens op
Why the fuck can the one dude not eat fruits and vegetables
> Problem is, of these four people, one is a vegetarian, one can't eat cheese, and another doesn't eat fruit or vegetables of any kind.
Then why the fuck doesn't everyone prepare their own meals?
>that one lone pea on the left
really triggered my ocd
Potato is a starch, not a vegetable. Please tell me you don't eat potatoes and actually think you are being healthy.
>and another doesn't eat fruit or vegetables of any kind
What the fuck is wrong with people these days?
Here's an idea, stop cooking for your roommates. Cook whatever you want. Don't even let the eat it, save all the leftovers. Pretty soon their whole system will fall apart and they will have too cook
This but take care of the nervous tissue or you will end up with kuru
I got you, OP.
First, nice quads.
Second, feed those manchildren your fists until they stop having the palate of 5 year olds. If they don't, feed them some good old 'klon B
Everyone buys and cooks their own food.
>and another doesn't eat fruit or vegetables of any kind
>potato shit that everyone liked
Also, you might want to try plastique explosives because all of them sound like scum.
Do you really think someone who abjectly refuses to eat any fruit or vegetable would bother making that differentiation?
I'm not the guy you're replying to, but certainly yes.
I've known many people who claim to "hate all vegetables" but they'll be happy to eat potatoes, rice, or beans (pinto, kidney, etc. not green beans).
For many people "I don't eat vegetables" really means "I don't eat greens".
>one is a vegetarian
>another doesn't eat fruit or vegetables of any kind.
> Is there anything I can cook that can satisfy everyone?
By definition, no.
Tell the vegetarian and picky fucker to get over themselves and eat with everyone else or to find something else to eat. Especially the man child who seems to be under the impression that he can healthily survive off meat and grain alone.The lactose intolerant dude is the only person with a plausible excuse not to eat certain dishes.
Make everyone toast every day
Switch it up with different breads for variety
I'd just cook for myself fuck that shit
Too salty.
This sounds like some weird homework mission.